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Kier Starmer & Jimmy Saville

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7 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Starmer was the head of the DPP dopey

Why stop there?


I say we find out which Evil Tory was prime minister at the time Sir Jimmy Saville was knighted and investigate them.

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1 minute ago, The Joker said:

Why stop there?


I say we find out which Evil Tory was prime minister at the time Sir Jimmy Saville was knighted and investigate them.


If brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your hat off.  They didn't know about the crimes, Starmer was responsible for giving the police permission to charge him. He helped Saville continue. He should resign his position. It was a catastrophic error of judgement. 

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5 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


If brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your hat off.  They didn't know about the crimes, Starmer was responsible for giving the police permission to charge him. He helped Saville continue. He should resign his position. It was a catastrophic error of judgement. 

You mean Maggie Thatcher didn’t know about Sir Jimmy Savile’s offences against children?


Just like she didn’t know about Sir Cyril Smith’s offences against children?


I think we need another full and frank inquiry into what Maggie Thatcher knew and why she helped Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith continue.


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This concept of ultimate responsibility is interesting.

Although Johnson has said on many occasions that he has the ultimate responsibility for the actions and decisions of his government ,in truth he manages to isolate himself from any repercussions.

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2 minutes ago, The Joker said:

You mean Maggie Thatcher didn’t know about Sir Jimmy Savile’s offences against children?


Just like she didn’t know about Sir Cyril Smith’s offences against children?


I think we need another full and frank inquiry into what Maggie Thatcher knew and why she helped Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith continue.



Fair enough I'm up for that a full investigation and all documents revealed.  All those who didn't do anything should be fired.

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22 minutes ago, The Joker said:

You mean Maggie Thatcher didn’t know about Sir Jimmy Savile’s offences against children?


Just like she didn’t know about Sir Cyril Smith’s offences against children?


I think we need another full and frank inquiry into what Maggie Thatcher knew and why she helped Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith continue.


And Thatcher knew about Sir Peter Morrison's "interest in small boys"

MI5: Thatcher shielded Sir Peter Morrison after child abuse claims | News | The Times

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59 minutes ago, Mister M said:

And Thatcher knew about Sir Peter Morrison's "interest in small boys"

MI5: Thatcher shielded Sir Peter Morrison after child abuse claims | News | The Times


Jeez, Government officials have been at it for decades:

MI5 did not tell police of minister's ‘penchant for small boys’, inquiry hears

MI5 warned that Sir Peter Morrison, former minister of state for trade and industry, was rumoured to have a penchant for small boys back in the 1980s.


The security service interviewed Sir Peter Hayman, a former high commissioner to Canada, who retired in 1984 and died in 1992, particularly about reports that in the 1950s when he was in Baghdad local boys had visited him for sexual purposes. The DPP, Hayman told MI5, had given him immunity from prosecution.


Maurice Oldfield, a former head of MI6, who had told Thatcher that he had had “homosexual encounters”, dating back to the 1940s and 1950s, with “house boys” and “hotel stewards” in Asia.






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There have been rumours of a paedophile ring in Westminster going back to at least to the 60's. 


MP Barbara Castle brought it up and passed it on to a journalist friend, who then had his offices raided by MI 5 and all his files stolen. 


Geoffrey Dickens MP, also started an investigation in the 1980's into a paedophile network involving 'big, big names, people in positions of power, influence and responsibility,' and named Sir Peter Hayman in the house of commons as founder of the PIE organisation (Paedophile Information Exchange,) which certainly existed. All the files were passed on to then Home Secretary Leon Britton, but then mysteriously disappeared. Dickens' home was burgled, he received death threats and his career was effectively ruined.


So were the careers of Tom Watson MP and Simon Danczuk MP who got involved in raising the issues again in 2013 onwards. Former Director of Public Prosecutions Lord Macdonald said the circumstances in which dossiers etc had gone missing were 'alarming.'

Margaret Thatcher had been briefed on all these goings on, but had still knighted Sir Cyril Smith.


