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What Is It With The 20% Increases On Food?

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39 minutes ago, melthebell said:

you seem to be muddling up all of the negatives, if you think things through you can probably put a cause on everything.


Foodbanks - tory greed


yes i agree


But then the consequences of the subject matter in this thread is completely different, and so are most of the negatives from Covid (apart from the well publicised Tory greed regarding PPE aquisition)


As i said theres various reasons why we have a lot of issues at the moment and they arent all from the same source, and nor are they from a grand fantasy concocted by conspiracy theorist fantasists, who cunningly blend truths and lies to hoodwink the gullible.

I don't consider myself gullible, but I am a realist.

The Tories are clever and crafty. They have been undermining the working class for a long time.

Remember all the TV programmes and media articles of 10+ years ago denouncing everyone on benefits as wasters and scum? All propaganda so they could cut benefits and the welfare state. The need for 'Austerity?' Except it didn't stop them claiming millions in expenses, and finding their own magic money tree for pet projects when it suited them. They have cut this country to shreds and we are living with the results. 


They stopped training our own people to do worthwhile jobs because it cost money, and relied instead on importing labour from abroad to do them, which is why we now have shortages in nearly all the trades and some of the professions like doctors and nurses. They have ruined the NHS with back door privatisation which is ridiculously and prohibitively expensive, and the antithesis of value for money, but provides their cronies with riches beyond their dreams.


They have spectacularly failed to collect the taxes they are owed by the richest and most influential Tory doners etc and big businesses. Beware the rich and influential, they are the ones pulling the strings of our cash strapped government, which is where the 'conspiracy theorists' have got it right. 


Any government should take the long term view in the interests of all, but this government is firmly in the short term, 'what's in my best interests?' camp and always have been. Brexit and Covid have highlighted the shortcomings not caused them.

Edited by Anna B
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2 minutes ago, carosio said:

Anna, do you think a future Labour government will prosecute and collect the back taxes that you say will still be owed by big business and others?

No, Starmer won't do it any more than Blair did. Corbyn would have tried, which is why he wasn't allowed anywhere near power.

I forgot to mention in the above post 241 what is arguably the worst thing the Tories have done over the last 12 years  is quietly whittle away at our rights and ability to protest, helped very much by Covid. (How many of the Covid rules are still on the statute books to be wheeled out when it suits them as 'THE LAW!' regardless of circumstances.) 


We won't miss them until things are so bad we need to protest against this rightwing, neoliberal,  fascist regime. 

I seem to recall Hitler did a similar thing in Germany, but that could never happen here could it?    

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Here’s how Brexit introduced an average £1.50 extra on a supermarket bottle of wine.



£1.50 which will work out as that 20-ish percent, given an average bottle price in the £6-£8 bracket (volume side of market, obvs).

It’s not the only reason, of course. As often posted already, no doubt, the post-Covid effects and supply chains fast-adapting to the Ukrainian conflict play their respective parts in the whole inflationary spiral.


But it’s still interesting, and very topical for this thread, given the granular detail given about the extra costs (mostly all customs processing-related). Because much of these extra costs are not exclusive to the wine importing business, by far.

Edited by L00b
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

No, Starmer won't do it any more than Blair did. Corbyn would have tried, which is why he wasn't allowed anywhere near power.

I forgot to mention in the above post 241 what is arguably the worst thing the Tories have done over the last 12 years  is quietly whittle away at our rights and ability to protest, helped very much by Covid. (How many of the Covid rules are still on the statute books to be wheeled out when it suits them as 'THE LAW!' regardless of circumstances.) 


We won't miss them until things are so bad we need to protest against this rightwing, neoliberal,  fascist regime. 

I seem to recall Hitler did a similar thing in Germany, but that could never happen here could it?    

My bold. 


Yes of course because as we all know, from the middle classes upwards, their votes actually count double those of the working class & the poor Labour supporters. 


Oh hang on a minute.  No, I remember now.  Staunch Labour areas voting Tory, `Red Wall' & all that.  That's why Corbyn didn't win.  Labour voters didn't want him. 

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7 hours ago, LovePotion said:

The price of garlic, onions, and herbs has shot up, you need these things to make the sauce. £2 for a jar of oregano.

Or you could buy a 500g jar of Sainsbury's Pasta Sauce containing oregano for 80p.  

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29 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Or you could buy a 500g jar of Sainsbury's Pasta Sauce containing oregano for 80p.  

Or buy a 12g jar of dried oregano from Sainsbury's for 90p, which is topical as I only got some today and just ate some Bolognese made with it!

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1 minute ago, LovePotion said:

Unfortunately, Sainsbury's only have two proper supermakets in Sheffield, Archer Road and Wadsley Bridge. The rest are convenience stores and will charge a lot more. My local convenience Tesco charges over £3 for a packet of wet wipes! 

Big   proper one at Crystal Peaks 

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6 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

Unfortunately, Sainsbury's only have two proper supermakets in Sheffield, Archer Road and Wadsley Bridge. The rest are convenience stores and will charge a lot more. My local convenience Tesco charges over £3 for a packet of wet wipes! 

And the big Sainsbury's store on The Moor. 


I've never tried to eat wet wipes I prefer bread to mop up my sauce. 

Edited by Baron99
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