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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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32 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Another one for you. This one they say they are fighting for the Ukrainian government


BBC again


The far-right group threatening to overthrow Ukraine's government - Newsnight - YouTube

Even that video debunks your theory/views it states 2-3,000 not a whole country then, remember when you said Roy James (BNP) was a good guy his BNP party had circa 11,811 paid up members  then


in case you forgotten you said:- 


"the word nazi was attributed to the BNP in a previous contribution. unfortuntely, there are more nazi's in the labour parties these days. although i do not beleive in everything the BNP stands for i must say that i used to know Roy James and always found him to be a good bloke "

Edited by steve68
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8 minutes ago, steve68 said:

Even that video debunks your theory/views it states 2-3,000 not a whole country then, remember when you said Roy James (BNP) was a good guy his BNP party had circa 11,811 paid up members  then


in case you forgotten you said:- 


"the word nazi was attributed to the BNP in a previous contribution. unfortuntely, there are more nazi's in the labour parties these days. although i do not beleive in everything the BNP stands for i must say that i used to know Roy James and always found him to be a good bloke "

Tbf ive met him once, i found him ok too, politically confused with his BNP and Polish girlfriend but he was ok lol

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

Tbf ive met him once, i found him ok too, politically confused with his BNP and Polish girlfriend but he was ok lol

Does a sound puzzling combo, but I guess the heart does what the heart wants,


its more to highlight that is a small number of the ukraine army, compared to the vast majority of the country and every country has far-right elements, and it's hypocritical to suggest as a whole Ukraine is dominated by Nazi  policies, whilst ignoring most countries have these fractions.



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5 minutes ago, steve68 said:

Does a sound puzzling combo, but I guess the heart does what the heart wants,


its more to highlight that is a small number of the ukraine army, compared to the vast majority of the country and every country has far-right elements, and it's hypocritical to suggest as a whole Ukraine is dominated by Nazi  policies, whilst ignoring most countries have these fractions.



exactly, its different to what Putin was insinuating, that there was genocidal nazi policies in place, rather than Neo Nazi factions, that are in Russia, Poland etc as well

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2 hours ago, L00b said:

His main grievance is not ‘NATO is growing to my West’.


His main grievance is that, with the wealthiest country (in terms of resources) in his hands, after 22 years in power engaging in unbridled kleptocracy, Russia has a smaller economy than Italy and is an economic basket case (and that’s before the recent sanctions) and, for all the State propaganda across mainstream media, the average Russian sees just fine on social media, music clips, movies, Netflix, etc, how the rest of Europe and the world is getting on, and beginning to wonder “why the **** aren’t we like this?”

Given the proximity of Ukraine with western Russia, the depth and strength of socio-cultural ties between so many inhabitants of both countries, he cannot afford for Ukraine to start doing ‘better’ than St Petersburg or Moscow.

Well said.


It is the freedom of the Ukrainian people he fears...not the small forces deployed (for decades) in NATO frontline states.

He doesn't want Western ideas of freedom permeating through the porous border to ordinary Russians back home.

If they take root...he is finished...as Ceausescu was, when he failed to notice which way the winds were blowing.


But Putin has already lost the battle of ideas and he has already lost the war in Ukraine (whatever happens).

Europe is more united that it has ever been in my lifetime...I lived through the 70s, 80s and 90s and watched it all.

All the West need to do is to keep the Ukrainians resupplied as best they can and wait.

But absolutely no "No fly zones" and no NATO boots in Ukraine...despite the pressure for this.

I also hope the fact that Russian cancelled it's request to Turkey, to send 4 warships through the Straits recently...shows that there are still some in Moscow with cool heads who don't want to push NATO too far.


And to all those that split this into a simplistic "Trump supports Putin", "Brexiteers support Putin." debate...

...I will freely admit to supporting Trump, because at least he recognised that Globalisation does not provide much benefit to people lower down the economic scale...and he did at least try to give those people back some hope that there could be a better future for them if those jobs could be returned to America.

He has shaken up the complacent ruling class in both America and elsewhere and I think that needed to happen.

I am middle class. I have done well out of Globalisation, but I know that is not the case for everyone and would love to see it rolled back (or tamed) to give people and their communities some self respect and to help our self sufficiency by making as many of the things we need in this country.

I also supported Brexit and would do so again, because I believe that we in this country should be able to make decisions (for better or worse) ourselves as decided by our elected representatives.

That does not however stop me applauding the excellent EU response to this crisis.

I fully stand with their approach and that of NATO.

Putin is a tyrant and an impediment to the World moving past the horrors and fear of the 20th Century.

The guy is a dinosaur...but that is what happens when you don't get out much and surround yourselves with Groupthink.

We need someone like Gorbachev more that ever in Russia...as then the World looked beyond the past and started making progress...and we all felt a weight fall from our shoulders.


Some people on this forum need to start looking at events in colours other than black and white.

History is complicated...but the general march is always towards freedom and peace and Putin is on the wrong side of history (as I am sure he knows deep down)

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27 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:

Well said.


It is the freedom of the Ukrainian people he fears...not the small forces deployed (for decades) in NATO frontline states.

He doesn't want Western ideas of freedom permeating through the porous border to ordinary Russians back home.

If they take root...he is finished...as Ceausescu was, when he failed to notice which way the winds were blowing.


But Putin has already lost the battle of ideas and he has already lost the war in Ukraine (whatever happens).

Europe is more united that it has ever been in my lifetime...I lived through the 70s, 80s and 90s and watched it all.

All the West need to do is to keep the Ukrainians resupplied as best they can and wait.

But absolutely no "No fly zones" and no NATO boots in Ukraine...despite the pressure for this.

I also hope the fact that Russian cancelled it's request to Turkey, to send 4 warships through the Straits recently...shows that there are still some in Moscow with cool heads who don't want to push NATO too far.


And to all those that split this into a simplistic "Trump supports Putin", "Brexiteers support Putin." debate...

...I will freely admit to supporting Trump, because at least he recognised that Globalisation does not provide much benefit to people lower down the economic scale...and he did at least try to give those people back some hope that there could be a better future for them if those jobs could be returned to America.

He has shaken up the complacent ruling class in both America and elsewhere and I think that needed to happen.

I am middle class. I have done well out of Globalisation, but I know that is not the case for everyone and would love to see it rolled back (or tamed) to give people and their communities some self respect and to help our self sufficiency by making as many of the things we need in this country.

I also supported Brexit and would do so again, because I believe that we in this country should be able to make decisions (for better or worse) ourselves as decided by our elected representatives.

That does not however stop me applauding the excellent EU response to this crisis.

I fully stand with their approach and that of NATO.

Putin is a tyrant and an impediment to the World moving past the horrors and fear of the 20th Century.

The guy is a dinosaur...but that is what happens when you don't get out much and surround yourselves with Groupthink.

We need someone like Gorbachev more that ever in Russia...as then the World looked beyond the past and started making progress...and we all felt a weight fall from our shoulders.


Some people on this forum need to start looking at events in colours other than black and white.

History is complicated...but the general march is always towards freedom and peace and Putin is on the wrong side of history (as I am sure he knows deep down)


Edited by Kidorry
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