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The jury service queries thread

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I'd quite like to do this. Whats the likelihood that I'll get a letter through my door though saying I've been summoned for jury service?


Even if I don't get selected for any cases it won't be too bad I suppose. 2 weeks off work sitting around reading a few books, listening to music, I bet I could even take my laptop as I'm sure they'll have wi-fi? And I still get paid from work AND it doesn't come out of my holiday allowance?!


Sounds like a great break to me!!

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I know a few people who have done this, and it sounds incredibly boring.


I do like watching court room scenes in films/TV, but obviously it's heavily editted from real life for entertainment purposes, and I am a big Grisham fan, but the idea of sitting around doing nothing for hours/days on end ... :gag:


I already have my plan in place to get out of it, should I ever be called up :)


It's 100% full proof. :hihi:

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How odd, those are criminal trials and barristers conduct criminal law.


But doesn't the accused's solicitor arrange the barrister and sit in the court with the defending team? I think they do normally. It's like seeing a consultant, you can only do it via your GP, afaik.


I'm saying nothing about being selected or otherwise, I don't want to draw down the attention of the Jury Selection Fairy on myself :suspect:

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I did jury service and it changed the way I thought of people and myself.

I went from being a busy working mother of three, to two wks of being my own person

On starting mine was the first name to come out of the box and I was put straight on a rape case, nine men and three women, which lasted all week.

The next week was a series of small majestrates cases.


But for the first time for what seemed years, instead of just being some ones mom, my opinion was of value.



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I also found it to be a great leveller...sitting round with other people from all walks of life..bosses, teachers, doctors,important people to the community, important people to just themselves even, but in that envvironment, you are all equal.

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Recently two of my mates have been selected for jury service ... This set me wondering "Why have I not been selected" I want a nice week or so sat in a courtroom. It'd be interesting, I'd find it enriching and it'd save me a weeks commute plus expenses ;)


Has anyone else done it and what were your experiences?


Why don't you sign up for a police identity parade instead?


They pay you aparrently :thumbsup:



Mind you, be a bummer if you got picked out & sent down for something :hihi:

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How odd, those are criminal trials and barristers conduct criminal law.


Yes, they do, I used to find the client have a conference with the barrister, do his fetching and carrying, take the brief back to the office, general dogsbody, but it was interesting as my first job. They would hardly sent the office court jr. to defend the poor criminal would they?:P

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I have done jury service and as people say its not exciting. I was selected for just one trial but had to be replaced when the policeman, who was the main prosection witness, turned out to be someone I was at school with.

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Why don't you sign up for a police identity parade instead?


They pay you aparrently :thumbsup:



Mind you, be a bummer if you got picked out & sent down for something :hihi:


My brother got stopped in town by the police and asked to attend an ID parade, in the parade the witnesses all picked the same person except one who picked my brother.


He was then questioned by police about an alleged assault in a pub, luckily he was at work at the time of the offence and was quickly released but what if he didn’t have an alibi.

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I did it in 2005 and really enjoyed the experience. We only had a 3-day assault case and after a further 2 days of possibly getting a drugs-related case, we were dismissed and told we weren't required for the second week. The cafeteria is expensive ut I made sure I only spent what was on the expenses card rather than my own money.

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