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Mps Expenses £1.3 Million Quid

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19 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Is that a feasible cap to have? 


Office in the constituency

Office in Westminster?

Staff to staff both

Train travel costs between the two


I have no idea how much staff are paid or how much offices cost to rent and what have you.


This thread is the usual case of people seeing a big figure and frothing at the mouth without looking at the figures behind it and how they are arrived it. If the figures include a £150k Starbucks bill, fair enough. I suspect it doesnt though



Accusers should put up or shut up.

Edited by crookesey
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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Is that a feasible cap to have? 


Office in the constituency

Office in Westminster?

Staff to staff both

Train travel costs between the two


I have no idea how much staff are paid or how much offices cost to rent and what have you.


This thread is the usual case of people seeing a big figure and frothing at the mouth without looking at the figures behind it and how they are arrived it. If the figures include a £150k Starbucks bill, fair enough. I suspect it doesnt though



Well here's a link for a job with Heeley MP, Louise Haigh for an Admin Officer.



Let's be generous & presume she requires one in Sheffield & one in London & is willing to pay £25k?  That's £50k.


Does that comes out of her salary or out of expenses?  If it come from expenses, what's to stop an MP saying "I require 20 Admin Officers that the tax payers will have to fund because I believe that's how many staff I require." 


Of course the problem is we've never truly scrutinised our MP's over & above the costs of  their basic salaries, have we, except for the ones who were caught out for making outrageous claims such as refurbishment of the duck houses / moat, (was that Rees-Mogg?) & the TWO separate London homes of Mr & Mrs Balls (Ed & Yvette (Cooper), who saw no issues in flipping between the homes while claiming thousands of pounds in tax-payer funding. 


Your average person in the street could point out to their own MP how savings could be made.  For starters, if the Pandemic has taught us only one thing, it's taught us that there is no need for MP's to be travelling up & down to London on a regular basis & requiring, expensive overnight accommodation at the tax-payers expense when you have the likes of Zoom & MS Teams at your disposal. 


Of course, when it's not your money your spending & that pot of cash appears bottomless & isn't scrutinised, who cares? 

Edited by Baron99
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Just now, Baron99 said:

Well here's a link for a job with Heeley MP, Louise Haigh for an Admin Officer.



Let's be generous & presume she requires one in Sheffield & one in London & is willing to pay £25k?  That's £50k.



OK, now add on the on costs such as pension and employer NI contributions.

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Just now, HeHasRisen said:

OK, now add on the on costs such as pension and employer NI contributions.

You missed, (presumably chose to miss?), the bit of my post which stated;


"Does that comes out of her salary or out of expenses?  If it come from expenses, what's to stop an MP saying "I require 20 Admin Officers that the tax payers will have to fund because I believe that's how many staff I require.


So who pays NI costs & any pension?  The taxpayer or the MP? 


I asked the question because I don't know?  If you do, provide the evidence who does? 

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

I'm outraged! 

This was supposed to have been sorted after the last scandal which was huge at the time (2007?)

Of course it wasn't. They just found new ways of fiddling it. 


I think people are now so jaded by the goings on in Parliament, they just shrug their shoulders and say 'well, what do you expect...'

And they have a point, when our 'democratic' election system is so poor.


MPs are basically unaccountable, when all they have to fear is a tick in the wrong box once every 5 years. By that time they've made their money, can look forward to about £40,000 severence pay, and a nice well renumerated cushy job on the board of some company, and a sideline on the public speaking /book writing circuit.


I'd like to see a few in prison....



Some Sheffield MP"s got relocation payments when they retired , When in fact they had lived here all their lives , You can still see em grinning away at sporting events and corperate dinners etc . Still with noses deep in the trough as per George Orwell so eligantly explained in Animal Farm .

2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

And the MP's basic salaries are due to rise to £84,000 on the same day that millions will see their NI contributions rise & the energy increases kick in. 

Lets hope the home helps, nurses , carers , bus drivers ,bin people and bricklayers all get pro rata eh !!!!

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Having an office sounds legitimate

Having people to staff it sounds legitimate

Having a London residence sounds legitimate

Having travel costs between London and the constituency base sounds legitimate


Are you honestly saying they should have NONE of these?


Would you do the job for a salary of £84k and have to fund all of the above out of it? Anyone on here who says yes they would is lying.

Most MPs are not front bench dynamoes needing staff. Back bench MPs are provided with basic services (typing pool etc.) and limited office space.  I would have staff if I could afford it, just like every other self employed business person, but would expect to pay for it, otherwise I'd do it myself. As for residences, there's a big difference between a London studio flat and a London House. I remember all the fuss last time with MPs 'flipping' their residences to gain the most money. And travel is the same-expensive and less expensive.

Surely with zoom meetings etc, more could work from home some of the time or better still, their constituency. 


As a point of reference and comparison, Jeremy Corbyn's expenses in the first expenses scandal were £13 

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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Most MPs are not front bench dynamoes needing staff. They are provided with basic services and office space.  I would have staff if I could afford it, just like every other self employed business person, otherwise I'd do it myself. As for residences, there's a big difference between a London studio flat and a London House. I remember all the fuss last time with MPs 'flipping' their residences to gain the most money. And travel is the same-expensive and less expensive.

Surely with zoom meetings etc, more could work from home some of the time or better still, their constituency. 


As a point of reference and comparison, Jeremy Corbyn's expenses in the first expenses scandal were £13 

So you have compared a London MP with an MP from over 150 miles away?  Great comparison bro.


Someone post the exact financials from the figure quoted in the thread title, only then can I decide if its outrageous, or an unavoidable expense of an MP from a city over 150 miles away.

22 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

You missed, (presumably chose to miss?), the bit of my post which stated;


"Does that comes out of her salary or out of expenses?  If it come from expenses, what's to stop an MP saying "I require 20 Admin Officers that the tax payers will have to fund because I believe that's how many staff I require.


So who pays NI costs & any pension?  The taxpayer or the MP? 


I asked the question because I don't know?  If you do, provide the evidence who does? 

I know about as much as anyone else in this thread, difference being I am looking it at it objectively rather than saying HMMNNNGGGGGGGG ITS AN OUTRAGE HNNNNNGGG SNOUTS IN THE TROTH HNNNNGGGGGG on the basis of merely seing a headline figure.

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4 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

So you have compared a London MP with an MP from over 150 miles away?  Great comparison bro.


Someone post the exact financials from the figure quoted in the thread title, only then can I decide if its outrageous, or an unavoidable expense of an MP from a city over 150 miles away.

I know about as much as anyone else in this thread, difference being I am looking it at it objectively rather than saying HMMNNNGGGGGGGG ITS AN OUTRAGE HNNNNNGGG SNOUTS IN THE TROTH HNNNNGGGGGG on the basis of merely seing a headline figure.

So. As I thought.  Like many replies to various postings, nothing to contribute then other than trolling. 

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9 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

So. As I thought.  Like many replies to various postings, nothing to contribute then other than trolling. 

Would you like me to join in with the rest of the posters in condemning six (?) MPs based on a single headline figure, with no supplimentary figures provided? Or even a link to the article?

If it makes you happy, I will.

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