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Gov U Turn On Compulsory Vaccination For Nhs

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Saw that coming, health workers had the gov over a barrel, sacking 10% of NHS workers was something unthinkable.


Still think it’s a bit selfish and crap (of the NHS workers not getting vaccinated). You’re not getting vaccinated for your own benefit, but for everyone else’s benefit. These 10% are happy for everyone else (well, most people) to get vaccinated but not risk vaccination themselves?


Wonder if they would they be happy for everyone to just think of themselves and for no one to get vaccinated?

Edited by Waldo
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A predictable decision but still a welcome one. 

Threatening people with the sack for not having a jab was always going to fail at some point. 

1 minute ago, lindylou53 said:

Fair enough-it's their decision but similarly it should be our right to refuse to be treated by a doctor who hasn't been vaccinated. They can't have it both ways. Also it seems unfair when carers weren't treated similarly.

I agree but probably for different reasons. 

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I think the gov played it wrong, making threats they were unable to carry through.


I think a different approach may have worked better, making changes slowly over a longer period of time, replacing unvaccinated staff with vaccinated.


Mind you, if you ask me, most of our gov (certainly Boris and his cronies) are self serving morons; so no big surprised they’ve made a hash of it.

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8 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I understand why the decision has been made but I don't support it.  If a NHS worker thinks not having covid vaccines is a good choice then how can their judgement on looking after patients be trusted?

Or you could look at it this way 

10s of 1000s of medical professionals refuse to be jabbed, they may know something you don't? 

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Or you could look at it this way 

10s of 1000s of medical professionals refuse to be jabbed, they may know something you don't? 

quote Chris Whitty "only 2% of people will experience symptoms, out of that 99.997% will make a full recovery'

2 years later: average age of death 81yo+ with 3 or more core morbidities

devil is in the detail: 'died within 28 days of a positive PCR test' 

No rational thinking man or woman would allow unknown chemicals to be injected into their body for a virus with such a recovery rate. 

'do your bit and stop being selfish' the bankers and shareholders need to make money!


For 2 years people haven't been looking at the facts, and instead blinded by all the emotive, hypnotic and fear generating propaganda. 

The rona narrative has fallen apart, so the politicians have stepped back a little. BBC News today was full of Measles as the new fear porn with a possible push on childhood vaccination programmes. There's money to be made in them hills. 

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9 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Or you could look at it this way 

10s of 1000s of medical professionals refuse to be jabbed, they may know something you don't? 

They’re going to be more clued up than the general public.


I remember the anaesthetist who announced he wasn’t getting jabbed when, I think it was the chancellor was visiting. He said he’d already had Covid and didn’t think the efficacy of the jab (considering he had anti-bodies anyway) would be worth it. Think he also said the vaccine only protects for a couple of months.

Edited by Waldo
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