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Joe Rogan Vs Cancel Culture

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

your first 2 words say it all, you are happy to believe the crap he spouts but you have no idea who he is, why hes doing it, and what knowledge and expertise on the matter he has.

Same could be said for anyone airing their views!

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1 minute ago, Waldo said:

Same could be said for anyone airing their views!

not really, ive done a bit of googling on the expertise of some of the "experts" ive read and watched, and checked that they are experts in their field and that they work and attended the places they were supposed to have

3 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Same could be said for anyone airing their views!

Also i dont admit to having no idea on somebody but still happy clapping stuff they say

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9 minutes ago, melthebell said:

not really, ive done a bit of googling on the expertise of some of the "experts" ive read and watched, and checked that they are experts in their field and that they work and attended the places they were supposed to have

Also, you have to factor in, just because someone is considered an expert on a topic, doesn’t preclude them from having all kinds of bias and prejudices or agendas. In fact, it’s quite possible, the more experience a person has (which is what makes them an ‘expert’), the more set in their ways they are.


There are also different degrees of expertise.


My preference is to view the evidence for myself, evaluate the quality of that evidence (statistics can be very deceptive, either by intent or accident) and decide for myself what the most appropriate course of action is.

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I'm saddened and amazed at the number of people who look to the USA to find Covid, Political and other subject information so embraced by deniers and Right Wingers.

If they looked closer to home, or towards Europe, then I think their outlook on life would change favourably over time. By that, I don't mean German Trumpsters, or Danish Trumpsters, I mean 99% (or is it more like 85%?) of people who believe what they see and hear from experts. If you avoid these American sites (and British Trumpsters) you'll find 99% (or is that 85%?) of people, don't believe in Alien Abductions, Elecection Fraud and Covid scepticism. The very few idiots have prolonged the Pandemic, backed up Trump, supported Johnson's horrendous leadership and are even now, lying to Northerners to get them to vote against their best interest. Money for Sheffield, Johnson? Shove it up your Anita.

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11 hours ago, butlers said:

Mmm not sure he was at ease with the Andrew Neil interview..oh dear ,oh dear

Nobody was comfortable in an Andrew Neil interview, that's why l liked him and what made him excellent at his job. Boris avoided him altogether, first PM candidate to do so...


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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

No idea. The thing is he talks to the people with the qualifications. He doesn't force his views down people's throats. He's never professed to be an expert or an authority. People should have all the relevant information and make up their own minds.

There seems to be an assumption that he, Joe Rogan, is in charge of the show.

He must be a very good and professional broadcaster after all he is paid $100,000 per episode and the contract with Spotify is worth  $100 million and has been in the entertainment business for years.


The end product is dollars. Everything is done to create more dollars.

Everything is about 'market share' and keeping the competitors at bay, so keeping  the investors happy.

It is entertainment-it is a show and they research their target audience and give them what they want -this show is designed to attract and keep a significant number of Conspiracy Theorists who are willing to pay for the huge paypackets, fees and production costs.




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41 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

There seems to be an assumption that he, Joe Rogan, is in charge of the show.

He must be a very good and professional broadcaster after all he is paid $100,000 per episode and the contract with Spotify is worth  $100 million and has been in the entertainment business for years.


The end product is dollars. Everything is done to create more dollars.

Everything is about 'market share' and keeping the competitors at bay, so keeping  the investors happy.

It is entertainment-it is a show and they research their target audience and give them what they want -this show is designed to attract and keep a significant number of Conspiracy Theorists who are willing to pay for the huge paypackets, fees and production costs.




He gets more than 11 million views per episode


Thats more than any other news network in the USA, Europe and the UK



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48 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Here you go...



Ooh, nice vid; thanks for posting.


Defo not a fan Ben Shapiro. Have to admire his skill at the debate game though; lots of flaws in his rationale, but if you speak fast and shotgun your opponent with multiple points, and give them no time to consider and examine your assertions and reasoning for flaws, it looks like you ‘win’ the argument. Genius!



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