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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Russias censorship is still at it, they really don't want their citizens to actually know how many wardead they currently have, which is a lot for 5 days.

source - https://meduza.io/en/live/2022/02/27/russia-s-war-against-ukraine

Anonymous, have already taken care of that, a number of Russian online  media outlets have been cyber attacked, content replaced with a tombstone graphic with the number of casualties.

Edited by steve68
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The facts are the Russian President, with the expressed desire to re-constitute the Russian Empire a la his old U.S.S.R. has decided this is the moment in time to act, while there is no will left in the "decadent" West to stop him.


His only real opponent the U.S. has officially declared they have no intention to fight him, "Let me be clear: These  are totally defensive moves on our part.  We have no intention of fighting Russia".  and even the sanctions are "not designed to interrupt the flow of Russian Energy to the World"


Let that sink in for a moment.


Now he has no real opposition he will take Ukraine, or as much of it as he wants, at this time. 


So with the world virtually helpless, and the West totally outplayed, guess what?


We have a new narrative!


It goes like this, "Putin is isolated, from the World. The Russian people are like us, fearful of the madman", Mass Russian protests in Moscow, and its a given they will tie Trump into their mess.


It's the old "moral supremacy" the weak losers cling to when they have no other place to go. They're not going to look in the mirror, and take any blame themselves, (unless its the other guy) which is why losers keep losing.


But the fact is that Putin's attack on the West does not isolate Putin from the world's totalitarians. the Chinese, the communists, the Islamists, and that's all that matters to him. Totalitarians don't even care what their people think, as long as they control the Military.


Good luck if you think you'll get your "moral support" from that other half of the world, that has vowed your downfall.

Any mass protests in Cuba, China, Middle East, N.Korea?


So stick together, pray, march, condemn, raise awareness, and feel good about yourselves, while you watch your telly. (a mask is advised, lol) and hope the tyrants will be happy with just Ukraine and Taiwan for now!


And figure out how to stop them, from grabbing more, if you have the will to stop them.


Save your outrage for those who are encouraging armed resistance from the Ukrainians towards the Russian Military Machine. Needless bloodshed, when the outcome is pre-determined.


I almost believe some folks would like to see a fight to the death in Ukraine, instead of a negotiated settlement. The same pitchfork mobs who desperately wanted to see an innocent President and his whole family dragged into jail.


Actually Talks are going on between Ukraine to compromise, and limit the unnecessary killing at this very moment.


Edited by trastrick
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43 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

I see in the latest news that Zelensky is now wanting the EU to grant Ukraine immediate membership of the EU, cant see that happening though.

Thats would be bit unfair on the countries that have been waiting over 20 years to join the EU



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25 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The facts are the Russian President, with the expressed desire to re-constitute the Russian Empire a la his old U.S.S.R. has decided this is the moment in time to act, while there is no will left in the "decadent" West to stop him.


His only real opponent the U.S. has officially declared they have no intention to fight him, "Let me be clear: These  are totally defensive moves on our part.  We have no intention of fighting Russia".  and even the sanctions are "not designed to interrupt the flow of Russian Energy to the World"


Let that sink in for a moment.




The US has never wanted or really feared a war within their own boundaries.Their policy has long been to create  buffer zone i.e.Western Europe and this was never truer than during Trumps era.

Their full participation in WW 2  Zealand in 1941 was as a result of a direct action by Japan.

America First was a bigger message than trade and manufacturing concerns.

So I doubt that many  are surprised by BIden telling it how it is



Edited by RJRB
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Take it to the bank. It's over. Ignore western media. All Ukrainian radar was hit on the first day. Pilots can only fly blind, so they don't. The Russians are only targeting military bases. Many Ukrainians have surrendered and have gone home. The extremist Nazi part of the army is on the western border of the Donbass, they are surrounded.


Ukrainians are struggling to use the equipment sent in.  


Putin has offered to end it if the Donbas area and Crimea are declared independent areas. Biden has agreed to this and wants this solution.

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