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The jury service queries thread

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did it a few years back now.missed out on wages because they only paid up to a certain ammount,don't know if it' still the same


listen to all the prosecution evidence

listen to all the defence evidence

retire to the jury room

pick a foreman/lady

take a vote on whether the person is innocent or guilty

then discuss the relevant points on either side

keep voting can be open or secret & keep discussing relevant points of law

if you are not sure about the legal pros & cons you can pass a note to the judge for guidance


you carry on till you have a verdict guilty or innocent by all the jurors or if you cannot reach a unified verdict the judge might accept a majority verdict


you must not discuss anything to anybody about the trial you are the jury for


Agree entirely with the above. I did jury service a few years ago. I was very nervous about doing it, but once I got there everything was fine. You are treated very well by the ushers and the judge and can also be very interesting but also heartbreaking.


Good luck

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I did jury service a good few years ago. I was expecting to be on a jury in a regular court but I actually ended up in corroner's court...we had to decide if someone died accidentally or not. Was very interesting but like previous posts said, lots of waiting around.

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Agree with all the comments about hanging about. I was called on for two weeks service, first week was a complete waste of time as we were sent home each day after a couple of hours hanging around.


Second week improved as I finally got to sit on the jury for two relatively minor crimes. Found it interesting but a little disturbing to note how disinterested and apathetic a number of my fellow jurors were to the issues in court and the subsequent discussion prior to verdict.

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My Mum did Jury Service for two weeks just before Christmas


She was a bit apprehensive about going at first but once she was there she found it interesting


As previously said by other members take a good book, although there is a television in the waiting area and a few magazines as well

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My Mum did a brief stint on a Jury a few years back, she didn't really enjoy it iirc.


I'd be no good at it though, I'm too gobby for a start, I wouldn't be able to do the part about not saying anything about the case outside the Court.

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I did jury service many moons ago......it was brilliant. The case I was on was for a gang which had done armed robbery with violence! What an eye opener it was. The trial went on for longer than expected......three weeks in all. At the end the judge gave us special dispensation not to be called again for service if we wished. I declined at the time but now I wish I hadn't because it would be very inconvenient to get called again.

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i did jury service december 2005 for two weeks , i to was out of pocket.

sat on three cases one assult,one rape and a robbery


the assult = not guilty


the rape = guilty, 7 years


the robbery = both guilty,man and woman robbed a woman at crystal peaks.

one guy recieved an award £400 for his bravery, well done that man.


very interesting two weeks but you can be hung around take a book to read.

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