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Joe Rogan Vs Cancel Culture

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13 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Ben Shapiro is a smart guy. I don't agree with him on the jab but I like his style and love the way he never gets flustered. 

 Ben is a good example of someone agenda driven who is a great orator and highly skilful debater.


To my mind ‘winning’ an argument because you’re skilful at the art of debate and use of linguistic trickery, is worlds away from winning an argument because you’re right.

Edited by Waldo
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10 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

An example used on this Forum yesterday of the use of "woke" is:

"Football Focus was on today but i havent watched it since it went woke and now has a woman presenting it(sic)".

Apparently because as they "... prefer men taslking about football(sic)" the decision to have a former professional footballer with 140 England caps makes the programme 'woke'.


Is this a good or a bad example of 'woke'?

Did they mean it’s woke because it has a female presenter, or, it’s woke, and coincidentally it has a female presenter now?


Not sure if that’s a good or bad example.


Perhaps they mean it’s woke because of the reasons why a female presenter was hired (if on the basis of talent, experience, fitness for the job, not woke; if on the basis of her gender, woke).

I think if the powers that be felt they had to tick some kind of proportional representation boxes, making them employ people on the basis of gender, race, religion, etc; then that’s something I consider a bit BS, though not sure it’s ‘woke’ or not, it could be I guess (it’s perhaps too vague a term to be useful, though I’ve used it myself in the past, I’m not sure how accurately it conveyed my meaning).


Anyhow, funny how you never seem to get anyone making a fuss over the fact of women being underrepresented in trades such as coal mining or bricklaying.


Reason why I take some small issue with that kind of thing, is that it goes against the notion of a person being precious for no other reason than they’re an individual human being.


A white person is just as precious as a black, brown or yellow one; a man just as precious as a woman, a religious or non religious person, a rich one, a poor one, all the same inside. If one considers all people innately precious and equal, why go to the trouble of emphasising division?

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9 hours ago, Waldo said:

One problem is they (official gov narrative backed up by selected health professionals) aren’t interested in furnishing you with the truth, they don’t want you making an informed decision on what’s best for you given your circumstances.


They just want your unquestioning obedience. 

in this conspiracy how did they get every country in the world to be obedient to them?

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11 hours ago, sibon said:

What are Joe Rogan's qualifications, exactly?


What makes him an authority on Covid?

No idea. The thing is he talks to the people with the qualifications. He doesn't force his views down people's throats. He's never professed to be an expert or an authority. People should have all the relevant information and make up their own minds.

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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

No idea. The thing is he talks to the people with the qualifications. He doesn't force his views down people's throats. He's never professed to be an expert or an authority. People should have all the relevant information and make up their own minds.

I think the majority of the people who want him removed have never listened to his podcasts


They think hes right wing because hes interviewed people on the right when in fact hes a liberal


But being a liberal isnt enough anymore....you have to be hard left and follow a strict approved indoctrination or youre the enemy

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40 minutes ago, melthebell said:

in this conspiracy how did they get every country in the world to be obedient to them?

Not sure which conspiracy you refer to.


I imagine quite a few people are happy to be told what to do, without any examination of evidence or application of their own judgement on the basis of that evidence. Silly sausages!

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15 minutes ago, Anna B said:

No idea. The thing is he talks to the people with the qualifications. He doesn't force his views down people's throats. He's never professed to be an expert or an authority. People should have all the relevant information and make up their own minds.

your first 2 words say it all, you are happy to believe the crap he spouts but you have no idea who he is, why hes doing it, and what knowledge and expertise on the matter he has.

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