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Doomsday Clock Has Been Set At 100 Seconds To Midnight .

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16 hours ago, trastrick said:

"Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday that at least one of those killed in the drone strike was an Islamic State “facilitator.”





"The US has admitted that a drone strike in Kabul days before its military pullout killed 10 innocent people.

"A US Central Command investigation found that an aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children, died in the 29 August strike.

The youngest child, Sumaya, was just two years old.

You wouldn't have heard about them at all under Trump, since he ditched the accountability, responsibility and reporting of them! :?


Irony? :hihi:


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15 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Do tell us more about "them".

Let's put it this way... Trump dropped more bombs in Somalia, in one term, than both Bush AND Obama did throughout their entire presidencies combined!


2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama's eight years in office:



Trumps airstrikes in Afghanistan increased civilian deaths by 330% since 2016:



As a result, according to the U.N, Afghans faced a greater danger of death from US bombs than from the Taliban! :?

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5 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Let's put it this way... Trump dropped more bombs in Somalia, in one term, than both Bush AND Obama did throughout their entire presidencies combined!


2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama's eight years in office:


Put it anyway that suits you, Lol


The World's balance of power was stable during the Trump Administration. The U.S, Military was supreme,


And the important bit, the body bag count of U.S. Servicemen and Women  declined under Trump.


There is always collateral damage to countries that house the terrorists, communists, Islamists.


War is a always a dangerous business.


What are the real human costs of abandoning ex allies like The Ukraine, Afghanistan, The Ukraine again, and Taiwan, to the terrorists, totalitarians, mad mullah Islamists and other human debris?

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Put it anyway that suits you, Lol


The World's balance of power was stable during the Trump Administration. The U.S, Military was supreme,

Compared to what? :loopy:


"A surrender of global leadership"


"While the U.S. is distracted, China is rewriting the rules of the global order."


1 hour ago, trastrick said:

And the important bit, the body bag count of U.S. Servicemen and Women  declined under Trump.

Cool, so how many Afghans is the average US citizen worth, in your view?


How many do you think you're worth?

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When faced with War, enough to ensure the safety of the people who elected me to protect them.


Of course, I'd be a little more moderate than Bill Clinton, who bombed more sovereign countries than any other President.


And maybe I'd think twice about dropping two Atom Bombs on innocent civilians, women and children in two major cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a previous Democrat Administration did.


Some collateral damage there, don't you think?  :) 


Take while to beat that civilian death toll.


But hey, Joe has only just started!   :)

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

When faced with War, enough to ensure the safety of the people who elected me to protect them.

So what's the number before those same people are so sickened, they decide to vote for the other guy? :?



Of course, I'd be a little more moderate than Bill Clinton, who bombed more sovereign countries than any other President.

Seems highly unlikely given previous conflicts.


Regardless, we're talking about number of bombs dropped  :?



And maybe I'd think twice about dropping two Atom Bombs on innocent civilians, women and children in two major cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a previous Democrat Administration did.


Some collateral damage there, don't you think?  :) 

Conveniently forgetting the Vietnam War under Nixon... who dropped triple the tonnage of bombs used by the US in all of WWII :?


So, let me get this right, to come up with anyone anything like as bad a Trump, you have to go back several decades at least...


...thanks for proving my point! :hihi:



Take while to beat that civilian death toll.


But hey, Joe has only just started!   :)

At the rate he's going he'll need way more than 4 years to come anywhere near Trump! :? :hihi:

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8 hours ago, ElliotM said:

Russia is stupid enough to Enter Ucraine! I know they can do this, nothing can stop them, Russia feels the blood smell and Russia wants war, as this country has not be in a war for a while. WAR WINTER VODKA

Biden is turning tail and running like hell from the the mad mullah's, communists, and  totalitarians.


Good thing too!


The very thought of this keystone cop circus, of Winken, Blinken and Nod, prosecuting any kind of military operation against the best in the business, gives me the willies.


Biden, Pelosi, Harris and Schiff.


Best let them spend their time worrying about Global Warming and investigating Trump, to keep them busy until the adults take over again!



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