This has been rumbling on behind the scenes in Westminster for decades, but all efforts to fully investigate it have been thwarted. This has led to an ongoing Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA,) one aspect of which was to investigate Westminster but that too has run into all sorts of difficulties and the resignation of 4 different chairpersons, all stating that investigations had been deliberately hindered by officialdom, deceit and obfuscation.


Jimmy Savile was a pimp and enabler for his friends as well as an abuser.

Keir Starmer is just one of a long list of people falling foul of this investigation fiasco and cover up.     

Edited by Anna B
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Not wishing to be flippant on this very serious subject, but something that I read donkey’s years ago in a satirical publication comes to mind.


 Opposition Leader to the Speaker. “Mr Speaker what action do you consider the government should  take in respect of the Sexual Offences Bill?”


Mr Speaker to the Opposition Leader. “Pay the damn thing”.


Edited by crookesey
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Jill Dando raised alarm about ‘paedophile ring at BBC’

Article by John Carr, Express online, July 2014:

MURDERED television presenter Jill Dando tried to alert her bosses to a paedophile ring at the BBC ­involving “big name” stars, claims a former colleague.

The friend and retired BBC worker said the late Crimewatch host was told DJs, celebrities and other staff were involved in organised abuse. But the anonymous source says “no one wanted to know” when Miss Dando raised concerns about the alleged ring and other sexual abuse claims at the BBC. She is said to have passed a file to senior management in the mid-1990s, but they never carried out an investigation.

The 37-year-old TV presenter was shot dead on April 26, 1999, on the doorstep of her home in west London. The crime remains unsolved.

The source said: “I don’t recall the names of all the stars now and don’t want to implicate anyone, but Jill said they were surprisingly big names.

“I think she was quite shocked when told about images of children and that information on how to join this horrible paedophile ring was freely available.

“Jill said others had complained to her about sexual matters and that some female workmates also claimed they had been groped or assaulted."

“Nothing had been done and there seemed to be a policy of turning a blind eye.”

The former colleague said female BBC staff confided in Jill, one of the best-known TV faces of the day after fronting primetime shows including Holiday and the Six O’Clock News as well as Crimewatch. The source said: “I think it was in the mid-1990s. She was seen as the face of the BBC and a magnet for women with problems.”

Miss Dando compiled a file of complaints but was a television presenter and “not really an investigative journalist”, the source said. “She passed the information on to someone else and they gave it back. No one wanted to know.

“I do remember that she gave a file to senior management. I don’t think she heard any more.

“Other women who complained told Jill they didn’t want to risk their careers by making official statements against individuals as they would lose their jobs and that bosses seemed to ignore it.”

A BBC spokesman said they would always investigate any allegations of this nature, but added: “We’ve not seen anything that substantiates these claims.”

After Jimmy Savile’s sexual crimes were exposed in 2012, Jill’s fellow BBC presenter Sally Jones revealed that the disgraced DJ tried to kiss and grope her in a lift in the late 1980s. At the time, she told Jill, who said Savile was “just a dirty old perv”.

The Crimewatch host “had to fend off plenty of unwelcome advances herself”, said Sally. DJ Liz Kershaw and former Countryfile presenter Miriam O’Reilly have also both claimed they suffered sexual harassment at the BBC in the 1980s.

Miss Dando joined a campaign to help children spot paedophiles the year before she died. She had received death threats, putting the BBC in lock-down, with armed guards patrolling Television Centre in London. Her death sparked one of Britain’s biggest murder hunts. Barry George was found guilty in 2001, but his conviction was quashed in 2008.

Theories about her death range from the culprit being a Serbian warlord angry over her TV appeal on behalf of Kosovan refugees, to British underworld enforcers furious at her Crimewatch investigations.

Miss Dando was also looking into the death of her friend, Chelsea vice-chairman Matthew Harding, who was killed in a helicopter crash.

Most people foolishly trust the security services. They are rotten to the core, here and in the US. Not satisfied with creating wars they are also utilised to protect the powerful and attack their political opponents. Look at the Russian Collusion' hoax, the US election and the Jan 6th plot, all enacted by the FBI and CIA.

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