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0 % Guinness.

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After the recall last year, it looks like 0 % Guinness is back on the shelves.

Ok - its Sunday, but i'm not here to preach (Honest :blush: ).

Being a total abstainer (apart from the occasional 0 % lager in't hot weather),

when they announced the introduction of an alcohol free Guinness I was looking forward to treating myself at Christmas.

I had to settle for a bottle of 0 % Eisberg  Merlot (Tesco's £3 a bottle) to see the new year in,

The Merlot was pretty good actually and tasted (as far as I could remember) like a good Merlot should.

Right the 0 % Guinness,

Allowing for the at lest 16 years since I had one, it was pretty good :thumbsup: .

Its got a widget so it has that Guinness head to it & yes it does taste like the Guinness I remember.

Watching the liquid cloud reform itself in the glass to leave that trade mark Guinness head was pleasant and something I hadn't seen for a long time.


So there you go, as a 0% drink it gets my vote.


Keep safe out there, and drink responsibly  8) .


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54 minutes ago, alarmingmark said:

Tried it before Christmas …..was so..so had a weird aftertaste and a bit malty …..but then it is hard to get a decent pint of Guinness.

55 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Alcohol free drinks?? 

I'm not even sure that's legal and if it is it shouldn't be!!! 

I thought the taste was good and the 'stout' taste much as I remember it.

I hate to use the words 'slightly watery' but my memories is of a slightly thicker liquid.

Watery is probably a little too strong a word for an enjoyable product. 


DADDY my old mate 🧐 .

a Alcohol free, way of life,

has to be better than, 

a way of life dependant on Alcohol :thumbsup: .


& there's me not going to preach 🤣 .


Keep safe and drink responsibly 8)



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3 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:


DADDY my old mate 🧐 .

a Alcohol free, way of life,

has to be better than, 

a way of life dependant on Alcohol :thumbsup: .


& there's me not going to preach 🤣 .


Keep safe and drink responsibly 8)



Of course you are bang on there Rockers. Alcohol dependancy isn't fun but I reckon I got those demons just about beaten. These days I stay away even from non alcohol beers, stouts and wines. I'm sure they are good but I don't want the temptation so I stick to coffee, water and juices. 

#LivingTheHighLife 😁

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1 hour ago, Fiat500 said:

Gave a visitor today Guinness 0% cos he was driving. He was impressed and said he couldn't tell difference. We regularly have 0% Leffe Blond. Much better than Becks Blue. 

The worst of all alcohol free lagers. I don't mind a Heineken 0.0 or an Erdinger. Irritates me when places only offer becks blue, when there are so many better options.

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6 minutes ago, Rollypolly said:

Love 0% Guinness. I managed to find 2 packs at Christmas and I limit myself to 1 can a week. I'll keep a look out for it Rockers 

I couldn't find it anywhere before Christmas, I think it was only Morrisons and Waitrose stocking it.

Some problem at manufacturing had it recalled.

It was only a couple of days ago I found it on the shelf at Tesco's.

Well worth the wait.

For us non partakers the selection of 0 % drinks is getting of a better quality all the time.

The Eisberg Merlot (Tesco's) mentioned is really nice, always preferred red to white wine.

Going to have a go at using the 0 %  Guinness while braising some steak.

Probably have a go at using the Merlot in a Pheasant stew.

Ooop's hope I haven't upset any non meat eaters 🙃 . 


Keep safe out there 8) .

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