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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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9 minutes ago, rogets said:



I'm calling for us to show the world how tough we are, but as long as its not me who has to do the fighting. 


I like a cup of warm coacoa before bedtime and my central heating to prevent me from getting too cold, even in summer. 

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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27 minutes ago, rogets said:

I think we need to show a bit of toughness and let the aggressors know that we in the UK are not afraid of nuclear war. 


We are tougher than that 

Wear an headband, a cap sleeve T shirt and shout " I'll give You a war you won't believe,  as your entering the Recruiting office,   RAMBO! :hihi:

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The Russians and the Chinese play the long game. The militant Islamists play an even longer game.


Everybody laughed when Kruschev said, "We will bury you", and Mao called Taiwan a "noose" for the Imperialists.


Germany will be running Europe by 2000?  Don't make me larf! :)


The West is preoccupied with telly, celebs, Iphones, Netflix, and J-Lo, Jordan, and Prince Harry's latest.  :)



Edited by trastrick
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Right on queue Macron is using this conflict to again promote an EU army which he has always wanted and for it to be independent of the US and NATO.


Part of this is also due to the fact that France is a big maker and supplier of weapons and he wants to encourage other members to buy weapons from France if an EU army goes ahead.



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The BBC news has just stated that the ordinary Russians do not know what is happening in Ukraine due to all Western media being shut down , So does that mean that computers and mobile phones cannot receive info as well , do not those soldiers who are invading send messages or Ukraine people who have relatives in Russia . I thought the World Wide Web reached every where 

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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I'm not worried...

... I've got a few left-over cloth face masks to protect me! :hihi:

I hope you've done a risk assessment😆

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17 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The BBC news has just stated that the ordinary Russians do not know what is happening in Ukraine due to all Western media being shut down , So does that mean that computers and mobile phones cannot receive info as well , do not those soldiers who are invading send messages or Ukraine people who have relatives in Russia . I thought the World Wide Web reached every where 

They've been shutting down sites etc that tell 'fake news'i e stuff they don't like

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38 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Right on queue Macron is using this conflict to again promote an EU army which he has always wanted and for it to be independent of the US and NATO.

Forward planning, in case Trumps gets back to the WH in 2024 (US will exit NATO) and Putin is still in charge to the East.

38 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Part of this is also due to the fact that France is a big maker and supplier of weapons and he wants to encourage other members to buy weapons from France if an EU army goes ahead.

So are Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, <...>

17 minutes ago, melthebell said:

They've been shutting down sites etc that tell 'fake news'i e stuff they don't like

And passed a law earlier today, sentencing any person to 15 years imprisonment if they are convicted of relaying 'fake news' about the Russian Army in the media (mass, social, etc.). "Fake news about the Russian army" being anything that does not accord with the Russian government's version, naturally. No Parliamentary debate, 100% ayes voting. You have to wonder why they bothered having a 'vote'.


The democratic world needs to regain the initiative. So ratchet sanctions up every day that Russia is still in Ukraine (not merely stopping attacks) and let Russia get itself to North Korean levels of isolation and deprivation, if it comes to that.


Gradual removal of sanctions can be considered if and when Russia has managed to rid itself, durably and verifiably, of Putin and his authoritarian kleptocracy ; has consented to independent observation and auditing of free elections ; has consented to unilateral partial nuclear disarmament (down to NATO levels) ; has undertaken to repair the damage to Ukraine, Syria and Georgia ; has rescinded their UN top table spot & veto. 

Edited by L00b
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Talking about the censorship and vote in Russia, interesting bit in this about the last independent channel in Russia that was just closed down, they walked off set after their final show, saying no to war



And the brainwashing by Russian state propaganda seems to be working



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