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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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12 minutes ago, FoxLady said:

Well said, Mel!

There are 3 or 4 on this forum who must sit there and think "what can we write to argue about anything and everything"!

They're also experts in....well.....everything it seems!



Not really, it's not easy going against the grain (see against the brainwashed). We've thought it through and come to a different conclusion.

10 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Funnily enough, its same as what James O Brien has said on the matter, since Trump uttered those words "fake news" its now an industry and people, regimes use it to their own ends as a tool, a weapon.



I dont care if you find it insulting or not, youve said some good stuff on this thread but Trump is part of the problem, in fact its him that opened the fake news can of worms, as well as a mate and more? of Putins, personally i HATE him too.


Remember when JOB had Carole Cadswallop on his show to congratulate her on her journalistic award for investigating Russian influence. Only for it all to be shown to be a big pile of poo and she had to pay whopping compensation? 

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16 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Just been reminded of another interesting factlet LOL, Last year wee Tommy Robinson went to Russia, part of his visit, alledgedly was to open Bank accounts there to stash his money in



Hows it looking now Tommy?


He's on gettr now and live streams most days. Why don't you join and burst a blood vessel?

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1 minute ago, SheffieldBricky said:


He's on gettr now and live streams most days. Why don't you join and burst a blood vessel?

you can go ask him how his bank accounts getting on now with sanctions for me

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

dont talk wet, hes a Russia and Trump fan too, hes a perfect fit for you


Nope I support who I feel is right. Robbo does what he does for money. Farage is the type of Tory I can't stand. Given a chance he'd reopen workhouses and privatise the NHS. I supported him on Brexit but nothing else. 

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These discussions always seem to degenerate into a predictable Far Left vs Far Right slanging match.


What this crisis is doing is shining a light onto both...who in effect are the same thing...irrelevant.

90% of people in this country (including me) despise both.

Putin is reminding that 90% of what happens when politics go to the extremes.


Putin claims to be fighting against Fascists (and indeed Ukraine has it's far Right faction the same as any other country...including us and even the Russian Federation)...but ironically Putin is the Fascist in this instance.

The bombardment of Ukrainian cities is no different to that done at Guernica in the Spanish Civil War...a city defended by the Far Left in those days.

History keeps going around in circles.


What I am really pleased about is how moderate people outside those fringes are ignoring the calls of those two extremes and coming together themselves, to support a country free to choose it's own path.

This includes Liberals, Brexit supporters and if I was in America, I dare say a majority of Trump supporters (who are probably very Patriotic).


The Far Right has never got anywhere in this country and never will.

The Far Left share the same irrelevance...the Stop the War Coalition calls to protest against NATO expansion revealing the idiocy of the position they are spoon fed from Moscow.

A pox on both their houses.

I am massively impressed that Starmer has said he will kick out anyone who talks in support of the STW coalition or signs their (extremely) dangerous letter.

Long overdue.

Maybe I might even vote for him next time...he understands Britain (as does Boris) more than the Far Left and Far Right ever will.




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1 hour ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Remember when JOB had Carole Cadswallop on his show to congratulate her on her journalistic award for investigating Russian influence. Only for it all to be shown to be a big pile of poo and she had to pay whopping compensation? 

When was that?

The government is still sitting on the Russia report, last I checked.


Perhaps there is causal link with the UK being the country slowest amongst others in implementing sanctions, allowing Abramovich to sell his London pad, and his Chelsea FC stake to, reportedly, “a Swiss investor” (I’m accepting bets on whether that’s a straw man/corporation 😏)

Got a spare £3bn?


Speaking of Russian influence, and to the surprise of no-one with a functioning brain able to connect dots:



Edited by L00b
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