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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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5 minutes ago, L00b said:

I don’t judge anyone else based on how much they help, or even whether they help at all.


We do these things because, up to 2 weeks ago or so, Ukrainians were living just like you and I. Literally. And God forbid, in a month’s time, in a year’s time, it could well be us. Pay it forward.


We do these things, because there is little to no difference between Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, and Germany’s war of agression in 1938-1940 and, were we around then, knowing what we know now, would we have taken in kids fresh off the Kindertransports? Well what do you think.


I do these things, because my grandfather’s entire family were made refugees overnight in September 1940, when the Nazis force-evicted them, until 1945.


Everybody does whatever they do, for their own reasons, within their own means. Just so long as we all do enough.

Excellent post, excellent sentiments, excellent actions. Yer a good 'un

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14 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Thats very nice of you and your family :thumbsup: but please remember ( I’m sure you do ) that many people are not in a position to do such nice things 


Tha nos Hackey,

I've been thinking on similar lines, I really wish I could help in some way..

My heart bleeds for those Ukrainians who've had there lives torn apart. appalling.

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I think the biggest problem is getting Ukrainians over here. What with the visa problem and not being able to get out of Ukraine.

I am with ID mobile and I went on their web page today and if you are with ID you can make free calls to Ukraine. Good of them.

Edited by Kidorry
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1 hour ago, L00b said:

All of these countries “with populations brainwashed into believing that the Imperialistic US is the Greatest Threat to World Peace” are autocracies, many outrightly fascistic.


Funny that 😏


On the topic of “doing”, our family Merc is getting fully serviced this week, to be gifted to a local Ukrainian association at the weekend, which does refugee-fetching runs to Poland and Romania.


We’re discussing, as a family, whether to offer a refugee child a home ‘for the duration’, however long that is. In the meantime we’ve registered with that Ukrainian association as a transit host (accommodate incoming refugees for days/couple of weeks, while more permanent accommodation gets sorted by social services, so they don’t have to camp in a gymnasium or whatnot). Now waiting to hear further.

We also have a couple of travel seats to the UK available on 8th April, if anyone knows Ukrainians in need of a lift (subject to UK visa, if they’re still in force by then). I can drop them off anywhere on the way between Dover and Sheffield, along the M20/A1.

Speaking of "fascistic" sentiments, I hope your worthy charitable impulses involves thoroughly vetting who you bring into your home.


Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification ...

https://www.nbcnews.com › think › opinion › ukraine-...

5 days ago — Russia-Ukraine conflict: Vladimir Putin's 'denazification' claim for war is a lie. But Ukraine has a neo-Nazi problem.


Commentary: Ukraine's neo-Nazi problem | Reuters

https://www.reuters.com › article › us-cohen-ukraine-co...

Mar 19, 2018 — As Ukraine's struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: ...


Stay safe.


You can't be too careful!

Edited by trastrick
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15 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Speaking of "fascistic" sentiments, I hope your worthy charitable impulses involves thoroughly vetting who you bring into your home.


Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification ...

https://www.nbcnews.com › think › opinion › ukraine-...

5 days ago — Russia-Ukraine conflict: Vladimir Putin's 'denazification' claim for war is a lie. But Ukraine has a neo-Nazi problem.


Commentary: Ukraine's neo-Nazi problem | Reuters

https://www.reuters.com › article › us-cohen-ukraine-co...

Mar 19, 2018 — As Ukraine's struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: ...


Stay safe.


You can't be too careful!

Talk to me again when the US, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Hungary, Italy, etc. don’t have their own contingent of neonazis, and when you decide to give your Putin apologism-by-proxy a rest.

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19 minutes ago, L00b said:

Talk to me again when the US, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Hungary, Italy, etc. don’t have their own contingent of neonazis, and when you decide to give your Putin apologism-by-proxy a rest.

There are undercurrents bubbling up everywhere including Britain.


