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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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25 minutes ago, Padders said:

When England were in the World Cup, the supermarkets and other outlets were selling England flags..

People had these flags hooked onto there car windows etc....

Why haven't they got Ukrainian flags for sale..

I want to drive my car around with Ukrainian flags on the windows..

There's a nice big one on the council building near me.

Do you want me to rob it?

Edited by The_DADDY
Screwed up the strike out
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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Putin isn't the problem. 

To be clear, he's a nutter, a dangerous dangerous man but he's not to blame for all of this.

As I said previously,  the problem is nato and America's expansion to the east which breaks the promises made to Russia by the west after the wall cane down 

The problem is also down the the slaughter of ethnic Russians for the last 8 years buy Ukraines armed forces which has sadly gone unreported by the west. 

Also the Ukraine does itself no favors by not disbanding and condemning both the existence and acts of the Azov Battalion. 


I expect to be jumped on and abused for these opinions as I was before (not by you I might add)and I also expect to be called a putin puppet of other such childish none by uneducated people who have jumped onto this disaster purely for virtue points.

Sorry, I come to this understand that Russia illegally annexed the Crimea in 2014. Any illegal slaughter that I recognise is that of Ukrainians by the Russians (and I do admit this may be because of biassed reporting- please provide alternative sources) .

I also do not recognise any promises made to Russia about America's expansion to the east - what I do recognise is Ukraine's desire to protect itself by aligning itself with a non-Soviet bloc.

I agree that the Azov Battalion isn't helping the argument against Putin's war crimes - in fact they provide some substantiation for his 'de-Nazification' rant - but that does not justify his war crimes against the population of the Ukraine as a whole.


Putin is the problem.

He launched this illegal war purely as a vanity project to divert the attention from the economic chaos that Russia was heading for before the war, and that he has now accelerated, to ensure his re-election.

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1 minute ago, Litotes said:

Sorry, I come to this understand that Russia illegally annexed the Crimea in 2014. Any illegal slaughter that I recognise is that of Ukrainians by the Russians (and I do admit this may be because of biassed reporting- please provide alternative sources) .

I also do not recognise any promises made to Russia about America's expansion to the east - what I do recognise is Ukraine's desire to protect itself by aligning itself with a non-Soviet bloc.

I agree that the Azov Battalion isn't helping the argument against Putin's war crimes - in fact they provide some substantiation for his 'de-Nazification' rant - but that does not justify his war crimes against the population of the Ukraine as a whole.


Putin is the problem.

He launched this illegal war purely as a vanity project to divert the attention from the economic chaos that Russia was heading for before the war, and that he has now accelerated, to ensure his re-election.

Looks like for the most part we'll have to agree to disagree. 

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Putin isn't the problem. 

To be clear, he's a nutter, a dangerous dangerous man but he's not to blame for all of this.

As I said previously,  the problem is nato and America's expansion to the east which breaks the promises made to Russia by the west after the wall cane down 

The problem is also down the the slaughter of ethnic Russians for the last 8 years buy Ukraines armed forces which has sadly gone unreported by the west. 

Also the Ukraine does itself no favors by not disbanding and condemning both the existence and acts of the Azov Battalion. 


I expect to be jumped on and abused for these opinions as I was before (not by you I might add)and I also expect to be called a putin puppet of other such childish none by uneducated people who have jumped onto this disaster purely for virtue points.

I agree with that post Daddy, and would certainly not abuse your opinions....


Surely this conflict could have been avoided by diplomacy on both sides...

To unleash Russia's military on innocent civilians and erase cities is beyond comprehension...

Tonight's news showing a young girl with her leg blown off made me cry..

Putin is a madman and must be stopped.

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25 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Looks like for the most part we'll have to agree to disagree. 

On that we agree - but I would contend my standpoint is backed up by (possibly pro-western) factual reporting.

I can only go by that with which I am presented.


Anything else is opinion and supposition.

Happy to be disproven by independently verifiable facts...   --- over to you!

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28 minutes ago, Padders said:

I agree with that post Daddy, and would certainly not abuse your opinions....


