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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What you are implying is that peoples lives and feelings are more important (relative to "freedom" and "right") now than they were then.

... and more important than their right to choose for themselves what *they* value?


We just can't project on them (not saying you are, but some here are). No matter if that takes the form of, they should capitulate and negotiate etc, or, they should keep fighting.


My inclination may be keep fighting, but I absolutely recognise it's their decision, also, it's very easy for me to sit here in the safety of Sheffield and say resist, I may have a very different take on things should I be there.

Edited by Waldo
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4 hours ago, harvey19 said:

If Sinn Fein should win power in Stormont It will be interesting to see if the stated aim to unite the country will become a reality or if it was just a dream that will not become a realistic proposition.

Will Southern Ireland want to unite with the North and take on their financial and political responsibilities ?

it would be ironic if Sinn Fein should win power in the North and Southern Ireland did not want unification.



Also they'd have to consider a potentially hostile Protestant population, plus there would be concern about GPs' fees that are charged in Eire.

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5 hours ago, Kidorry said:

I fear for my relatives who made it out of Mariupol and into Berdyansk  (which is Occupied by the Russians) because now the Russians have shut down the internet and phones and we have no knowledge of what is happening to them or where they are. Our fear is that they may also be transported to Russia 

Sorry to hear about your relatives Kidorry. Hope they're safe and you hear from them soon.

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Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic expel Russian diplomats over espionage, Ireland also.

17 diplomats have been expelled from the Netherlands, 21 from Belgium, 1 from the Czech Republic, 4 from Ireland.


“We are reducing the Russian intelligence presence in the EU,” Czech foreign ministry wrote.


Good. More sanctioning needed, still.

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