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Mps Expenses £1.3 Million Quid

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I'm outraged! 

This was supposed to have been sorted after the last scandal which was huge at the time (2007?)

Of course it wasn't. They just found new ways of fiddling it. 


I think people are now so jaded by the goings on in Parliament, they just shrug their shoulders and say 'well, what do you expect...'

And they have a point, when our 'democratic' election system is so poor.


MPs are basically unaccountable, when all they have to fear is a tick in the wrong box once every 5 years. By that time they've made their money, can look forward to about £40,000 severence pay, and a nice well renumerated cushy job on the board of some company, and a sideline on the public speaking /book writing circuit.


I'd like to see a few in prison....



Edited by Anna B
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23 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Still our money they're spending no matter where they live...

And the MP's basic salaries are due to rise to £84,000 on the same day that millions will see their NI contributions rise & the energy increases kick in. 

Edited by Baron99
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46 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I'm outraged! 

This was supposed to have been sorted after the last scandal which was huge at the time (2007?)

Of course it wasn't. They just found new ways of fiddling it. 





Having an office sounds legitimate

Having people to staff it sounds legitimate

Having a London residence sounds legitimate

Having travel costs between London and the constituency base sounds legitimate


Are you honestly saying they should have NONE of these?


Would you do the job for a salary of £84k and have to fund all of the above out of it? Anyone on here who says yes they would is lying.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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9 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Having an office sounds legitimate

Having people to staff it sounds legitimate

Having a London residence sounds legitimate

Having travel costs between London and the constituency base sounds legitimate


Are you honestly saying they should have NONE of these?


Would you do the job for a salary of £84k and have to fund all of the above out of it? Anyone on here who says yes they would is lying.

My bold & I'm sure Anna B will respond to you? 


If we said here's your £84k & here's a maximum of £100k to run your office, their cumulative cloths would be cut accordingly & they'd manage?

Edited by Baron99
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Just now, Baron99 said:

My bold & I'm sure Anna B will respond to you? 


If we said here's your £84k & here's a maximum of £100k to run your office, their cumulative cloths would be cut accordingly & they'd manage?

Is that a feasible cap to have? 


Office in the constituency

Office in Westminster?

Staff to staff both

Train travel costs between the two


I have no idea how much staff are paid or how much offices cost to rent and what have you.


This thread is the usual case of people seeing a big figure and frothing at the mouth without looking at the figures behind it and how they are arrived it. If the figures include a £150k Starbucks bill, fair enough. I suspect it doesnt though



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