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The Decade The Rich Won.

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I watched it. It was interesting. I also watched the Blair-Brown documentary which was on last year. It's amazing how bad my memory is! 


In my mind there was already a link between 2008, the QE approach, and the impact on the wider economy, and the outcome of the Brexit referendum.


What I found astonishing is Philip Laws and George Osbourne defending the approach of austerity and cuts to public services. Presumably this documentary was commissioned and filmed during the pandemic. The cuts in public services have undoubtably affected our approach and outcomes during this period. 

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1 hour ago, S35_2o21 said:

What I found astonishing is Philip Laws and George Osbourne defending the approach of austerity and cuts to public services. Presumably this documentary was commissioned and filmed during the pandemic. The cuts in public services have undoubtably affected our approach and outcomes during this period. 

And are we in even more debt now?

The approach will be similar.

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13 hours ago, gamezone07 said:

You think the BBC is biased to the left!


on social issues, maybe, on the economy, no.

I was watching an episode of the BBC's 'Newswatch' programme a couple of weeks ago featuring an editor from 'Newsnight'. 


He said that between 1997 to 2010, the programme was regularly accused of right-wing bias by Labour backroom staffers & consequently, since mid 2010,  the programme has received regular accusations of left-wing bias. 

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13 hours ago, Anna B said:

I know that. It's made clear in the documentary. Nick Clegg has a lot to say. The Lib Dems were the brake in the coalition. after the 2015 election the brakes came off and Austerity went into overdrive.   

Austerity was planned for ten years minimum, no matter who was in power. Even Labour thought so:



Alistair Darling admitted tonight that Labour's planned cuts in public spending will be "deeper and tougher" than Margaret Thatcher's in the 1980s, as the country's leading experts on tax and spending warned that Britain faces "two parliaments of pain" to repair the black hole in the state's finances.



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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

Austerity was planned for ten years minimum, no matter who was in power. Even Labour thought so:




From the programme, the implication seemed to be that Alistair Darling was going to do the 'short, sharp version' of the cuts, rather than the long-term option along with effective tax cuts which the Tories opted for. Just my understanding, and obviously it never happened..

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2 hours ago, S35_2o21 said:

From the programme, the implication seemed to be that Alistair Darling was going to do the 'short, sharp version' of the cuts, rather than the long-term option along with effective tax cuts which the Tories opted for. Just my understanding, and obviously it never happened..

I dont think they knew before the 2010 election how long it would take to repay the debt. The cuts caused the economy to shrink.  Labours cuts were slightly less than the Tories cuts.


Edit - This is their manifesto, no mention of the debt.

"halving the deficit by 2014 through growth"

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17 hours ago, Anna B said:

This shows the whole sorry saga going back to the 2008 banking crash, when our current troubles went into overdrive, and the people who tried to raise awareness at the time were trashed.  


That's important because people have very short memories. In fact some of the current voters were about 4yrs old at the time.. The young people need to know why their prospects have gone downhill so  rapidly, along with the rise of homelessness, food banks, and need for the bank of mum and dad if they have one, to make ends meet. Make no mistake they're coming for your money next.


What makes you think it's 'same low brow media' when you haven't even seen it. Does it not match your entrenched world view? 

Challenge your preconceptions and watch it. It might change your mind. At least we might have the content to discuss and you can point out where what I've been saying for yonks is wrong.


What are you afraid of?



it was actually very balanced, gave the odious Osborne plenty of space for his reasons why he basically took a torch to social security and decimated the lives of very vunerable people, many now longer with us as a consequence.

Edited by gamezone07
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7 hours ago, catmiss said:

Jack Monroe’s estimate of the real cost of living rise for low income families being far higher than the figure quoted has been accepted by the ONS who are now going to extend the range of their average ‘shopping basket’ as a result

I am glad my campaign had an effect  :)

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8 hours ago, catmiss said:

Jack Monroe’s estimate of the real cost of living rise for low income families being far higher than the figure quoted has been accepted by the ONS who are now going to extend the range of their average ‘shopping basket’ as a result

Yes, it's such good news! We might finally understand more about the 'real' cost of living, as opposed to a figure which bears little relation to reality.

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