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Joe Rogan Vs Cancel Culture

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The big problem lies with the consumers of the many and varied bloggers,influencers which are widely available on the internet.

Most people can sift through what’s available and pick out what seems reasonable whilst a few choose to latch on to the sensational .

Lets face it,much of it is created by those who see an opportunity to get some sort of reputation that can be monetised which is my conclusion with Joe Rogan.

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58 minutes ago, sibon said:

Not at all. But if someone is passing off information as being factual, it should be correct.


Spreading lies and misinformation is not acceptable. Major publishers of information have a responsibilityto ensure that they are not part of that.

Regrettably, they are. Both of them are liars. Both of them have spread misinformation about COVID.


You seem drawn to these sort of characters. Did you ever wonder why?

I am sure many people on this forum get their facts wrong. I dont think the site can afford to employ fact checkers.

Should it be shut down?

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7 minutes ago, El Cid said:

I am sure many people on this forum get their facts wrong. I dont think the site can afford to employ fact checkers.

Should it be shut down?

Well ,one thread relating to a subject that remains at the forefront of the news has been apparently.

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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

The big problem lies with the consumers of the many and varied bloggers,influencers which are widely available on the internet.

Most people can sift through what’s available and pick out what seems reasonable whilst a few choose to latch on to the sensational .

Lets face it,much of it is created by those who see an opportunity to get some sort of reputation that can be monetised which is my conclusion with Joe Rogan.

Rogan's podcasts are just people sitting around chatting ****


Thats what podcasts are about and many people are turning to them to get alternative opinions


People just dont trust the media anymore......i wonder why




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Another few days and the US will hit 900,000 covid deaths 

That's an undercount too if the University of Washington is correct and the various deceits that the likes of Florida have engaged in.


3700 plus registered deaths on Sat ,I think it was and the 7 day average now up at 2500 .

147,000 currently hospitalised  heavily disproportionately the unvaccinated.

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28 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Rogan's podcasts are just people sitting around chatting ****


Thats what podcasts are about and many people are turning to them to get alternative opinions


People just dont trust the media anymore......i wonder why




What I don’t get is why some seem to trust or believe the fringe media more than the so called MSM.

There is news and there are opinions.

The two get very blurred at times.

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Why are 99% of  Covid deniers, anti maskers and anti hand sanitiser geezers always posting links to American 'experts'?

99% of Covid denying sources come from American threads on Youtube, Bitchute and Telegram etc.

David Icke. Richie Allen. Looza Fox and numerous other 'celebrity' Brits are all at it. Thankfully, my main antagonist has been sacked from LBC. Good riddance. Why are a handful of renegade doctors idolised and promoted by Covid deniers?  Do the other tens of thousands of proper epidemiologists, Tropical medicine experts,  Virologists etc not really exist? Have they studied a combined thousand years to no avail?

Have they all been studying the wrong things? Have these renegade Yanks (and Brit parasites) all got it right? What research have they seen (in the parasites case, none) that the other tens of thousands of experts haven't? I've sent Looza Fox a Postage Stamp so that he can write on the back what he knows about Covid, Vaccinations, Mask Wearing, Hand Sanitiser, Epidemiology and Viruses. 99% of these renegades, including our very own qualified Doctor, Steven James, are selling or promoting things to make money out of Covidiots. James is selling a 'How to breathe properly' course! 🤣 and idiots are buying it.  Vernon and most of the other deniers are making a mint getting idiots to click on their sites on Youtube etc. The Covidiots have the gall to bawl at me ........ WAKE UP ........ DO YOUR RESEARCH.

I don't have to mate. Thousands of experts worldwide have spent 10, 15, 20 and more years, studying these types of things, in proper Laboratories. They all say that Covid is real. Covid kills. Masks help. Sanitiser is very important. A few Loonies (sadly millions) in America and their Parasitic followers over here, however, know better.


I enjoyed Rogan's video. He comes over as a nice chap. It's not his fault that some guests are deniers and promote resistance. I suppose most of his guests are decent, caring, unselfish people and try to keep themselves, their families and everyone else as safe as possible.

If, however, Rogan himself is a denier (from that clip, he isn't) then he deserves the wrath of all who are trying to look after each other and are trying to eradicate this thing. IF it can be done.


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