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Sheffield Schools : Inconsistent (Unfair ? ) provision of swimming lessons.


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3 hours ago, The Joker said:


Six swimming lessons ?!




When I were a lad, me dad threw me in t’deep end of t’River Don and expected me to swim back t’shore.


I wouldn’t have minded, but we were staying  in Middlesbrough at the time.


Yes, that was a long swim home . . .



I was the same as you Joker but it was my brother who threw me in at the deep end at the Corporation street baths.

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5 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Parents/carers are always the ones responsible for their childrens' health, walfare, education and enrichment.

The ability of parents/carers to support their education and enrichment is rarely a matter of affordability.

Parents should not rely on a school for their childs safety and enjoyment of water(or any other activity) and should be responsible for teaching their children to swim. Schools can only do so much.


Councils may or may not have funding for 'swimming' at any age.

Local Education Authorities may or may not have control over the Budget or Curriculumn of a school.


Between the age of 6 and 11 schools (NOT "education authorities") must be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations." -National Curriculumn.

It is up to the school how that is delivered. As most schools will not have a pool or instructor, they will buy in lessons at a local pool and pay handsomely for it. The school must be satisfied that the provision meets the Ofsted criteria who will on occasion observe. Six hours in a pool during the whole of Primary school might satisfy the Government.

The school may have access to extra but ever decreasing Government funds allocated on the basis economic or social needs, but there will be enormous competition for these funds.


As parents/carers who care -become a Governor- become a member of the PTA- raise the issue-find funding.


Believe me no child would attain those goals with only 6 swimming lessons (or even 6 lessons a year every year from 6 to 11) unless they could basically do it all before.

Depending on how quickly they took to it, a non swimmer would need hours and hours and hours of instruction and water time if they were to try and do that without any out of school input.

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30 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Believe me no child would attain those goals with only 6 swimming lessons (or even 6 lessons a year every year from 6 to 11) unless they could basically do it all before.

Depending on how quickly they took to it, a non swimmer would need hours and hours and hours of instruction and water time if they were to try and do that without any out of school input.

"Swim England" clearly state that children are not expected to achieve a 25m standard solely through these 6 lessons.

Parents are advised to ensure longer periods of support to reach a minimum of 25m by the age of 11.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Well that is the English education system for you.

Targets and failing to meet them.

Privatization, staffing problem, pool closures, funding etc.


Even before Covid 25% of 11 year old cannot do 25m in the pool.

Parents should teach them then.


Basic mandatory education is one thing but do schools really have to be expected to teach every single basic life skill now.  In times of change, the demands on schools have hugely increased, the numbers of pupils have gone up, the special needs and other support requirement have changed, the necessary curriculum and skills required for the evolving workplace has changed...  Personally I think there should be far better things that's school resource be spent on than swimming.


Oh no, of course, silly me, that involves responsibility for one's own children. That simply won't do this day and age.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Well that is the English education system for you.

Targets and failing to meet them.

Privatization, staffing problem, pool closures, funding etc.


Even before Covid 25% of 11 year old cannot do 25m in the pool.

If that is true that is shameful for the parents 

Edited by hackey lad
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8 hours ago, steve68 said:



to me that's just someone bleating me me me.

so a larger percentage of funds might go to the  less well off families in the area, FoodBanks run the same way if you don't need it you don't get it.


The O/P has banged on about how strong a swimmer his lad is, one point nailed on for a place in our  GB squad bythe age of 14,  so the need for a post on only 6 lessons on learning to swim is bonkers.



And why shouldn't he bang on about his lad? 

He's obviously a proud Dad. Just like I like to tell people about my daughters sporting achievements. 

Nowt wrong with doing that. 

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

And why shouldn't he bang on about his lad? 

He's obviously a proud Dad. Just like I like to tell people about my daughters sporting achievements. 

Nowt wrong with doing that. 

its the outcry of unfairness, that's laughable, 6 lessons are there as a platform for children to have basic skills, 


Justin clearly has a child that far exceeds the need to be taught to swim, so demanding and calling it unfair is  just another 

example of someone who just wants his own way. 


what he's doing is clearly another tantrum,  must be a new banner due soon.


as he says himself, ( he finds it very difficult to accept people telling him what to do at the best of times, but its worse, far worse, when he knows they're talking carp. )

which seems 99% of the time.



now you know i like a gamble,


I don't really see that you'd be likely to raise school issues on a forum, rather than deal directly with the school on any issues,

or am I wrong?   are you telling me you'd rush on here first ? 


its one thing  to be a proud dad, but another to be that (one) the shouty one everyone knows on the sideline, the ones everyone pays lip service to,

so that they don't have to engage with.


 its simply  about stirring up here,  no real positive reactions to the outcome is likely to happen here,  other than

a few people might massage his ego.

Edited by steve68
edit just another car crash thread
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9 minutes ago, steve68 said:

its the outcry of unfairness, that's laughable, 6 lessons are there as a platform for children to have basic skills, 


Justin clearly has a child that far exceeds the need to be taught to swim, so demanding and calling it unfair is  just another 

example of someone who just wants his own way. 


what he's doing is clearly another tantrum,  must be a new banner due soon.


as he says himself, ( he finds it very difficult to accept people telling him what to do at the best of times, but its worse, far worse, when he knows they're talking carp. )

which seems 99% of the time.



now you know i like a gamble,


I don't really see that you'd be likely to raise school issues on a forum, rather than deal directly with the school on any issues,

or am I wrong?   are you telling me you'd rush on here first ? 


its one thing  to be a proud dad, but another to be that (one) the shouty one everyone knows on the sideline, the ones everyone pays lip service to,

so that they don't have to engage with.


 its simply  about stirring up here,  no real positive reactions to the outcome is likely to happen here,  other than

a few people might massage his ego.

Been there. Done that. Hell yes I've shouted my lungs out for my little girl. Mind you her chosen sport is rather physical so........ 

Look, tell me to mind my own business but you appear to have a grudge against Chekhov. Am I right? 

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7 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Been there. Done that. Hell yes I've shouted my lungs out for my little girl. Mind you her chosen sport is rather physical so........ 

Look, tell me to mind my own business but you appear to have a grudge against Chekhov. Am I right? 

It is a Forum you can ask away, shouting support out for your kid, is one thing, but would you face off with whoever was in charge the about their decision making a scene, are you arrogant enough to interfere some who is doing there job, sneaky often making expletive  comments online about them, would you download from a random young woman's  faceBook page just so you put it on this forum and call them pig ugly, even if you didn't actually know them in anyway?


or do you consider those to be positive attributes in a human being?


there are plenty of other examples,


I know you have laugh here are aren't serious with all your posts, but that's not the case with him,  his are generally designed with harmful intent, I challenge that, an example of that is in the Royal thread, when he says about 60y old males going with 15y old girls when he called it a bit creepy, and I'll comment to  him, that it's actually it's a crime Rape of Minor.  


If you want to throw out its a grudge, then I'm fine with that,  if I see something that is detrimental, to others  I will comment, same as if my views are polar to his.


I see nowt wrong with calling things out.

Edited by steve68
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