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Is This Racist?

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8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I think that if you categorise people by the colour of their skin then its racist....the term "white people" in its very nature is racist

Then before you start any more threads about racism, you need to educate yourself about what racism is, because you clearly don't know.

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17 hours ago, Baron99 said:

I'm conversant with US culture & BLM & you're the man to monitor this sort of stuff on behalf of our nation & all the followers of SF. 


Please keep us updated when this sort of thing happens in the UK & starts to impact on our lives?  Don't let us down, we're relying on you.  In fact you have my permission to be offended on my behalf for anything that happens by US nonentities on the other side of the Atlantic. 


Keep us all posted. 👍

And there was me thinking the post was there to start an discussion on racism.  I totally hadn’t taken as being the OP taking it upon themselves to monitor ‘this sort of stuff’ on behalf on the entire UK. 

And round and round and round the SF goes…


I remember my black manager at a organisation I worked at several years ago occasionally calling me (a white person) ‘blondie’ and ‘whitey’. To honest I found it silly and it didn’t particularly bother me at the time BUT had this been the other way around and I’d called her ‘blackie’  or ‘darkie’ I’m sure I would have faced disciplinary action at least. So yes we ought to have intelligent, grown up discussion about this and not descend into playground style bickering and point scoring.

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

Then before you start any more threads about racism, you need to educate yourself about what racism is, because you clearly don't know.

People also need to realise that only black people can have a legitimate voice when it comes to racism, all white people are evil from birth, guilty by virtue of having the same skin colour as some other people who did bad stuff in the past.


Ideally of course, we should stop categorising ourselves by race, in fact, absolutely disregard race altogether, and consider each other only on the basis of our individual character.


I think we are a very long way from that ideal.

Edited by Waldo
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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

Then before you start any more threads about racism, you need to educate yourself about what racism is, because you clearly don't know.

Well youre so clever you have educated me on what racism is


Im so glad i started this thread so i can be spoken down to by you


You are the queen of Sheffield Forum......hail Delbow

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4 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Well youre so clever you have educated me on what racism is


Im so glad i started this thread so i can be spoken down to by you


You are the queen of Sheffield Forum......hail Delbow

You have the whole internet to help you understand racism and to read and hear about people's experiences of it, yet you start threads on a forum used almost entirely by old white men. Why don't you use all the information that's out there to educate yourself, instead of feeling sorry for yourself?

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4 minutes ago, Delbow said:

You have the whole internet to help you understand racism and to read and hear about people's experiences of it, yet you start threads on a forum used almost entirely by old white men. Why don't you use all the information that's out there to educate yourself, instead of feeling sorry for yourself?

Yeah everyone's a victim apart from straight white christian men


Thanks for correcting my privilege 👍 

Edited by Jack Grey
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5 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Your mind is closed isn't it. It's shut up shop. 

Not at all.....ive said that i believe that if you categorise someone by the colour of their skin then that's racist


You said i was uneducated and you should stop feeling sorry for myself


Youre entitled to your opion but i dont agree you

Edited by Jack Grey
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