Populations are feeling disenfranchised, disillusioned, angry and divided. IMO it's a lot to do with the corruption now endemic in most systems, and the 'one law for us and another for them.'   The gap between rich and poor has grown exponentially resulting in unfairness and a two tier society.


The result is a hardening of attitudes, stress, mental ill-health, and and world wide inequality. The world has become an unhappy and dangerous place.

Who knows where it will end.... 

Edited by Anna B
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41 minutes ago, Anna B said:

There are undercurrents bubbling up everywhere including Britain.

There’s nothing new about fascist/neonazi groups and political parties in western democracies, they’ve been around decades and longer.


What is recent, is the visibility and veneer of semi-respectability, which Putin’s kleptocratic rubles and state media machines bought them in the past decade, with a growing portion of malcontents eager for easy solutions to complex problems.


JM LePen’s Front National was a political aberration, of less significance than zero in the French political landscape, that lasted decades. Marine LePen’s National Rally is the same pig, rebranded with fancy lipstick paid for by Putin and she’s still given as Macron’s likeliest runner-up. Evidence all over the web, to the point that she’s having 8 million electoral leaflets (prepared for the presidential elections next month) shredded in one big hurry, what with the supersized photo of her shaking hands with Vlad smack in the middle of it.

Same story with the German AfD, the Greek Golden Dawn, the Italian Lega Nord, the Austrian Freedom Party, Vote Leave in the UK  [etc] and don’t get me started on the GOP and it’s ‘satellites’ like the Proud Boys: all of them pushed at the @ss by Putin for years, with money and/or media validation through RT/Sputnik/the like, to a tee.


But who’s been paying any attention to the Cassandra-like calls of investigative journalists?

Edited by L00b
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1 hour ago, L00b said:

Talk to me again when the US, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Hungary, Italy, etc. don’t have their own contingent of neonazis, and when you decide to give your Putin apologism-by-proxy a rest.

No apologies for Tyrants, Dictators, Totalitarians and their fellow travellers.


I see them as opportunists, always looking for ways to expand their power.


Putin is a Prime example.


But, I never underestimate their ablitiies to recognize weakness, and act on it.


That's a fool's game.

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2 hours ago, L00b said:

There’s nothing new about fascist/neonazi groups and political parties in western democracies, they’ve been around decades and longer.


What is recent, is the visibility and veneer of semi-respectability, which Putin’s kleptocratic rubles and state media machines bought them in the past decade, with a growing portion of malcontents eager for easy solutions to complex problems.


JM LePen’s Front National was a political aberration, of less significance than zero in the French political landscape, that lasted decades. Marine LePen’s National Rally is the same pig, rebranded with fancy lipstick paid for by Putin and she’s still given as Macron’s likeliest runner-up. Evidence all over the web, to the point that she’s having 8 million electoral leaflets (prepared for the presidential elections next month) shredded in one big hurry, what with the supersized photo of her shaking hands with Vlad smack in the middle of it.

Same story with the German AfD, the Greek Golden Dawn, the Italian Lega Nord, the Austrian Freedom Party, Vote Leave in the UK  [etc] and don’t get me started on the GOP and it’s ‘satellites’ like the Proud Boys: all of them pushed at the @ss by Putin for years, with money and/or media validation through RT/Sputnik/the like, to a tee.


But who’s been paying any attention to the Cassandra-like calls of investigative journalists?

Many people have been predicting a war in Ukraine, it's been a topic on the Soocial Media for ages. But what would you have us do to change things? Investigative journalists might have got the message out there, but it's not a  case of paying attention; we are pretty powerless to change the way things have gone.


Don't forget the thousands and thousands who protested about the war in Iraq and were not only lied to, to justify it, but summarily  ignored. 


Same in Ukraine. Whether you approve the war or not, all men of fighting age are not allowed to leave the Ukraine and are being conscripted into the Army to fight. From what I've heard they have no choice in the matter. Their lives are expendable...


It's the job of politicians to sort this out. It's time they started telling the truth, standing in the front line themselves, and earning their money.

Edited by Anna B
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