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The Decade The Rich Won.

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15 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Rich people are more likely to have homes in more than one country. If we tried to tax them too much, they would move their assets abroad.

Tax the big companies more, like Morrisons or Vodaphone, their prices will increase. Tax them less and we can increase the minimum wage, its a ballance. I believe the Johnson Government would be worse than the Cameron Government.

Hopefully, Johnson will be history soon.

With the exception of the last line I agree with that. There does have to be a balance and it is a very difficult position to judge. It is something that takes some great skill and cooperation from all sides to achieve. That goes well beyond the simplistic, meaningless and far too often used soundbites like "tax the rich" or "blame the bankers" or "people before profit"  bandied about by point scoring politicians and moronic protest groups.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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26 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

What makes you so certain the programme has any information which people don't already know.


Rich people = bad. Corporations = evil. ....Heard it all before Anna.


Pound to a penny it's was same hysterical talking heads, opinions and over dramatised guff that's been talked about, documented and reported on many times before.


Businesses making obscene profits. Human beings looking after number one and getting one over their rivals.  Rich people v poor people.......    Circumstances that existed from year dot.  Shock horror. I chose not to watch either.   This is not a new subject that I feel needed to be regurgitated about.


Emotive television with a nicely timed scheduling just as the supposedly evil Tories and controversial leader are facing attack.

You think the BBC is biased to the left!


on social issues, maybe, on the economy, no.

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1 minute ago, gamezone07 said:

You think the BBC is biased to the left!


on social issues, maybe, on the economy, no.

Not necessarily. I do query the convenient time to broadcast such a program.   However I don't think the BBC is biased one way or another.


They are a broadcaster and like all media organisations they only care about what is best for their business. They put out what they know  is best to attract viewers or listeners.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

People voted and they got a coalision Government, a Tory Government on its own would have been worse.

That is what we have now, people voted to give Johnson a massive majority.

Most of this 'rich getting richer' is a very small minority, I had shares in RBS, ordinary shareholders lost out. It took 5 years for the stock market to recover, so it wasnt all rosey.

Its QE that helped the rich, Labour would have used QE too, but there are other ways to help the poor.

We all want the stock market to do well, for our pensions and investments.


I know that. It's made clear in the documentary. Nick Clegg has a lot to say. The Lib Dems were the brake in the coalition. after the 2015 election the brakes came off and Austerity went into overdrive.   


However it's also made clear that the number who got super rich might be relatively small, but the amount they got rich, was out of all proportion to their number, and was so much it swayed the economy in an upward direction to their advantage, but to everyon else's disadvantage. But the Tories could claim (falsely) that the economy was doing well, when it wasn't for the majority.


Interest rates remained low remember, and very little of the money trickled down the economy in taxes, evidenced in the information leaked in the Panama papers. And we've only got as far as the Referendum.



Edited by Anna B
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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

As usual, the Tories on here pontificate, without even watching the programme.

Believe me,  if you are not super wealthy,  you really really should 

People voted in May and Johnson, all this has been said before.

What makes you think people will wake up now? Same low brow media, maybe even worse.

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14 minutes ago, El Cid said:

People voted in May and Johnson, all this has been said before.

What makes you think people will wake up now? Same low brow media, maybe even worse.

This shows the whole sorry saga going back to the 2008 banking crash, when our current troubles went into overdrive, and the people who tried to raise awareness at the time were trashed.  


That's important because people have very short memories. In fact some of the current voters were about 4yrs old at the time.. The young people need to know why their prospects have gone downhill so  rapidly, along with the rise of homelessness, food banks, and need for the bank of mum and dad if they have one, to make ends meet. Make no mistake they're coming for your money next.


What makes you think it's 'same low brow media' when you haven't even seen it. Does it not match your entrenched world view? 

Challenge your preconceptions and watch it. It might change your mind. At least we might have the content to discuss and you can point out where what I've been saying for yonks is wrong.


What are you afraid of?

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

If you want to know why we're in the mess we're in now, I suggest you watch this programme on now, or watch it on iplayer.


'THE  DECADE  THE RICH  WON.'    BBC2   9'0pm Tuesday 25th January 2022


There's no excuse for not knowing this stuff anymore.

Is this about the 1980's?

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29 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Is this about the 1980's?

No it begins with the Economic crash in 2008, and what's happened since.


However I and many economists believe the Economic crash was caused by free-market economics, introduced by Thatcher and Regan in the 1980's which deregulated the banks, sold off Britain's utilities, and started a chain reaction which resulted in the globalisation that is with us today.


This 'winner takes all' mindset has given rise to the few mega corporations who effectively have more wealth than entire countries, and the banks which take unconscienable risks with our money, because 'they can't be allowed to fail. ' They are therefore bailed out for their losses, as in the 2008 crash, but get to keep the winnings for themselves. And the hugely vast amounts in the hands of the very very few are untaxed because of the preponderence of tax evasion and avoidance as evidenced in the Panama papers, which still continues. 

Edited by Anna B
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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

What makes you think it's 'same low brow media' when you haven't even seen it. Does it not match your entrenched world view? 

Challenge your preconceptions and watch it. It might change your mind. At least we might have the content to discuss and you can point out where what I've been saying for yonks is wrong.

I have watched it, but the 'facts' or nothing new to me. I was refering to the low brow media that educate people now, like what happened with Brixit.

People are STILL voting Tory, nothing will change unless the voters back Labour. In 2010 the vote was split and it enabled the Tories to carry on.



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