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Police State Britain

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I note that the City of London's private police force aka Metropolitan Police just HAD to stick its nose into our supposed ''democracy'' (democracy in the words of Rowan Atkinson's brother meaning ''elect your own dictator'') . . . Yes we have to have a system but one that is clearly defined and flexible . . . Moral low lifes such as BoJo and milk snatcher (who was quite properly sacked for bankrupting the country) need to be identified in their corruption . . . My family was relevant from the 19th century in the then richest city in the country, my father being editor and publisher of Sheffield's daily business paper in the late 40s and early 50s . . . I do not desire that all we have worked for to be hi-jacked by a bunch of bullsh---rs masquerading as guardians of our truth . . . As my mother used to say - Those that got them in will get them out . . . QED (anytime) . . . 

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

No, he has a point.

Things are going very wrong for the majority who do nothing but work and pay their taxes.

Our democracy is a very blunt instrument, which does not fulfill the wishes of the majority.

Certainly Starmer did not want to fulfil the wishes of the majority.

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The problem there is we are not in a police state. If you are talking about the Met in london and the way in which they got involved in the so called partygate then blame that on those who wanted them to get involved in the first place such as the anti Boris press and also the anti Conservatives. They are the ones that demanded the police get involved and also demanded an enquiry. They will do anything to get at Boris.


As for Thatcher and stopping free school milk.. That was a Labour policy under the Wilson leadership to cut free school milk to all secondary schools. That policy continued on under the Conservative Heath leadership and it was actually Heath that made Thatcher call for the withdrawal of free milk as she was Education Secretary at the time.


Now getting back to the original point. The one big spend that many countries have made around the world is on how it equips its own internal security services, be it police, home guard, etc. They all have very modern equipment, anti stab vests, tasers, riot shields, body armour etc to protect them against any civil disobedience or uprising. It seems governments everywhere are scared that their own civilians may one day be anarchic and start to rebel against their own governments.

Edited by Dromedary
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There's no 'someday' about it. When Democracy fails, civil disobedience is often the last resort. 

That's why governments are clamping down on our freedoms to protest. 

That is not the answer. They need to listen to what people want. It's not usually an outrageous request, but things like not waging war on innocent people, and a bit more fairness for all.

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1 hour ago, Dromedary said:

The one big spend that many countries have made around the world is on how it equips its own internal security services, be it police, home guard, etc. They all have very modern equipment, anti stab vests, tasers, riot shields, body armour etc to protect them against any civil disobedience or uprising. It seems governments everywhere are scared that their own civilians may one day be anarchic and start to rebel against their own governments.

Did you really mean to say governments ?      Don't you mean dictators ?

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