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The jury service queries thread

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Has anyone of you been called to sit on Jury Service? I would like to but haven't been selected as of yet. For anyone that has, was the case interesting? How long did it go on for? Did you reach a unaminous decision? Did you feel it was the right decision?

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Can't say much about the cases but I was there for the whole 2 weeks. We had a guilty, a not guilty and a p**s off, we've changed our mind. I think the last one the plea was changed when they saw our ugly mugs.


There's a lot of sitting around so take a book. The cases themselves were interesting but I felt a bit emotionally drained after one of them. I was the foreman and had to say the bit about guilty or not guilty and had trouble getting the words out.


I can't say whether we were right or wrong but you reach agreement in the jury room and so the responsiblity is shared and you feel that the decision is right given the facts that you are told.


Don't hold your breath waiting to be called for jury service. I know of only a handful of people who have done it.

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The closest I've come to it was a school trip a few years ago to watch a couple of cases.. It didn't really interest me that much to be honest until we were asked to act out a case and I was the prosicution..


I enjoyed making up all kinds of lies to try and get the person sent down.. :lol:

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Originally posted by Neo

The closest I've come to it was a school trip a few years ago to watch a couple of cases.. It didn't really interest me that much to be honest until we were asked to act out a case and I was the prosicution..


I enjoyed making up all kinds of lies to try and get the person sent down.. :lol:


I have viewed a few cases in my time as well. In some of the cases the judges are so dry and really harsh to the barristers.

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I have never been called up for jury service but my wife has twice.

She was dertermined not to go and her bad back started to pkay up. Don't know how long she can hold it off but a sick note did the trick.

Other than that get a criminal record.

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  • 1 year later...

:rant: just like to moan (again) about having been chosen for jury service, a service which you have to do by law or face a fine of £1000.

the allowances state that no one should be out of pocket, how then are you supposed to sustain yourself on £4.73p per day when the coffe/tea is £0.90p per cup (three breaks per day) leaves you with £2.03p to spend on food, the cheapest meal is nearly a fiver, if thats not out of pocket ,what is?

bet the judge is'nt spending that large amount of money!! :rant:

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Originally posted by fridgeman

:rant: just like to moan (again) about having been chosen for jury service, a service which you have to do by law or face a fine of £1000.

the allowances state that no one should be out of pocket, how then are you supposed to sustain yourself on £4.73p per day when the coffe/tea is £0.90p per cup (three breaks per day) leaves you with £2.03p to spend on food, the cheapest meal is nearly a fiver, if thats not out of pocket ,what is?

bet the judge is'nt spending that large amount of money!! :rant:


That's a bit harsh. Do they pay your wages and compensate your employer for the time you miss from work?


Do they pay your transport to and from?

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I was called up for Jury Service a few years back now... Whilst living down South


Unfortunately i was only there for a couple of days as the case wasnt at all interesting... none of us really agreed with the verdict but it was lack of evidence that swung it for the person in question... it was all over and done with in a day an a half... then was called back the following day should i be needed for another case... Which i wasnt so i left... my services were no longer required...


I also sat in on a few cases whilst on YTS...

hmmm... something unheard of these days 'Youth Training Scheme'


Someone i know (down South) is now a 4 week case... Should be interesting... I have enquired... but was told nothing (rightly so!) sulk! sulk! lol

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Never called for Jury Duty but many moons ago was called as an expert witness in a court case involving computers. This was ...oh...maybe early 1990s?


Went to Liverpool, hung around, got bored, was then told the case had been dismissed.


Got a good day's pay for doing bugger all, but felt that it was all a waste of the taxpayer's money to wait until the trial and get us all there before saying 'Nope, can't do it'.



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