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Joe Rogan Vs Cancel Culture

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27 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Because they get ALL of their views  news from US right wingers

Dat's what I said Mel. I think.



They say to me 'I have my beliefs and you have yours'.

I say, no. You have American idiots beliefs and I have qualified experts beliefs.

I know nothing about Covid, Viruses, Epidemics or Vaccines.

Neither do 100% of anti vaxxers and Covid deniers.

They know as much as Lozza Fox but they spout nonsense and defend tripe as if they know everything that's to know about diseases, masks, vaccines, epidemics and 'Big Pharma'.

I'll send them all a stamp if they want one.

None of 'em could fill it.

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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Just now, Hotmale 1954 said:

Dat's what I said Mel. I think.


Love trump, hate demoncrats / labour, deny covid, deny the holocaust, deny climate change, hate muslims, there is a certain pattern they follow, and we have our very own that follow most if not all on this very forum

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21 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Love trump, hate demoncrats / labour, deny covid, deny the holocaust, deny climate change, hate muslims, there is a certain pattern they follow, and we have our very own that follow most if not all on this very forum

Yep. I've noticed. You forgot the 'George Floyd isn't dead' bit. It was BLM  actors apparently.

I've read American Twitter tripe. Lozza Fox tripe. Richie Allen tripe. David Icke tripe and it dunt matter if they come from Boston, Lincolnshire, Boston Massa'ts, Rovrum, or New York, they all use the same words. The same phrases. The same bent sources.

I can feel the Bill Gates Microchip passing through my bloodstream as I type.

The Big Reset. New World Order. World Domination.

All American crap. No doubt, all have been made in to films.

Yanks believe films.

And they believe in (and most have seen 'evidence' of


Haunted houses.

Alien Abduction.

Rigged Elections.

Area 51.


Big Foot..... and loads of other complete hogwash.


If Lockerbie had happened in the US, it would have been the Government that did it.

The London bus bombings? ....... The Mayor of London did that.

Parliament Bridge murders. ... The London Mayor has blood on his hands.


All the bad happening that have occurred in Britain have been just that. Atrocities carried out by Terrorists and/or idiots.

We know that and we accept it. Not one Conspiracy Theory on any of them. (None of any substance anyhow).


When Princess Diana died, it wasn't an accident. It was  'at the instructions of the Royal Family'.

That's the only Conspiracy Theory I can remember being put forward.

I'll bet a million pounds a Yank started that theory.

They're 99% nuts, the lot of 'em.

The Trump supporting Brits are even worse. Why should a Brit support Trump?

Self confessed sex offender. Liar. Antagonist. amongst many other faults.

He dunt like Communists (Liberals, Socialists) or foreigners, so our Brit Parasites cling on to him for dear life. 

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1 minute ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

they all use the same words. The same phrases. The same bent sources.


yup, like Woke, Cancel Culture etc, they like simple phrases that people can latch onto and fit into everyday language to spread around and infect more people

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4 minutes ago, melthebell said:

yup, like Woke, Cancel Culture etc, they like simple phrases that people can latch onto and fit into everyday language to spread around and infect more people

Yeah, spot on. Here's a couple of Trumpster phrases. They're easy to read, they're only 3 words.


Lock her up, Lock her up.


Stop the steal, stop the steal.


What galls me is Brits gathering in Trafalgar Square flying USA flags, Trump flags, QAnon Flags and chanting stupid f****** American slogans!

Vomit, vomit, vomit.


I'll tell ya what kid. I'd love all the deniers to bog off to America. What a relief that'd be.


Unfortunately, they'd all vote for The Orange Man. That's bad for Democrats. Bad for people who don't like guns. Bad for any foreigner.

Bad for anyone who isn't a Fascist. Bad for the poor. Bad for the (laughable ) Health Service. Maybe with the number of guns swilling around, there's a chance that a lot of 'em could fall victim to a 'stray bullet'.


I wonder how many of the Trumpsters on here could afford hundreds of Dollars to remove a bullet. Or $15k for a new hip (of which, to help them, .... we have two of) So that's two time 15 equals ... err ......err....err.. £20 thousand Dollars!)

I reckon very very few could afford to be ill, or to be treated in America.

Ah well, that's what they're trying to get England to be like, voting Right Wingers in all the time, so they get what they deserve.

And don't start me on Dentistry.



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Do you know why Astra Zeneca got such bad Press?

I'll tell you why.

AS were supplying it at cost, Worldwide.

Conservatives and Republicans weren't keen on such affordable, Socialist standards, so when they discovered that some poor soul had suffered a blood clot directly attached to the AZ jab, they magnified it a few hundred times and sent their anti AS crap around the World in seconds.

This frightened Governments and the Public alike.

Trumpsters  flooded the 'net with tales of legs and arms falling off, and consequently, countries who could 'maybe' afford AS shied off from ordering it. This cost many, many, lives.

But it was alright, cos Pfizer and Moderna then had most of the Market  to themselves and charged anything between £15 and £40 a shot.

This strategy cost thousands, if not millions of lives, but made Moderna and Pfizer, billions.

So that made it all alright then.

Money and profits before people.

Very much like our Government.

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:

yup, like Woke, Cancel Culture etc, they like simple phrases that people can latch onto and fit into everyday language to spread around and infect more people

We really should be giving clear and concise definitions to terms such as these.


My understanding is that Cancel Culture is the tendency for agenda driven political types, to (seek to) close down any narrative that they deem offensive or contrary to the narrative that they themselves espouse.


I definitely think that happens. In fact I think it's pretty rife these days; people are not so concerned with getting to the truth, as they are pushing their own world view on to everyone else.


Not sure what woke means; anyone care to attempt a definition?

Edited by Waldo
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17 minutes ago, Waldo said:

We really should be giving clear and concise definitions to terms such as these.


My understanding is that Cancel Culture is the tendency for agenda driven political types, to (seek to) close down any narrative that they deem offensive or contrary to the narrative that they themselves espouse.


I definitely think that happens. In fact I think it's pretty rife these days; people are not so concerned with getting to the truth, as they are pushing their own world view on to everyone else.


Not sure what woke means; anyone care to attempt a definition?

well the dictionary definition seems fair to me







past of wake.


alert to injustice in society, especially racism.

"we need to stay angry, and stay woke"



But im not 100% thats why people generally bandy it around as an insult.


an article about what it means from last year


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