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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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9 hours ago, trastrick said:

That's the Western MSM narrative anyway.


A simple binary equation.


Democratic State Ukraine seeking freedom to "protect itself by aligning itself with a non-Soviet bloc".


And a mad tyrant engaging in a "vanity project to divert the attention from the economic chaos that Russia was heading for before the war, and that he has now accelerated, to ensure his re-election".


The reality, of course, and as usual, is far more complicated and nuanced.


We live in a politically and idealogically divided world.


Socialist Western Europe. Capitalist U.S., Communist Far East, Militant Islamist Middle East, and Oligarchy Russia. Wherever these different ideologies rub shoulders, there is Cold War friction that can easily ignitite into Hot War.


Countries that, by virtue of their geographic location, are adjacent to these power blocks have no choice but to align themselves with their giant neighbor.


Neither the Ukraine, Canada, Mexico, are really free to join any military alliance they wish, if it does not co-incide with the national security concerns of the their immediate neighbor.


Right now there's a lack of strong leadership in the West, and the NATO countries are addicted to Russian Oil and Gas, which they will not give up.


In an age where air brained celeb icons like Greta, AOC, Al Gore and their fellow travelling politicians, can have so much emotional power over the average voter, the world is a dangerous place.


Right now the danger is from a minor actor on the World's stage who is making fans, by tweaking the nose of a Nuclear Power, controlled by a Tyrant, to the delight of armchair freedom fighters in the West. His name is Zelensky.


He's the new "leader of the world", by default. Unelected everywhere but his home country, he is apparently willing to sacrifice his entire population, to the cause of his personal martyrdom.


He's more than willing for NATO to commence WW3, on his behalf.


He could stop the slaughter tomorrow! And he should! And saner heads in the West are needed, before it's too late.  Forget about climate change, fer chrissakes! This is real!




"Zelensky the One Leader Who Can Bring Americans Together"



So where's joe? :)


Re your "He launched this illegal war purely as a vanity project to divert the attention from the economic chaos that Russia was heading for before the war, and that he has now accelerated, to ensure his re-election"


Just replace "Russia" in that paragraph, with "U.S.", and you capture Biden's involvement perfectly! :)


That's a damn fine post.

Very well said 👏👏👏

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17 minutes ago, Waldo said:

They should be, right in to the middle of Moscow.

Good idea because that wouldn't escalate things would it..

Anyway,  the remaining army the Ukrainians have are likely guarding high value targets like military bases, arms depots and American funded bio labs.

Edited by The_DADDY
Predictive text screw up
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12 hours ago, Jim117 said:

Why should Zelensky surrender in a war his country did not ask for and is currently winning? While Russia is using its usual tactic of shelling civilians his army is constantly mobile and hurting the Russians badly. What other leader would turn down a free ride out to stay with his people? Not Putin that’s for sure. Also on the shelling of civilians let’s all be clear. Artillery is an old, well established science which the Russians are very familiar with. Spotters correct artillery fire and guide it on to target. A job made even easier in an age of radio, GPS and drone surveillance. The lads loading and firing the guns probably don’t know what the coordinates they have been given represent but their masters will be well aware that they are shooting at residential areas, schools and hospitals.

Your opinion is based on a flawed premise. 


Namely, that Zelensky is "currently winning" the war.


An MSM "narrative" currently popular with the usual suspects:


Why Vladimir Putin has already lost this war 

" He may win all the battles but still lose the war. Putin's dream of rebuilding the Russian empire has always rested on the lie that Ukraine ..."



Opinion | Putin has already lost - The Washington Post

5 days ago — Four of Putin's generals have died on the battlefield. Russian international sports and cultural figures are deploring his war. His oligarchs ...



The reality is different.


The Ukraine is grossly outnumbered in military manpower and capability, and is virtually surrounded by Russian troops, who are free to shell major cities at will. It is not Russian civilians that are dying and fleeing by the millions.


Normally, the West would be vocal,  would be demanding a ceasefire, a negotiated settlement, but in this case they are encouraging the hapless Ukrainians to fight to the death, against the mortal enemy they fear to confront themselves.


The West should exert whatever influence they have over Zelensky to face reality and end the conflict, before he drags the World into WW3, or at the very least deprives the NATO countries of the Russian Fossil Fuel Oil and Gas they have become dependent on.


Long past time to end the needless and futile slaughter.


It could be worse (satire)


Russia beats out Ukraine in the "Happiest Population" list, and the "Government Corruption" list.


They don't stone gays, or adulterers, or cut off the hands of petty thieves, no public square hangings and whipping of women accused of "immodesty".


All of which was not a problem for Biden, when he abandoned Afghanistan.






Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, Waldo said:


Given SFBeca's post about masked swearing above, I suspect it's something to do with that.


If anybody does feel a need to use bad language on the forum they could use a grawlix instead (What the #@*% Is a ‘Grawlix'?). If they are suitable for cartoons aimed at kids they should be OK to use on the forum. These have the advantage that readers will insert their own age/sensitivity appropriate bad language and if they get upset about that they only have themselves to blame.

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7 minutes ago, altus said:

Given SFBeca's post about masked swearing above, I suspect it's something to do with that.


If anybody does feel a need to use bad language on the forum they could use a grawlix instead (What the #@*% Is a ‘Grawlix'?). If they are suitable for cartoons aimed at kids they should be OK to use on the forum. These have the advantage that readers will insert their own age/sensitivity appropriate bad language and if they get upset about that they only have themselves to blame.

Indeed. I think it was probably my post(s) which caused offence. I used the term ‘something’-show (replace ‘something’ with something else).


No big deal, appreciate the family friendly ethos etc, but would be nice to have some clarity, what forms of masked or insinuated swearing are allowed, and which aren’t?


For example, is insinuated swearing ok, like using a non-swear word like ‘horlicks’ to hint at a banned swear word?


Sorry if this opens a can of worms, but feel it’s better for everyone if there is clarity on this. Thanks.


Any thoughts @SFBeca

Edited by Waldo
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