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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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The definition of "imminent" seems to be getting stretched pretty thin right now, and I see it's been downgraded by Biden to "distinctly possible" now. As opposed to what, indistinctly possible? Of course the possibility of the troops Putin has assembled on the border invading Ukraine has to be on the cards in order to apply the "pressure" that he mentioned not long ago, but that is not the same as intending to invade. I think some people from NATO could really afford to dial down the dire warnings.

Edited by Delbow
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9 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Who have Ukraine been at war with for eight years?

Yes and he is also cyber attacking their banks and he keeps pushing up the gas prices that Russia supplies to Ukraine. Also no trains or flight between the 2 countries for quite a while now. 

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Putin dominates Europe.


They sold out for cheap Russian gas.

Some “sell out for cheap Russian gas” while others “sell out for dirty money”.




Two wrongs never made a right…


…but at least, cheap Russian gas benefits all who can afford it, whereas dirty money benefits only those with political access and Caymans/BVI bank accounts.


”the straw in thy neighbour’s eye” and all that 😏


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Today the sun came up, the Arctic remains frozen solid, the Russians didn't kill the estimated 75.,000 Ukrainians, COVID has been demoted to a normal virus, and life goes on.


The chicken little scaremongers are desperately looking for the next Doomsday Scenario.

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On 12/02/2022 at 19:23, Jack Grey said:

The USA want Russia to invade Ukraine


They are rapidly becoming a superpower again and the USA want the world to gang up against them.


The Russians are just flexing their muscle


I guess we'll see on Wednesday who is lying 



So who is lying ?

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On 15/02/2022 at 12:39, crazyhorse said:

I am not knocking some Russian / Soviet achievements...they were world leaders in space back in the day and I was amazed at what they achieved (especially landing probes on Venus)...although I was only very young at the time.


My problem is the direction Putin has taken Russia since the Wall came down.


I went to Germany shortly after it came down and took a piece home with me.

It truly seemed then...that the World was a better place and that finally, people could get to sleep at night without worry about being vapourised in a few milliseconds.


Now Putin and the response the West has to take to him seem to have taken us back into the 1980s.

It is really sad.


That is a lovely story.

If only I had met him, I would have liked to have thanked him for turning nightmares into happy dreams...but I probably would have just mumbled something daft instead or stared shyly at my shoes!

Gorbechev lost his international sheen when he credited Ronald Reagan, and his historic, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall", speech, for the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union.


That they didn't both receive Nobel Peace Prizes was an indication that not all were happy with the rout of the communists.


Matter of fact in WIKI's "Fall of the Berlin Wall" Reagan is not even mentioned once.


Such is the state of historical revisionism today.


The nail in the coffin was delivered by his successor George H. Bush when the Russians saw the American "shock and awe" demolition of Saddam's million man army on one day, with hardly an American casualty, after they tried to invade Kuwait.


Gave Bill Clinton the opportunity to be the first U.S. President not faced with nuclear war in 50 years.


He inherited the "Peace Dividend" as it was called at the time. And Clinton was able to deliver the first budget surplus in years.


They were indeed safe, happy times.



Edited by trastrick
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