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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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Just now, L00b said:

Forward planning, in case Trumps gets back to the WH in 2024 (US will exit NATO) and Putin is still in charge to the East.

So are Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, <...>

And passed a law earlier today, sentencing any person to 15 years imprisonment if they are convicted of relaying 'fake news' about the Russian Army in the media (mass, social, etc.). "Fake news about the Russian army" being anything that does not accord with the Russian government's version, naturally. No Parliamentary debate, 100% ayes voting. You have to wonder why they bothered having a 'vote'.


The democratic world needs to regain the initiative. So ratchet sanctions up every day that Russia is still in Ukraine (not merely stopping attacks) and let Russia get itself to North Korean levels of isolation and deprivation, if it comes to that.


Gradual removal of sanctions can be considered if and when Russia has managed to rid itself, durably and verifiably, of Putin and his authoritarian kleptocracy ; has consented to independent observation and auditing of free elections ; has consented to unilateral partial nuclear disarmament (down to NATO levels) ; has undertaken to repair the damage to Ukraine, Syria and Georgia ; has rescinded their UN top table spot & veto. 

You are joking, right?  :)


Time to put real  sanctions ON!





Joe Biden: "We have no intention of fighting Russia"

The sanctions are "not designed to interrupt the flow of Russian Energy to the World"

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24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You are joking, right?  :)


Time to put real  sanctions ON!





Joe Biden: "We have no intention of fighting Russia"

The sanctions are "not designed to interrupt the flow of Russian Energy to the World"


Many countries rely on Russian gas. If you cut if off what are they supposed to do?

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57 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You are joking, right?  :)

Not in the least.


Putin cannot suppress his losses at their current scale, no matter how much more authoritarian he gets.


You can't terrorize a grieving mother fed mountains of lies about her KIA son, with fines and prison sentences.



96% casualty rate in 1 company, and the sheer volume of independent, anecdotal reports and occurrences like this from Russia, lends much credence to the total Russian KIA figures alleged by Ukrainian authorities. The post-battle photos and videos, if you have the stomach for them, would finish to convince the most dubious.
Even if those figures alleged by Ukraine were only true by half, this is still a staggering level of losses, vastly exceeding Chechnya levels BITD.
Edited by L00b
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22 minutes ago, Zinger549 said:

Many countries rely on Russian gas. If you cut if off what are they supposed to do?

Buy it from the USA and other countries that produce it, which is what is already starting to happen. The USA has at the moment a surplus of Natural gas but it seems it is also now lacking in the facilities to chill it into liquid form for transporting. 

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10 minutes ago, L00b said:

Not in the least.


Putin cannot suppress his losses at their current scale, no matter how much more authoritarian he gets.


You can't terrorize a grieving mother fed mountains of lies about her KIA son, with fines and prison sentences.



96% casualty rate in 1 company, and the sheer volume of independent, anecdotal reports and occurrences like this from Russia, lends much credence to the total Russian KIA figures alleged by Ukrainian authorities. The post-battle photos and videos, if you have the stomach for them, would finish to convince the most dubious.
Even if those figures alleged by Ukraine were only true by half, this is still a staggering level of losses, vastly exceeding Chechnya levels BITD.

That's what I was thinking today. You can suppress the media and the internet. But parents who lost their children? No way. As seen on Balkan wars 31 years ago. You can't censored that. 

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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

The BBC news has just stated that the ordinary Russians do not know what is happening in Ukraine due to all Western media being shut down , So does that mean that computers and mobile phones cannot receive info as well , do not those soldiers who are invading send messages or Ukraine people who have relatives in Russia . I thought the World Wide Web reached every where 

We have not been able to contact our relatives in Mariupol for the last three days due to there being no electric.

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1 hour ago, Kidorry said:

We have not been able to contact our relatives in Mariupol for the last three days due to there being no electric.

good luck

Just seeing that a Russian general has been taken out by a sniper

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During the Covid the pandemic I didn't like people saying "keep safe" to me, I didn't want to be safe I wanted to be normal.

What reminded me of that was radio presenters interviewing Ukrainians. These people are rightly lauding the Ukrainians fighting to save their country and their freedom, but when the interviews are over nearly all of the presenters (on both R4 and Talkradio) say "stay safe". And I'm thinking that's rather at odds with you saying the Ukrainians are to be praised and encouraged for their heroic resistance. If they really think they should "stay safe" they should surrender (not that I think they should obviously).

"Stay safe", what that really means is "give in", to either Covid or the Russians.....

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