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Mps Expenses £1.3 Million Quid

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Would you like me to join in with the rest of the posters in condemning six (?) MPs based on a single headline figure, with no supplimentary figures provided? Or even a link to the article?

If it makes you happy, I will.

What was so clever about the last expenses scandal was that it deliberately came out in dribs and drabs so nobody knew who was going to be next to be exposed, so they didn't know which way to jump or what they dare say. There was no where to run, they just had to suck it up. The revelations were disgracefully eye watering.


It was an American investagative Journalist who broke the story. A British journalist might well never have got that far and been silenced. She's never been allowed back in Britain again. 

I remember Michael Martin (?) the Speaker of the House trying to invoke anti-terrorism laws to prevent the news getting out.

MP's reputations have never really recovered.



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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

It was an American investagative Journalist who broke the story. A British journalist might well never have got that far and been silenced. She's never been allowed back in Britain again. 


Former SAS officer Major John Wick, the owner of a London-based risk management company has been named as the middle-man for an unnamed whistleblower; he has spoken of the need to bring the information he had been given into the public domain. His source was male.

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9 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Having an office sounds legitimate

Having people to staff it sounds legitimate

Having a London residence sounds legitimate

Having travel costs between London and the constituency base sounds legitimate


Are you honestly saying they should have NONE of these?


Would you do the job for a salary of £84k and have to fund all of the above out of it? Anyone on here who says yes they would is lying.

Not at all.


But it is high time that MPs were treated as employees. They need professional clerical backup and good quality lodgings for overnight stays.


None of that needs to be on expenses. It could all be provided from a central resource, much like large companies do.  

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My late public sector mate used to lecture me on how large companies should run their businesses, whilst I was employed by one. If I had an early London appointment I went down on the Cutler and had the full English, this got me there refreshed and fed without the need for a lunch break, he classed this as privilege. I only ever used taxis as they were quick and the driver always understand where I wanted to go, albeit a lot more expensive than the tube, I reckoned that I deserved some privilege.

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19 minutes ago, crookesey said:

My late public sector mate used to lecture me on how large companies should run their businesses, whilst I was employed by one. If I had an early London appointment I went down on the Cutler and had the full English, this got me there refreshed and fed without the need for a lunch break, he classed this as privilege. I only ever used taxis as they were quick and the driver always understand where I wanted to go, albeit a lot more expensive than the tube, I reckoned that I deserved some privilege.

It was same as us when working out of Town , we stood on King Street and got picked up by Acroyd and Abbots lorry , we all stood or sat ont back eyting our snap as that Bedford made its way to to Sheffields out skirts ,  It was a privilege to catch that lorry as it saved you the bus fare and having to set of a hour early than the 7 am pick up .

It was crap when it snowed though .

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What's the average rent of a flat in London? Depends on area obviously but a quick scan of the Internet suggests about 1500per month rising to 6000per month in Westminster.

Times that by 12 and the costs get big very quickly 🤷‍♂️


Perhaps they should move parliament up North where it's cheaper.

Edited by whiteowl
mixed weeks and months :-)
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53 minutes ago, whiteowl said:

What's the average rent of a flat in London? Depends on area obviously but a quick scan of the Internet suggests about 1500per month rising to 6000per month in Westminster.

Times that by 52 and the costs get big very quickly 🤷‍♂️


Perhaps they should move parliament up North where it's cheaper.

No no no people on this thread want MPs to live by drinking their own spit and rummaging in bins, before heading to the gutter for the evening covered in a few cardboard boxes for warmth, and then to hitchhike back to their constituencies the next day.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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17 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Its alright, someone at the Star has just harvested info from this site




Oh look, the great Socialist hero Corbyn  claiming more than £200k merely on staffing, there. Anna, any reply? 

That was after he became Leader of the Opposition. Of course his expenses would rise in that position. Very different to being a backbench MP. 

4 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

No no no people on this thread want MPs to live by drinking their own spit and rummaging in bins, before heading to the gutter for the evening covered in a few cardboard boxes for warmth, and then to hitchhike back to their constituencies the next day.

Bit of an exageration.

But maybe a committee of ordinary mortals should be in charge of scrutinising MP's expenses. Let's see if they can get a duckpond past them...

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