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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Why do you think Russia is at war with the west ?

I presumed that when we left BAOR and the Berlin Wall came down the threat from the Warsaw Pact countries was no longer a serious threat.

I will rephrase .... Putin, his close supporters and the professional Russian armed forces are at defacto war with the west.

Why? By virtue of their actions and statements.

That does not mean that the west is at war with Russia ..... yet.


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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I don't think NATO should get involved in a direct fight with Russia unless they invade a NATO member country. But I think we should be giving the Ukrainians maximum support short of that : as many arms as they want, as much humanitarian aid as possible, and imposing the absolute maximum in economic sanctions regardless of the cost to us. We should be doing all this for altruistic reason but also for ourselves, Putin is mad and there is no telling what he'll do if he "wins". Ukraine is fighting for itself, but also for us.

That’s pretty much my opinion too. Me and my family are already being hurt by rising fuel costs but I’m prepared to take it on the chin to stop Putin. Our grandparents knew that appeasing nutters didn’t work, now it’s our turn. I don’t know any Ukranians personally but I have worked and socialised with Poles and Lithuanians and they have been hard working hospitable people in my experience so I’m guessing Ukraine would be much the same. Another thing I have noticed. Zelensky has picked up an assault rifle and rallied his country to fight fascism. He’s the guy that Putin dreams of being but never will be. My lad and his mates think he’s a legend and to be be honest I’d rather they look up to him rather than some airhead Towie tw-t or some YouTube gormless influencers or wannabe gangsters doing crap drill videos.

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Guest makapaka
5 hours ago, harvey19 said:

So if the UN intervenes would it make their member countries at war with Russia ?

Do you mean nato? If so yes and we’ll all be brown bread in a few days.


need to keep the sanctions on but offer putin a way out somehow - otherwise it’s only going one way.

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8 hours ago, makapaka said:

Do you mean nato? If so yes and we’ll all be brown bread in a few days.


need to keep the sanctions on but offer putin a way out somehow - otherwise it’s only going one way.

That’s the problem. Putin is sacking his intelligence team right, left and centre over this fiasco. He should have realised that when you’re a murderous loony with a penchant for underpant poisonings your team is going to tell you what you want to hear rather than the truth. As the saying goes, the worst hell is the one you make for yourself. How does he get out of the situation without losing face is the question.

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25 minutes ago, Jim117 said:

That’s the problem. Putin is sacking his intelligence team right, left and centre over this fiasco. He should have realised that when you’re a murderous loony with a penchant for underpant poisonings your team is going to tell you what you want to hear rather than the truth. As the saying goes, the worst hell is the one you make for yourself. How does he get out of the situation without losing face is the question.

When a rat is cornered it will go for the throat .

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9 hours ago, makapaka said:

Do you mean nato? If so yes and we’ll all be brown bread in a few days.


need to keep the sanctions on but offer putin a way out somehow - otherwise it’s only going one way.

I was replying to post 1587 regarding the U.N.

14 hours ago, cgksheff said:

I will rephrase .... Putin, his close supporters and the professional Russian armed forces are at defacto war with the west.

Why? By virtue of their actions and statements.

That does not mean that the west is at war with Russia ..... yet.


I can't agree with you that Russia is at war with the West.

Russia is at war with Ukraine by the explanation that war is an extension of politics.


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