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Coming Soon: Climate Lockdowns?

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13 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I think you'll find that the overpopulation issue is not in the west but in the developing world


The left better get their skates on if their gonna educate and empower 1.5 billion women in the next 10 years 👍

It already has happened globally to the extent that the number of children in the world isn't increasing, that's the point. Of course, the right in the US and elsewhere are doing their best to undermine it.

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7 minutes ago, altus said:

It already has happened globally to the extent that the number of children in the world isn't increasing, that's the point. Of course, the right in the US and elsewhere are doing their best to undermine it.

Absolute BS


They predict that the global population will hit 9 billion by 2030 and two-thirds of that growth will be in Africa


Again the lefties trying to blame the west but dont worry a lot of those people will leave Africa and move to places like Europe so it will eventually be our problem

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9 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Absolute BS


They predict that the global population will hit 9 billion by 2030 and two-thirds of that growth will be in Africa


Again the lefties trying to blame the west but dont worry a lot of those people will leave Africa and move to places like Europe so it will eventually be our problem

 Africa is where your ancestors originated  a couple of hundred thousand years ago so nothing new there

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21 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Absolute BS

Had you actually read what I posted you might have avoided posting it.



They predict that the global population will hit 9 billion by 2030 and two-thirds of that growth will be in Africa

None of that is inconsistent with what I posted. The number of children in the world has stabilised. Unless you are going to advocate we deny healthcare to older people so they don't live as long the global population will continue to increase until the number of people dying of old age matches the replacement rate of those being born and not dying during childhood.


Again the lefties trying to blame the west but dont worry a lot of those people will leave Africa and move to places like Europe so it will eventually be our problem

Some of those people will but birth rates in Europe are already lower than the rate required to maintain the population.


If you think the population of this country should decrease then fine, argue for that. But don't forget to have a solution for taking care of people in their old age (and for funding it).

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12 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Thats fine....you're entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it is👍


I love Jewish people and i support Israel


People like you on the left and your political parties hate them


So if you can call me a Nazi then i can call you an Anti-Semite  

Exactly. I'm glad that we are now entitled to our own views because previously, only yours counted and you are in the minority.

I think Jewish people are exactly the same as any other people in general, no better and no worse.

I regard my politics as central not left but if you want to call me a lefty,  I don't mind because I don't have this hateful barrier in my mind about "the left"

You called yourself a nazi, not me. I said that you believe in the same hard right politics.

You will have to find some proof of something I said which is anti-semitic.

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14 hours ago, altus said:

Perhaps the left have heard that we've reached peak child. The world's population is only increasing now because people are living longer and is expected to stabilise by the end of this century.


The key to this limiting of population growth has been the education and empowerment of women. Educated women and those with access to contraception have fewer kids. It's usually the left wing that advocates educating and empowering women with the right trying to prevent it. (c.f. the Republicans in the US blocking aid unless it is not used to provide contraception.)



It wasn't the Left that sought, at great expense of blood and treasure, to promote democracy and the empowerment of women in the permanently war ravaged Middle East.


The Left's "Great Satan", continues to be Western Democracies, not Islam's stone age stoning of gays and adulterers, and chopping off the limbs of petty thieves, and their treatment of women.

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Exactly. I'm glad that we are now entitled to our own views because previously, only yours counted and you are in the minority.

I think Jewish people are exactly the same as any other people in general, no better and no worse.

I regard my politics as central not left but if you want to call me a lefty,  I don't mind because I don't have this hateful barrier in my mind about "the left"

You called yourself a nazi, not me. I said that you believe in the same hard right politics.

You will have to find some proof of something I said which is anti-semitic.

You called me ultra hard right that was in line with 1940s Germany when you dont even know me


So i'll assume your far left who aligns themselves with political parties that are anti-semitic


Seems fair to me 

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