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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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13 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:

These discussions always seem to degenerate into a predictable Far Left vs Far Right slanging match.


What this crisis is doing is shining a light onto both...who in effect are the same thing...irrelevant.

90% of people in this country (including me) despise both.

Putin is reminding that 90% of what happens when politics go to the extremes.


Putin claims to be fighting against Fascists (and indeed Ukraine has it's far Right faction the same as any other country...including us and even the Russian Federation)...but ironically Putin is the Fascist in this instance.

The bombardment of Ukrainian cities is no different to that done at Guernica in the Spanish Civil War...a city defended by the Far Left in those days.

History keeps going around in circles.


What I am really pleased about is how moderate people outside those fringes are ignoring the calls of those two extremes and coming together themselves, to support a country free to choose it's own path.

This includes Liberals, Brexit supporters and if I was in America, I dare say a majority of Trump supporters (who are probably very Patriotic).


The Far Right has never got anywhere in this country and never will.

The Far Left share the same irrelevance...the Stop the War Coalition calls to protest against NATO expansion revealing the idiocy of the position they are spoon fed from Moscow.

A pox on both their houses.

I am massively impressed that Starmer has said he will kick out anyone who talks in support of the STW coalition or signs their (extremely) dangerous letter.

Long overdue.

Maybe I might even vote for him next time...he understands Britain (as does Boris) more than the Far Left and Far Right ever will.




Don't agree, there has to be freedom of speech for party members, I initially supported Starmer, but he is basically becoming Blair Mk 2, he has even made  the Hammer of the Disabled and Sick, , Yvette Cooper a shadow Home Secretary.

Edited by gamezone07
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1 minute ago, gamezone07 said:

Don't agree, there has to be freedom of speech for party members, I initially supported Starmer, but he is basically becoming Blair Mk 2, he has even the Hammer of the Disabled and Sick, , Yvette Cooper a shadow Home Secretary.

Fine...but for any party, that is tempered by the desire to get elected.

Discuss it all you want in the Labour Party if you like.

Come back to the electorate in a few years, when you have made up your mind what you stand for and then I will consider your offer and perhaps vote for you.


As for Cooper I agree...never trusted her since she had to pay back the £1,363 she overclaimed for her mortgage.

Don't know why these politicians think the voters have forgotten about that stink...they must think we are stupid.


2 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

RT channel seems to have gone down.

Good. I watched it to get an alternative view yesterday out of curiosity.

What a joke.

Deleted it from my channel list last night.

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5 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:


Arron Banks sued here and won, he's ruined her financially. If you don't know about that you haven't been paying attention.

I do know about that. Why do you think I pinged you about it?


So, what was the suit about, and what was the reason of his ‘win’?


Hint: it wasn’t about his Russian ties. About which he’s provably lied to a Parliamentary subcommittee.


This is exactly the problem, and what right-thinking members of the public are up against. Propaganda and misinformation paraded as facts. Example.


Media (Russia, same in Belarus):






Edited by L00b
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2 minutes ago, L00b said:

I do know about that. What was the suit about and what was the reason of his win?


Hint: it wasn’t about his Russian ties. About which he’s provably lied to a Parliamentary subcommittee.


This is exactly the problem, and what right-thinking members of the public are up against. Propaganda and misinformation paraded as facts. Example.


Media (Russia, same in Belarus):







You seem to have missed the point that she lost the case and Banks won substantial compensation. 

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Looks like 140 countries have just voted against Putin's invasion with 5 against and 34 abstaining.

At least if I get vapourised tonight in my sleep...I will remember that the vast majority of people on this planet were on the right side of history...

Just now, crazyhorse said:

Looks like 140 countries have just voted against Putin's invasion with 5 against and 34 abstaining.

At least if I get vapourised tonight in my sleep...I will remember that the vast majority of people on this planet were on the right side of history...

Which side are you on boys?

Which side are you on?

You see...I even have a soft spot for Billy Bragg.

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