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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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10 hours ago, L00b said:

All of these countries “with populations brainwashed into believing that the Imperialistic US is the Greatest Threat to World Peace” are autocracies, many outrightly fascistic.


Funny that 😏


On the topic of “doing”, our family Merc is getting fully serviced this week, to be gifted to a local Ukrainian association at the weekend, which does refugee-fetching runs to Poland and Romania.


We’re discussing, as a family, whether to offer a refugee child a home ‘for the duration’, however long that is. In the meantime we’ve registered with that Ukrainian association as a transit host (accommodate incoming refugees for days/couple of weeks, while more permanent accommodation gets sorted by social services, so they don’t have to camp in a gymnasium or whatnot). Now waiting to hear further.

We also have a couple of travel seats to the UK available on 8th April, if anyone knows Ukrainians in need of a lift (subject to UK visa, if they’re still in force by then). I can drop them off anywhere on the way between Dover and Sheffield, along the M20/A1.

Massive respect for you there pal, I wish I could do the same but I already turned my 2 bed house into a 3 bed home for a couple of little girls. You have my best wishes, decent people need to step up 👍

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I appreciate some of the difficulties in reacting to the crisis of refugees but our government seems to be failing to react in an appropriate way.

Once the Ukrainians are able to reach our country I have no doubt that they will get tremendous support from ordinary people.



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12 hours ago, RJRB said:

Trump was in charge for a  time and did nothing but cosy up to Putin whilst twittering away from the nearest golf course .

Zelensky has been a strong leader for 3 weeks (and full credit to him),but I think the resistance is largely down to the sense of identity of the Ukrainian people.

Diplomacy is the only answer and Trump is no diplomat

Are you a warmonger then.   What is wrong with trying to make friends with people rather than enemies?

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15 hours ago, trastrick said:

Most in the U.S. would love to have seen Trump in charge, according to polls.

Nope... they just voted him out :thumbsup:


Saying they think it wouldn't have happened if Trump had won is not at all the same as saying they'd prefer him in charge in the current situation.


Trump bomb Moscow! Don't make me laugh, Trump *still* can't bring himself to criticize Putin even now:






Edited by Magilla
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1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Orange-man-bad still living rent free in people's heads well over a year after leaving office, I see.

Only because those who admire Trump continue to wish for his return and believe that he would deliver on his rhetoric 

1 hour ago, spilldig said:

Are you a warmonger then.   What is wrong with trying to make friends with people rather than enemies?

How you deduce that from my comments that diplomacy is the only answer defeats me.

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Nope... they just voted him out :thumbsup:


Saying they think it wouldn't have happened if Trump had won is not at all the same as saying they'd prefer him in charge in the current situation.


Trump bomb Moscow! Don't make me laugh, Trump *still* can't bring himself to criticize Putin even now:






Laugh at this!  :)




"Why is Biden now less popular than Trump? He's earned it".

"Lower than Trump' is hardly the first year result the White House expected"






Real Clear Politics Average of all Polls
Favorability Ratings

                                            FAV.    UNFAV.
Donald Trump            43.6     51.8       -8.2
Joe Biden                      42.5     52.5       -10.0
Kamala Harris            37.8     50.8       -13.0
Nancy Pelosi               35.6     55.8        -20.2





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It is, if you're a Democrat, and the "former one" is Orangemanbad!  :)


And Joe's not done yet.


Here today's laugher:


The Hill


Biden expected to call for nixing normal trade relations with Russia

© Associated Press/Patrick Semansky

"On Friday, President Biden is expected to call for an end to Russia's "Permanent Normal Trade Relations" (PNTR) status, allowing for higher tariffs on goods coming from Russia, several news outlets reported"






Now there's an idea!


And how about Putin's U.N. free diplomatic parking pass in D.C.?  :)

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