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Sheffield Adult Social Care In Crisis: Continued.


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A couple of years ago, one of us, posted about the ongoing mess that was social care for many in the city and that many of us in the (very) loose network of disabled and sick people: Sheffield Care Matters, didn't think much of the the ASC director, Phil Holmes( now gone elsewhere) as nothing seemed to get better over his five years. this was primarily in relation to Direct Payments not Commissioned Care/Care Homes, etc.


Anyway, now, following a period of what seemed to us like total inertia, Sheffield City Council in conjunction with Disability Sheffield is now making progress on Adult Social Care Direct Payments, with new detailed research and action plans. However, in the two keys areas of client financial contributions and carer recruitment, we feel immediate remedial action is needed.
Many of us joined Direct Payment's because of the nominal autonomy it allowed, however in many cases it hasn't really delivered that promise.  

First, people on direct payments(PODP) have to contribute in many cases very large amounts towards their own care in payments to Sheffield City Council, and this often puts them in severe financial difficulties. The charging formula set by the Department of Health and used (optionally) by Local Authorities including Sheffield to determine the level of contribution from People on Direct Payments is considered by many of the latter to be unfair, inconsistent and illogical, and its application by City Councils including Sheffield to be opaque.

We are aware of one person who is paying over £140, despite being on a state pension.One Adult Social Care Board Member is on record as saying: “We need the money from people like yourselves to pay for those who have less”. But many who pay these amounts are have, for example, had to give up car transport, an essential need for many. This is contrary to Sheffield City Council’s statement that: “clients will not have to pay more than they can afford”. This is all in a context of an emerging cost of living crisis, where DASP's will be hit very hard by rising energy prices, food, rent, etc, and a new benefits offensive which will see many many people lose money..

However despite the above being a crucial area of concern, it is the crisis in carer recruitment for people on direct payments(PODP) which is utterly urgent in addressing. this issue is causing anxiety and indeed mental health problems with some people on Direct Payments (PODP) as they cannot plan activities, are trapped in their homes at times.
One person told us how awful and frightening, and frustrating it is to be left without support. In the very recent past, ia member received only half the hours they needed and has  gone without foods they require, etc. carers also rsign without notice, don't turn up, gaslight clients, but they have to stick with them, as they can't get others. Of course, this is not all carers, many are great, dedicated, etc. Advertisin on indeed, etc in many cases is fruitless as the big agencies spend thousands and DASP can't compete.


SCM have a few ideas, and we know the council is now receptive and hopefully is already making changes. 


on financial payments to SCC:


The government’s advisory formula for setting financial contributions is not fit for purpose and needs to be redesigned. As it is only advisory, it can also be adjusted locally in the short term. Many People on Direct Payments are already “paying more than they can afford”. Most urgently, the Disability Related Expenditure discounts offered for what one pays for items like bedding need to be improved and extended. Further money should be allowed to be spent on taxis for essential travel, etc.


recruitment crisis:
lots of ideas here


Use the Council’s advertising spaces to recruit for carers for People on Direct Payments, with maybe a direct contact number, with applicants passed on. We would also suggest that the Council’s job vacancies board be opened up for direct use by People on Direct Payments.


Many young people now do not drive, and the majority of People on Direct Payments need carers who can drive. The number of carers with vehicles also seems to be dropping substantially. to make it more attractive Sheffield City Council could look into some form of scheme where driving lessons are provided, and link in with a local car pool


well, that a lot of text, but doing nowt isn't an option,  people are hurting

any other ideas, etc, welcome


but please no attacks, its not helpful.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sad to see no one has replied to this post which should be of concern to us all. We're all going to get old folks and most of us are going to need help, but the help is simply not there, or at best, unsatisfactory or unaffordable.


It's a problem that the government acknowledges but does nothing about. The council likewise.

I do not have the answer other than to put the money it needs into it, and that's not going to happen any time soon. 


However there are many of us and together we are strong - and we vote. Let's get organised.

I will be writing to the government, council, MPs and anyone else I can think of (I'm sure I've heard of groups fighting for pensioners) etc. for some answers. I intend to be a nuisance. I suggest everyone do the same. It's not enough but it's a start.

The money is out there, what is happening is a disgrace. 


Edited by Anna B
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  • 3 months later...

I'm an Apointee for my nephew who has direct payments. We work with a care organisation who has put up their fees. I've just been informed that the council won't cover the uplift so he has to cover it himself on top of his current contribution. This comes to nearly £200 extra a month. Is anyone else in this situation? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 26/06/2022 at 16:29, Idler said:

from the knowledge i have, people have just become too exhausted and distressed and do not know where or how to speak out any more and certainly fear the repercussions if they do...

I'd suggest your MP, but they'll more than likely be tied up in the internal shufflings and promotions for a while yet I think.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

One of our network, on direct payments, had no support for over a week, main carer on holiday, temp didn't stay, the agencies don't want temp booking, its crazy and not fit for purpose


btw,  will be speaking soon to chairs of social care committees, any questions, PM me


btw2, we were meant to have a DP support service by now, Pendrells Trust operating it(many not happy about that) still not there afiak.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This page is such an asset, why is so little used


will ask a mod to see if they can highlight it somehow


btw, the direct payments support service with Penderels is now operational and seems to be working well.

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  • 4 months later...

The care sector's been in staff crisis since forever and it's unlikely to ever change IMO, long hours for pennies more than minimum wage doesn't attract good staff... They're also so desperate for staff they only do BASIC DBS disclosures, and will willingly employ Fred or Joe Bloggs from down the job centre rather than QUALIFIED carers with experience.



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