Surely this conflict could have been avoided by diplomacy on both sides...

To unleash Russia's military on innocent civilians and erase cities is beyond comprehension...

Tonight's news showing a young girl with her leg blown off made me cry..

Putin is a madman and must be stopped.

I feel this is being massively exaggerated by the mainstream.  In fact when you consider what we are used to seeing on TV during a war there's actually very little footage of any real action. Sure there's lots of shots of smoking buildings with a few small fires but think back to Iraq. The coverage was constant, hard to watch and up to the minute. Please don't think for one minute I'm saying bad things aren't happening. I do. I haven't seen the footage of the young girl and if I'm honest I'm gald I haven't. It sounds horrible. 

But I've been watching many independent reporters, average Joe's, people who live there and the picture is totally different. During this war there's been lots of fake news spread by the mainstream media,  even Twitter had flagged news outlets for it. It's like they say "The first casualty of war is the truth " and we are being lied to over and over by our trusted news organizations.  It's probably the same in Russia,  in fact I've no doubt the Russians are being spoonfed fake news on a daily basis just as our media is doing here.

Finally,  I know I've mentioned the Azov Battalion quite a bit. I'm not sorry for that, nazis deserve to be called out but let me ask you this. Why has their been no mention of them in the news? It's easy to find Information online about them. They exist. They are 100% real so why in this age of Anti fascist movements is no one in mainstream media talking about them?

Didn't we fight a world war to defeat them?

Im 2022 we are arming them.🤔

7 minutes ago, Litotes said:

On that we agree - but I would contend my standpoint is backed up by (possibly pro-western) factual reporting.

I can only go by that with which I am presented.

Fair enough.  Not everyone actively seeks out news and the vast majority rely on the likes of BBC etc. I have no problem with that. I was the same for most of my life. 

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37 minutes ago, Padders said:

I agree with that post Daddy, and would certainly not abuse your opinions....


Surely this conflict could have been avoided by diplomacy on both sides...

To unleash Russia's military on innocent civilians and erase cities is beyond comprehension...

Tonight's news showing a young girl with her leg blown off made me cry..

Putin is a madman and must be stopped.

Bold. I've singled this out because I feel it deserves its own reply.

Absolutely yes!!

Neither side is innocent. Both could have probably done things differently. 

It's interesting though that we are being told how super amazing Ukraine and its people are yet banning evil Russians from competing in sports. 

Seems really odd to me.


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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I feel this is being massively exaggerated by the mainstream.  In fact when you consider what we are used to seeing on TV during a war there's actually very little footage of any real action. Sure there's lots of shots of smoking buildings with a few small fires but think back to Iraq. The coverage was constant, hard to watch and up to the minute. Please don't think for one minute I'm saying bad things aren't happening. I do. I haven't seen the footage of the young girl and if I'm honest I'm gald I haven't. It sounds horrible. 

But I've been watching many independent reporters, average Joe's, people who live there and the picture is totally different. During this war there's been lots of fake news spread by the mainstream media,  even Twitter had flagged news outlets for it. It's like they say "The first casualty of war is the truth " and we are being lied to over and over by our trusted news organizations.  It's probably the same in Russia,  in fact I've no doubt the Russians are being spoonfed fake news on a daily basis just as our media is doing here.

Finally,  I know I've mentioned the Azov Battalion quite a bit. I'm not sorry for that, nazis deserve to be called out but let me ask you this. Why has their been no mention of them in the news? It's easy to find Information online about them. They exist. They are 100% real so why in this age of Anti fascist movements is no one in mainstream media talking about them?

Didn't we fight a world war to defeat them?

Im 2022 we are arming them.🤔

Fair enough.  Not everyone actively seeks out news and the vast majority rely on the likes of BBC etc. I have no problem with that. I was the same for most of my life. 

Where do you get your news from ?

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I don’t know what to think of this.  Should the Russian professional dancers be allowed to remain in the show or not?


They are being asked to express their disapproval of Putin, but would their families in Russia  be safe if they did?  They can’t help where they are born.  I have a feeling we won’t be seeing them in the next show dancing with the Ukrainian pros.




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