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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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19 hours ago, trastrick said:

Definitely, but.......


The Democratic West is a geopolitical village, with hostile tribes, and Bears, wolves and snakes on its borders, in the the form of totalitarian governments,  who have clearly stated their goals to destroy us. Fascists. Imperialists, Communists, Islamists, all have stated their aims. It's not a secret.


For years the West has defended itself aggressively (too aggressively for some) against these threats.


Likewise criminals have been attacking the social order, but being kept in check.


But today the West has become complacent, and naive about the threats they face. The collective memory, of the blood, treasure and sacrifice it took to maintain Western freedom and prosperity, is largely subdued in today's society. The rallying cries of nationalism, family, home and country, are no more. "We have no intention of fighting Russia!" declares the current Leader of the Free World.


In the name of  globalism, we have come to rely on our sworn enemies for many of our basic necessities of life. Look around you. Ask yourself where most of your stuff comes from. "We don't have a strategic interest in reducing the global supply (Russia's Oil and Gas) of energy and that would raise prices at the gas pump for the American people around the world because it would reduce the supply available," declares his Administration.


There's an old saying, with many variations, "They will buy the rope by which we will hang them"!


So now the Bear has no realistic opposition from the West and he will do what Bears do. It is naive to just blame the Bear.


We should ask ourselves how we fed, and continue to feed the Bears and give them the strength to threaten the very existence of us and our allies.


$billions of dollars are going  every year in "Humanitarian Aid" go to prop up tin pot Dicators all over the World, so they are free from the obligation to feed their own people. And full bellies don't foment revolutions.


As we speak, NATO is buying Russian Oil which finances Putin's war. The U.S. is buying Russian Uranium. (See Uranium One -WKI) to feed Bill Gates' $multibillion clean nuclear energy plants.


The young are taught we all live in a global village, and everybody is equal and has merit.


When the awful truth is that their are evil people out in more than half the world, that want to see our version of democracy die, and us along with it, as well as domestic criminals who want to steal your stuff, and do terrible things to your family. That's why you need cops in your neighborhoods.


There are many Bears out there, Putin is not the only one.


We need a clear, declared strategy to deal with them.


Right now there is none coming from this latest group of so-called Leaders of Democracy.


The only thing that has proven to work is deterrence, and the moral courage and willingness to use it.


It worked for 50 years, under Democrat and Republican Administraions, and the 4 years under the previous administraion.


I am avowed supporter of democracy, and certainly no apologist for totalitarians of any ilk!


And until we find a way to either defeat the Tyrant, or learn to co-exist with theTyrant, I repeat I'm in favor of a diplomatic settlement, enforced by the West if neccessary.


I believe that Ukrainian live s are being wasted for no good reason, in their unwinnable war!




Appeasing Putin is no solution to naked aggression. History has taught us that.

As a foreigner on foreign shores on another continent you are telling us, the British people, to be complicit in Putin's war aims of, annexation, occupation, murder,  ethnic cleansing and rape by asking us to help enforce his will on the people of Ukraine. 

As a foreigner you are asking us, the British people, to be guilty of the same war crimes as Putin.







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3 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Appeasing Putin is no solution to naked aggression. History has taught us that.

As a foreigner on foreign shores on another continent you are telling us, the British people, to be complicit in Putin's war aims of, annexation, occupation, murder,  ethnic cleansing and rape by asking us to help enforce his will on the people of Ukraine. 

As a foreigner you are asking us, the British people, to be guilty of the same war crimes as Putin.









I'm in favour immediately of stopping the murder and rape in Ukraines unwinnable war, by accepting reality, until the West has some sort of plan to deal with the Bear, and his pals in Communist China.


The Ukraine would not be the first, and won't be the last population to be abandoned by the West to the Totalitarians, and left to make a compromise with the devil. Viet Nam, Afghanistan to name two.


Virtue signaling from your comfey sofa in front of your telly, while a whole country and its population are being destroyed, won't solve the problem. Neither will your insulting implication and misinformation that I am complicit in enabling Putin's goals.


