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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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7 hours ago, altus said:

Do you think the Ukrainians should be able to decide for themselves who they form alliances (economic and military) with?

In an ideal World, yes.


(So should Afghanistan, Taiwan, even Scotland and Canada, but in reality the World is divided into major "spheres of influence", Islam, Communism, Capitalism., which limits their choices)


We have hegemony, or "cultural imperialism", wherein "the leader state dictates the internal politics and the societal character of the subordinate states that constitute the hegemonic sphere of influence, either by an internal, sponsored government or by an external, installed government".

Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

In an ideal World, yes.


(So should Afghanistan, Taiwan, even Scotland and Canada, but in reality the World is divided into major "spheres of influence", Islam, Communism, Capitalism., which limits their choices)


We have hegemony, or "cultural imperialism", wherein "the leader state dictates the internal politics and the societal character of the subordinate states that constitute the hegemonic sphere of influence, either by an internal, sponsored government or by an external, installed government".

As I am  a left of lefty person trastrick ,can you tell me where in the World Communism is practised , I have looked for such a place for years and years , The nearest i have come across is Cuba , but the rest inc Russia and China are just sham states run by dictators .

In fact I think the UK complies to the communist system  more than most despite the privelage of birth being a passport to Government power .

Enlighten me my working class pal from the Manor Top , cheers Judd.

How do you spell privelage , my teacher at Prince Edwards told me its how you say it , beforegiving me a wack with a ruler , the twaaaat .

Edited by cuttsie
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I don’t subscribe to extreme political wings, be them left or right, we need all hands on deck, not some of the crew trying to sink the ship with the others trying to keep it afloat. I was mildly optimistic re the Cameron/Clegg coalition, that is until the former proceeded to dominate what was supposed to be a meeting of minds, whilst the latter allowed him to do so. As we don’t really have a committed far right or left wing why pretend that we have, why not go for a total coalition with a rotating leadership?


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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

As I am  a left of lefty person trastrick ,can you tell me where in the World Communism is practised , I have looked for such a place for years and years , The nearest i have come across is Cuba , but the rest inc Russia and China are just sham states run by dictators .

In fact I think the UK complies to the communist system  more than most despite the privelage of birth being a passport to Government power .

Enlighten me my working class pal from the Manor Top , cheers Judd.

How do you spell privelage , my teacher at Prince Edwards told me its how you say it , beforegiving me a wack with a ruler , the twaaaat .

I always think of the political spectrum as the face of a clock. 


The moderates are at 6 and the Left go up the left hand side to 12. The Right go up the right hand side to 12.


The closer to 12 they get, the more extreme.


By the time they get up to 12, there is no difference between them. Totalitarian Dictatorships.


There's no real difference between Stalin, Hitler, Saddam, Franco, Mussolini, Xi, Kim, Castro, Mad Mullahs, at 12.


Only what they call themselves.


Hope that helps!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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7 hours ago, trastrick said:

In an ideal World, yes.


(So should Afghanistan, Taiwan, even Scotland and Canada, but in reality the World is divided into major "spheres of influence", Islam, Communism, Capitalism., which limits their choices)


We have hegemony, or "cultural imperialism", wherein "the leader state dictates the internal politics and the societal character of the subordinate states that constitute the hegemonic sphere of influence, either by an internal, sponsored government or by an external, installed government".

We don't live in an ideal world, we live in this one. The breakup of the Soviet Union meant Ukraine was no longer a subordinate state.


So, do you think the Ukrainians should be able to decide for themselves who they form alliances with?

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13 minutes ago, altus said:

We don't live in an ideal world, we live in this one. The breakup of the Soviet Union meant Ukraine was no longer a subordinate state.


So, do you think the Ukrainians should be able to decide for themselves who they form alliances with?

They have already decided. They would like to join NATO.


But unfortunately for them NATO is against the idea, at least for now.


So they will get no real military support from the West.


They are left in no mans land.


Their "Hobsons Choice" is to fight the Russian Military machine, to remain independent, or capitulate and make the best deal they can with Russia.


With no real military backing from the West, they'll probably choose the latter.


This scenario may be repeated Eastern Europe, the Middle East, (see Afghanistan)  and even in other parts of the world, Taiwan, even South Korea, Japan, the Philippines.


With no military red line, the Totalitarians are free to pick and choose.


There's even a name for it, the "Domino Theory".

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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They have already decided. They would like to join NATO.

And they would also like to join the EU as well, and the EU I believe have been giving them support in that respect. Which is not surprising as a great deal of grain, gas and other important commodities come from or through Ukraine as well.


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New York Sun


"What Putin Has Already Gained From Biden"

By CLAUDIA ROSETT, Special to the Sun | February 17, 2022

"While President Biden warns President Putin that invading Ukraine would bring drastic sanctions in some misty tomorrow, the Russian dictator is leveraging the current crisis to humiliate and shake down the West today. Whatever Putin’s next move, it’s worth tallying what he’s already gained.........



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On 16/02/2022 at 09:25, trastrick said:

Putin dominates Europe.


They sold out for cheap Russian gas.

So did the Ukraine a few years ago and now the Russians have been shoving up the price of gas so that it is very expensive now for the Ukrainian's. Now my relatives told us last night 18/02/22 that they have started to evacuate women and children from the Donbas region.

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