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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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29 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Not necessarily disagreeing Loob, but 2 points come to mind.


First of all BioLabs are by their very nature, highly secretive. Who really knows what goes on?

Propaganda is a well known weapon of war, but are the denials etc any more trustworthy?


Who knows what to believe anymore? It seems to be the problem of our age. The media is biased to say the least, and so is everyone else. The truth is a rare commodity these days. And then whose truth do you want? 


Philosophical point.


There is more than one truth. Two sides to every argument etc. Different points of view, etc. Even statistics are varied, calculated differently, and manipulated.

I refer to the fact 'that history is written by the winning side.'


Is there ever a difinitive truth?

Edited by Anna B
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50 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Proof please 

The problem is bio lab is too vague a term.


Do people mean 'biological weapon development and production facility' or 'biological pathogen (which may or may not have come from a bio weapon) research and mitigation development facility'?


Add to that people claiming, whether though malice or stupidity, that examples of the latter are examples of the former.


It's a certainty that the UK has samples of Novichok at Porton Down. It's researching it to try and come up with an antidote/other countermeasures in case the Putin uses it again. Would anybody argue Ukraine shouldn't also have samples of it in labs for that purpose?

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I wonder if all the Russian solider who are indiscriminately killing civilians know that they are committing war crimes and that the defence "I was only following orders" is not a defence at all?


If I was Ukraine, I would start leafleting them with the clear message that they are liable for their actions and could suffer the consequences.



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2 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Proof please 


Laboratory Construction

"BTRP has upgraded many laboratories for the Ministry of Health and the State Food Safety and Consumer Protection Service of Ukraine, reaching Biosafety Level 2. In 2019, BTRP constructed two laboratories for the latter, one in Kyiv and one in Odesa."

Edited by retep
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2 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

One of your favorite pass times is following right wing Trumpian and Farage loving Youtubers who admire Putin's Russia because it's the antithesis of "liberalism" that is sweeping through America. Am I right or am I right?

No, you are very wrong.


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16 hours ago, Anna B said:

Not necessarily disagreeing Loob, but 2 points come to mind.


First of all BioLabs are by their very nature, highly secretive. Who really knows what goes on?

Propaganda is a well known weapon of war, but are the denials etc any more trustworthy?


Who knows what to believe anymore? It seems to be the problem of our age. The media is biased to say the least, and so is everyone else. The truth is a rare commodity these days. And then whose truth do you want? 


Philosophical point.


Ukraine’s biolabs are basically the equivalent of the US CDC, and the UK’s PHE biolabs. Are these secretive?

Well, to the extent that they may be targeted by terrorists, they are secured facilities. That does not make them the equivalent of ‘Porter Down’ or USAMRIID’s labs.


Then again, painting any sort of international collaboration in the negative is no surprise whatsoever, coming from Brexitland. Still less in a Kremlin-supporting argument or stance. You twigged why Johnson wasn’t invited to this week’s EU Council meeting with Biden?


After that, do I believe the prose demonstrably orchestrated by fascist autocracies and their proxies, or the prose of parliamentary democracies demonstrably proven by independent fact checkers? 

It’s an easy choice for me.


You can make your own. But maybe think back about our exchanges about UKIP/Leave and Farage BITD. And take a look at how that & Nig’ are doing these days.

16 hours ago, Dromedary said:

Pointing out that anybody can post anything on twitter and also other social media sites without providing sources and that I do not do social media so can't check it is not defending anybody. As pointed out it was a criticism of frequent Twitter use.

So, err…you saw ‘Wagner Group’ in a tweet by some Linda P (or whoever) that I’d linked, and then you couldn’t be bothered to Google ‘Wagner Group’ and follow the MSM articles and/or Wiki pages?



16 hours ago, Dromedary said:

Agreed but some it seems get taken in by it especially those that use twitter for their news feed.


***Just remembered they are called Twitterati***

Attacking the medium and messenger, everything to distract from the actual message.


And of course, conveniently glossing over the Wiki links, which I posted later.


You’re not fooling anyone.

Edited by L00b
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14 hours ago, Litotes said:

I wonder if all the Russian solider who are indiscriminately killing civilians know that they are committing war crimes and that the defence "I was only following orders" is not a defence at all?


If I was Ukraine, I would start leafleting them with the clear message that they are liable for their actions and could suffer the consequences.



We read that Ukrainian civilians including women are taking up arms against the Russian soldiers and so it may not so clear cut as soldier against soldier. 

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