The West has the only means of stopping totalitarian bullies from invading their neighbors, but if they are not prepared to actually use those expensive 'toys', the totalitarians will not only succeed, their appetites will be whetted for more.


History has taught us that!


The ones that are actually "complicit" and "appeasing" the totalitarians are the Western selfish and cowardly pearl clutchers, who have stated to the entire World, that they will not engage in a fight with Putin, and will continue to buy his Fossil Fuels and Uranium. 


They are actually encouraging, even rewarding Putin's strategy. 


While watching from afar, the continuing death and destruction they are financing.


Ukraines war was lost back in 2014, and again in 2022, when the West allowed Putin's "Minor Incursions" into Ukaine terrirory without consequences.


Edited by trastrick
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I  heard someone say on the Sunday Morning Politics show that Putin has warned the UK they will have a new nuclear missile ready by autumn that will be pointed in the direction of the UK.

I already though Russia had weapons of mass destruction that was capable of reaching the UK and America.  It this a more deadly weapon we are being threatened with?  


Putin says it will be a present for NATO.  It now makes me wonder where will this all end.  

Edited by hauxwell
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6 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I  heard someone say on the Sunday Morning Politics show that Putin has warned the UK they will have a new nuclear missile ready by autumn that will be pointed in the direction of the UK.

I already though Russia had weapons of mass destruction that was capable of reaching the UK and America.  It this a more deadly weapon we are being threatened with?  


Putin says it will be a present for NATO.  It now makes me wonder where will this all end.  

The missiles Putin is speaking of is a hypersonic one & supposedly unstoppable due to its speed but then again, if enough of the current nuclear missiles were launched, some are bound to get through merely based on numbers involved.  The US are also supposed to have hypersonic missiles as well. 


You're right, the Russians already have missiles pointed at the UK.   I remember years ago The Star printing a Soviet, Cold War map showing its UK targets & Sheffield was one of them. 


Of course, the US & the UK also have our nuclear missiles permanently fixed on Russian targets.   Only waiting for the launch codes. 


I must say the gall of Putin, attending a church service for the Russian Orthodox Easter, while attempting to wipe out a nation & its people. 

Edited by Baron99
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10 hours ago, Baron99 said:

The missiles Putin is speaking of is a hypersonic one & supposedly unstoppable due to its speed but then again, if enough of the current nuclear missiles were launched, some are bound to get through merely based on numbers involved.  The US are also supposed to have hypersonic missiles as well. 


You're right, the Russians already have missiles pointed at the UK.   I remember years ago The Star printing a Soviet, Cold War map showing its UK targets & Sheffield was one of them. 


Of course, the US & the UK also have our nuclear missiles permanently fixed on Russian targets.   Only waiting for the launch codes. 


I must say the gall of Putin, attending a church service for the Russian Orthodox Easter, while attempting to wipe out a nation & its people. 

Thank you Baron for explaining that to me.  

As for Putin going to church, nothing would surprise me what this man does anymore.  He doesn’t seem to care what his people think about him or other countries.  


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12 hours ago, Baron99 said:

The missiles Putin is speaking of is a hypersonic one & supposedly unstoppable due to its speed but then again, if enough of the current nuclear missiles were launched, some are bound to get through merely based on numbers involved.  The US are also supposed to have hypersonic missiles as well. 


You're right, the Russians already have missiles pointed at the UK.   I remember years ago The Star printing a Soviet, Cold War map showing its UK targets & Sheffield was one of them. 


Of course, the US & the UK also have our nuclear missiles permanently fixed on Russian targets.   Only waiting for the launch codes. 


I must say the gall of Putin, attending a church service for the Russian Orthodox Easter, while attempting to wipe out a nation & its people. 

Imagine that! 


I remember seeing a report on the sentencing of a child killer. He absolutely outraged the victims families, the judge, and the Media, when he smirked and gave the finger to them all, as he was led out of the courtroom.


That was really "over the top". Got more press than his crimes.


Such an outrageous lack of decency, I must say. :)

Edited by trastrick
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