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Inconsistency (Hypocrisy ? ) over reducing 'pressure on the nhs'

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Bearing in mind the SNP are in favour of vaccine passports "to reduce the burden on the NHS", and obesity / type 2 diabetes puts far more pressure on the NHS, I find them ludicrously hypocritical :


Boris Johnson has been accused of "body shaming" SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford after making a "cake" jibe to him.
In an exchange during Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday, Mr Johnson appeared to allude to Mr Blackford’s weight after he criticised the PM's leadership and urged him to resign.
The prime minister has been under intense pressure over alleged Covid rule-breaking Downing Street parties, one of which - revealed by ITV News - is said to have been a surprise birthday party for Mr Johnson during which wife Carrie presented him with a cake.
While urging Mr Johnson "to go", Mr Blackford said: “Every moment that the prime minister lingers, every nick in this death by a thousand cuts, is sucking attention from the real issues facing the public.
"Tory cuts, Brexit, and the soaring cost of living have pushed millions of families into poverty. The impending National Insurance tax hike hangs like a guillotine while they eat cake.”
In response, Mr Johnson laughed: “Well Mr Speaker, I don’t know who has been eating more cake.”
Mr Johnson was met with cheers and laughter from some in the Commons, but the SNP and eating disorder charity Beat have slammed his remark.
Kirsten Oswald, Mr Blackford’s deputy leader at Westminster, said: “Boris Johnson has proven, yet again, that he is completely unfit for office.
“Whether it’s his body shaming jokes... or his wider misconduct in public office, Mr Johnson is giving people another telling insight into his odious character.
“The prime minister’s frequently offensive remarks will have a damaging impact on many young people and need to be called out.
“He is sending an appalling message to society, that the most powerful person in the UK government thinks it’s okay to mock people because of their bodies."



I would also add, get a bleedin' sense of humour...

Edited by Chekhov
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Apologies for it being the DM, but there's some good points in it - especially the misuse of A&E.



One patient even went to A&E because they had run out of Calpol.



Placing a GP and a nurse outside A&E to redirect patients could save NHS millions and alleviate pressure on hospitals, study shows


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