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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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What's struck me is that there's no mention of the "proper" Ukrainian army in any of the TV coverage.

Families in bunkers yes, civilians being armed and volunteering yes - but a day or two before this conflict started, I remember hearing that the Ukrainian armed forces numbered 200,000.

Not as well armed, but numerically greater than the estimated number of Russian troops then gathering at the border.

So where are they? We hear no mention of them.

Granted it's a vast country to cover, but  why are they not trying to tackle the seemingly-stalled, 40 mile convoy of Russian weapons and personnel threatening to surround Kviv?





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8 minutes ago, FoxLady said:

What's struck me is that there's no mention of the "proper" Ukrainian army in any of the TV coverage.

Families in bunkers yes, civilians being armed and volunteering yes - but a day or two before this conflict started, I remember hearing that the Ukrainian armed forces numbered 200,000.

Not as well armed, but numerically greater than the estimated number of Russian troops then gathering at the border.

So where are they? We hear no mention of them.

Granted it's a vast country to cover, but  why are they not trying to tackle the seemingly-stalled, 40 mile convoy of Russian weapons and personnel threatening to surround Kviv?





I don't think it's platoons of men marching towards the enemy en masse

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32 minutes ago, FoxLady said:

What's struck me is that there's no mention of the "proper" Ukrainian army in any of the TV coverage.

Families in bunkers yes, civilians being armed and volunteering yes - but a day or two before this conflict started, I remember hearing that the Ukrainian armed forces numbered 200,000.

Not as well armed, but numerically greater than the estimated number of Russian troops then gathering at the border.

So where are they? We hear no mention of them.

Granted it's a vast country to cover, but  why are they not trying to tackle the seemingly-stalled, 40 mile convoy of Russian weapons and personnel threatening to surround Kviv?





No person with the right mind would be filming positions of the troops during the armed conflict

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Who's to blame, again?


Many predicted Nato expansion would lead to war. Those warnings were ignored


"It has long been clear that Nato expansion would lead to tragedy. We are now paying the price for the US’s arrogance"


"Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine is an act of aggression that will make already worrisome tensions between Nato and Moscow even more dangerous. The west’s new cold war with Russia has turned hot. Vladimir Putin bears primary responsibility for this latest development, but Nato’s arrogant, tone‐deaf policy toward Russia over the past quarter‐century deserves a large share as well. Analysts committed to a US foreign policy of realism and restraint have warned for more than a quarter‐century that continuing to expand the most powerful military alliance in history toward another major power would not end well. The war in Ukraine provides definitive confirmation that it did not".




And who's in charge of the U.S. "Arrogant" Foreign Policy, during this latest run up to WW3?


He who it is far too politically correct and woke to mention, but here's a hint: He's old, somewhat dementia prone, and has the intials J.B.







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When  jackbooted Totaltarians are allowed to run amok, with no serious (military) opposition, Deterrance is impossible. They used to refer this situation as the Domino Theory.


While the Western Moral Supremacists, laud their overall military might and technology, without the WILL to use it, it is no more effective than Monty Python's "pointed stick  :)


Not to mention a complete waste of money!




The National Interest


The Real Lesson for Taiwan From Ukraine


"Scholar Stephen Walt wrote last week that “one can believe that Russia’s present actions are wholly illegitimate and also believe that a different set of US policies over the past several decades would have made them less likely.” Indeed, American diplomat George F. Kennan—the prominent Russia expert and father of “containment” policy—famously predicted in 1997 that NATO expansion “would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era” because it would probably “inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion ... restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.” (Note that this prediction predated Putin’s tenure as Russia’s leader.)


This is exactly what has happened".




Those who fail to learn from history (they always know best, Lol) are doomed to repeat it!






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I'm an optimist by nature.  It has served me well!


I beieve that truth will always emerge eventually to defeat politically constructed "narratives".


And sometimes, it slips out unintentionally, like the observation below :)


(Biden Spokesperson) Jen Psaki Notices an Interesting Pattern About Putin's Invasions


"During an interview with CNN Wednesday morning, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about President Vladimir Putin's ongoing assault on Ukraine, where he is targeting civilians, media outlets and hospitals. Russian troops are also reportedly blocking civilians from evacuating major cities.


"After the anchor pointed out troop movements on a map, Psaki pointed out a pattern.  

"I was at the State Department, the President was the Vice President the last time Putin invaded Ukraine," Psaki said. 






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16 minutes ago, FoxLady said:

Did I mention film?



Picture, anything that can show the coordinates, location, number etc.

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12 minutes ago, croat77 said:

Picture, anything that can show the coordinates, location, number etc.

And with reverse image search it doesn't even need that. It just needs someone else to have taken a picture of the same thing but with some identifying information and uploaded it to the internet.

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