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Another T Bone Rta At Meadowhead Junction!


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I was involved in a nasty accident at this junction a couple of years ago, travelling as a passenger in a car which was heading from Bradway towards Meadowhead roundabout.  As we approached the junction at about 30mph, an oncoming vehicle, which was aiming to turn right into Greenhill Avenue, failed to give way at the "Give Way" line & hit us almost head-on.  We ended up on top of the traffic island at the top of Greenhill Avenue while the other (less substantial) vehicle was spun through 180 degrees & came to a halt about 30 feet back down the main road with all airbags activated.  A resident came out to help & she commented that this was the second such accident at that location within the last week.


The first comment made by the driver of the other vehicle was that the the accident was our fault because he had a green light therefore we'd gone through on red.  I explained to him that the traffic lights were nothing to do with the junction & instead related to the Pelican Crossing; to his credit, when he'd realised what he'd done, he then accepted full liability for the accident.


£12,000 of damage was caused to the vehicle in which I was travelling - both cars were written off.  I was lucky to escape with relatively light injuries (chest compression caused by the seat belt) but it could have been so much worse.

Edited by GleadlessLad
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4 minutes ago, DavidFrance said:

Ah, (he said with tongue in cheek) but we are going to get all that cash that Osborne promised PLUS Boris' levelling up money, aren't we?    Laugh Out Loud !


And as for fatalities, all of my pronouncements on road safety are underscored by having a 19 year old, the same age as me, die in my arms after his BSA Bantam hit a coal lorry in Scotland Street, a few yards from where I was walking the beat, one cold morning in 1962.   He was in a hurry, he was overtaking on a bend, the coal lorry door handle faced forward, his head hit it.  I then had to go with a Sergeant and tell his mother. These days they call it post traumatic stress syndrome. I've never got over it. 

A great deal of the money that comes from central government nowadays is focussed on schemes to aid public transport and active travel. Many of the funding announcements are a lot of “smoke and mirrors” with much of the money having being announced before. 


I sympathise with your experience, I’ve had very similar, coming across the scene of a high speed head-on collision between 2 cars. 1 died while I was giving them first aid, 2 others seriously injured. The one who died was driving exactly the same car as me and was in their 20’s. Car didn’t look damaged enough for it to be fatal. Brings home to you how fragile we are and the consequences of errors of judgement. 

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There does need to be a rethink of plonking traffic lights everywhere close to other junctions or hazards.

Drivers are getting confused at traffic lights because there are too many of them close together.

Where Shepcote Lane meets Europa Link roundabout, drivers set off too early reacting to the wrong set of traffic lights. 




Edited by Findlay
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....reacting to the wrong set of lights....


Yes, coming up Meadowhead the turning into Morrisons is immediately followed by lights on a crossing. If you are at the head of the line of traffic you cannot see "your" lights as they are above your head. When the crossing turns green it's so easy to set off......


Suggestions for improving the roundabout on the A61/Ring Road will usually begin with "I wouldn't start from here" . As in posts passim, we all recognise that it's a dogs breakfast, and the arrival of a 5,000 seat stadium will need some serious thought. We don't need planning to do the hokey cokey again.  I do like the green space that is the sports ground cricket field, but perhaps the only solution would be to lose it. Mind you, I wouldn't miss the cell block clubhouse. As ever - who is going to pay for it all? 


And why is it taking so long for the plans to bemade public? 

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11 minutes ago, Cyclecar said:

....reacting to the wrong set of lights....


Yes, coming up Meadowhead the turning into Morrisons is immediately followed by lights on a crossing. If you are at the head of the line of traffic you cannot see "your" lights as they are above your head. When the crossing turns green it's so easy to set off......

Yes you can see “your” lights when you sit at the stop line to turn right. There’s a secondary signal for that movement on the far side of the junction.


The signals on the crossing have louvres on the ambers and greens to prevent read-through.

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22 minutes ago, Cyclecar said:

....reacting to the wrong set of lights....


As ever - who is going to pay for it all? 


And why is it taking so long for the plans to bemade public? 

The people promoting the new stadium development will pay for whatever is needed.


If you read the press articles, they need to sell their current ground for housing to get the money for the new development. It remains to be seen whether they get planning consent for housing ( when / if they make an application).

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7 hours ago, DavidFrance said:

Yes, but as Planner 1 explains (and he should know) that would have quite a severe impact on traffic at the Meadowhead roundabout because of the short queuing space available. There at times at present when queues extend all the way back along towards Bradway because of queues built up waiting to enter the St James precinct. Planning permission for that was the cause of it ! It makes a mockery of calling it "a ring road".  There is rarely a moment during shopping hours when there is no congestion. But then Greenhill Avenue is no Ring Road either !

Basically the dual carriageways in that part of Sheffield are more about providing a relief road for when the M1 is shut than giving Sheffield people easier movement. If I was Regional Mayor I would be insisting on making a gyratory on the Transport Sports Field to do away with the Meadowhead roundabout and the Greenhill T junction...and extending the tram from Herdings to a Park and Ride in the  middle of it. And I would be dualling the Jordanthope Parkway !  But my name's not Jarvis. And he's opting out!

the problem with that idea, they are building a 5,000 seated stadim for football and music events, plus there will still be the transport ground area,plus they are building a museum to show case sheffield footballs heritage,plus a traing ground and pitchs,this will cause even more problems, dont you think? a survey for or against last stood at 40% for, 40% against and 20% not sure. so the idea is in limbo 

Edited by bassett one
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29 minutes ago, bassett one said:

the problem with that idea, they are building a 5,000 seated stadim for football and music events, plus there will still be the transport ground area,plus they are building a museum to show case sheffield footballs heritage,plus a traing ground and pitchs,this will cause even more problems, dont you think? a survey for or against last stood at 40% for, 40% against and 20% not sure. so the idea is in limbo 

Please replace "are" with "may".

Proposals exist but no application has, yet, been submitted.

Although, I do share your concerns of disruption if it does go ahead ... and my disgust at the design of the St James carpark.

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the inside info is scc want it,the lib/dems are doing a survey,but thats even on for or against,so theres also the issue of the ground is for 5,000 seats and the sign says for events,football ect,they are doing free food and free entry ect from the transport ground to sheffield fcs matchs,they are offering free football training,so it sounds like trying to gain local support,i am not bothered either way,as long as the parking ect,ect is sorted.

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19 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Easy to say, but less easy to find the substantial amount of money to do it.

that doesnt make sense, there is a double set of pedestrian crossing lights there, i am sure the computer that controls them can be adapted to turn them into proper traffic lights and as for adding 1 more set to the greenhill ave one could be done if the SCC council didnt waste so much money on pointless cycle lanes and  schemes??

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