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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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5 hours ago, L00b said:

I don’t judge anyone else based on how much they help, or even whether they help at all.


We do these things because, up to 2 weeks ago or so, Ukrainians were living just like you and I. Literally. And God forbid, in a month’s time, in a year’s time, it could well be us. Pay it forward.


We do these things, because there is little to no difference between Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, and Germany’s war of agression in 1938-1940 and, were we around then, knowing what we know now, would we have taken in kids fresh off the Kindertransports? Well what do you think.


I do these things, because my grandfather’s entire family were made refugees overnight in September 1940, when the Nazis force-evicted them, until 1945.


Everybody does whatever they do, for their own reasons, within their own means. Just so long as we all do enough.

Great post Loob, and I know you arnt looking for praise but you certainly deserve it.

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Interesting video on 2 points


1: Douglas Macgregor is on Fox News as an "expert"  when in fact hes a Trump appointed former advisor, racist and Putin defender, in fact his wiki page states hes been featured on RT in Russia stating his expertise on the "war", ie:- being favourable to Russia.



2: China has officially come out and called it a War, an Invasion, going against what their mates Russia are trying to portray



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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Many people have been predicting a war in Ukraine, it's been a topic on the Soocial Media for ages. But what would you have us do to change things? Investigative journalists might have got the message out there, but it's not a  case of paying attention; we are pretty powerless to change the way things have gone.


Don't forget the thousands and thousands who protested about the war in Iraq and were not only lied to, to justify it, but summarily  ignored. 


Same in Ukraine. Whether you approve the war or not, all men of fighting age are not allowed to leave the Ukraine and are being conscripted into the Army to fight. From what I've heard they have no choice in the matter. Their lives are expendable...


It's the job of politicians to sort this out. It's time they started telling the truth, standing in the front line themselves, and earning their money.

What would I have anyone do?


Think for themselves.

Remember the lessons of history.

Do what is right, rather than what is easy.

Leave the place better than they found it.


Can’t possibly ask for more.


And though it may be the job of politicians to sort things out, it’s the job of the people to elect them and to hold them account. If they can’t or won’t be held to account, then the system isn’t fit for purpose anymore, and needs grabbing and shaking. Hard.


Freedom is isn’t free, it’s earned. Just ask anyone who actually lived through WW2, or the Ukrainians from Euro Maidan 2014.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Many people have been predicting a war in Ukraine, it's been a topic on the Soocial Media for ages. But what would you have us do to change things? Investigative journalists might have got the message out there, but it's not a  case of paying attention; we are pretty powerless to change the way things have gone.


Don't forget the thousands and thousands who protested about the war in Iraq and were not only lied to, to justify it, but summarily  ignored. 


Same in Ukraine. Whether you approve the war or not, all men of fighting age are not allowed to leave the Ukraine and are being conscripted into the Army to fight. From what I've heard they have no choice in the matter. Their lives are expendable...


It's the job of politicians to sort this out. It's time they started telling the truth, standing in the front line themselves, and earning their money.


 What choice in what matter? If someone wants to destroy you, your kids, your house, your town where you grow up,  what choice do you have? Its hard to understand, but there is no choice

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Many people have been predicting a war in Ukraine, it's been a topic on the Soocial Media for ages. But what would you have us do to change things? Investigative journalists might have got the message out there, but it's not a  case of paying attention; we are pretty powerless to change the way things have gone.


Don't forget the thousands and thousands who protested about the war in Iraq and were not only lied to, to justify it, but summarily  ignored. 


Same in Ukraine. Whether you approve the war or not, all men of fighting age are not allowed to leave the Ukraine and are being conscripted into the Army to fight. From what I've heard they have no choice in the matter. Their lives are expendable...


It's the job of politicians to sort this out. It's time they started telling the truth, standing in the front line themselves, and earning their money.

Last sentence , have you got Putins phone number ?  i will give him a bell 

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Many people have been predicting a war in Ukraine, it's been a topic on the Soocial Media for ages. But what would you have us do to change things? Investigative journalists might have got the message out there, but it's not a  case of paying attention; we are pretty powerless to change the way things have gone.


Don't forget the thousands and thousands who protested about the war in Iraq and were not only lied to, to justify it, but summarily  ignored. 


Same in Ukraine. Whether you approve the war or not, all men of fighting age are not allowed to leave the Ukraine and are being conscripted into the Army to fight. From what I've heard they have no choice in the matter. Their lives are expendable...


It's the job of politicians to sort this out. It's time they started telling the truth, standing in the front line themselves, and earning their money.

It was the weak politicians that got us into this mess, Anna!


So, where are our Globalists, while this slaughter is going on?


You remember the globalists, they were the folks who told us we were all tenants of the same planet.




The UN?  AWOL busy with climate change and and telling their staff, not to use bad words to describe the Russian Invasions


New documents reveal top-level UN policy setting soft ...

https://www.irishtimes.com › news › world › europe

1 day ago — UN staff were instructed not to use 'war' or 'invasion' to describe....





Bill Gates?

Club of Rome?

The Greens?



The response from all these posers should have been thunderous!


If anything they are in favor of sending 'humanitarian aid' and cheering on the Ukranian fighters to the death,  in a no win situation.


The only strong Leaders at the moment are Zelensky and Putin, but that's no match. Most in the U.S. would love to have seen Trump in charge, according to polls.


The rest of the know it alls are sitting back and clutching their pearls, while uttering the usual sound bites, from their comfortable chairs.





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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It was the weak politicians that got us into this mess, Anna!



The only strong Leaders at the moment are Zelensky and Putin, but that's no match. Most in the U.S. would love to have seen Trump in charge, according to polls.


The rest of the know it alls are sitting back and clutching their pearls, while uttering the usual sound bites, from their comfortable chairs.





Trump was in charge for a  time and did nothing but cosy up to Putin whilst twittering away from the nearest golf course .

Zelensky has been a strong leader for 3 weeks (and full credit to him),but I think the resistance is largely down to the sense of identity of the Ukrainian people.

Diplomacy is the only answer and Trump is no diplomat

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