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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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5 hours ago, nightrider said:

Having seen how the Russians behave its not in the interests of the civilian population to accept anything less than Russia getting out of their country. If  you let them keep territory many more civilians will be tortured and killed.

I agree and if I were Ukrainian and had seen what the Russians are doing to civilians in occupied areas...then I would fight all the harder and try to take even more with me.

The Russians seem determined to terrorise and cleanse the population...and the Ukrainians would rather go down fighting if they have to.


I am truly shocked by the photos of decaying bodies left on the streets by Russian soldiers.


Their army seem to have lost it totally and have no military discipline at all.

They are even worse than the Waffen SS units in the last war, because they claim they are fighting Nazis...when the free world knows the Red Army are the Nazis this time around.

As someone mentioned earlier...they are the new Einsaztgruppen.

Their tactics are identical...destroy Ukraine by eliminating its government structure and anyone who resists.

What had the mayor of that town and her family done to deserve being tortured, killed and dumped?

Told the Russians to clear off?

Was that the reason for the destruction of that family?


Very bad things are done in war and all soldiers (including our own) have done bad things...but this really seems an order of magnitude worse than a few bad units.

It seems the Russians can't take any setbacks at all, have lost it totally and have forever tarnished the reputation of the average Russian by their actions.

There is no way the West can ever deal with Putin after this.


People on this forum who refuse to categorically condemn these crimes against innocent people should be ashamed.

No is no excuse whatsoever for what is being done to these people.

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On 03/04/2022 at 12:50, trastrick said:

You can cheer others on though, from the safety of your sofa, and prolong the agony of innocents, like that dear 10 year old innocent angel, mentioned above, and many others.

I don't like getting personal with people...but I am not exactly sure of your intent when you wrote those words above...as they have a double meaning...


I truly hope that you are just as upset about it as I am and your words are a reflection of that.


If however, you wrote those words in the same sarcastic manner that Lavrov writes about Ukraine staging all these photos and making up all these stories...then you have a dark soul and are truly lost.

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Just now, crazyhorse said:

I don't like getting personal with people...but I am not exactly sure of your intent when you wrote those words above...as they have a double meaning...


I truly hope that you are just as upset about it as I am and your words are a reflection of that.


If however, you wrote those words in the same sarcastic manner that Lavrov writes about Ukraine staging all these photos and making up all these stories...then you have a dark soul and are truly lost.

I was sincere. It's an abomination, a tragedy of war.


Which is why we should do everything to stop the carnage, NOW!


I'd rather see Zelensky lose power, than see civilians, women and children used as cannon fodder by politicians.


War is just diplomacy by other means!

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21 hours ago, Waldo said:



Would you also have given the same advice to roll over and surrender, to the european countries facing Nazi aggression in 1939? Advising them not to resist Hitler?


Every last little bit of resistance stretched his resources and limited the ease and speed of Hitler’s expansion in to other countries, and hastened his ultimate downfall.

No, I would have fought for Britain, and it's allies against Nazi Germany, like all the able bodied men in my family did. In the 50s I was prepared to fight again, joined the Army Cadets at 15, and registered and took the medical for National Service. Fortunately it was not necessary by the time I was eligible to go.


In 1938 the West gave Hitler a sizable part of German speaking Checkoslovakia, referred to as the Sudatenland.


"British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met Adolf Hitler in Berchtesgaden on 15 September and agreed to the cession of the Sudetenland; three days later, French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier did the same. No Czechoslovak representative was invited to these discussions. Germany was now able to walk into the Sudetenland without firing a shot." -WIKI


The Big Question is what is an ally?


The Europeans refused NATO membership to the Ukraine, because, among other things they claimed it was corrupt,  and they obviously didn't want Putin to turn off their Fossil Fuel Gas and Oil.


When Obama/Biden allowed Putin to take Ukrainian Crimea with no opposition, and then announced the U.S. would not come to the Ukraine's aid, with U.S. /NATO forces, it became an open invitation for Putin to complete the takeover of the parts he clams are Russian speaking majorities.


History repeats, but is not remembered, unfortunately.

Edited by trastrick
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Prescient words spoken by George S Patton over 75 years ago. I believe he wanted to carry on and finish the job at the end of WW2.

"The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognisance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all out sonofabitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk.”

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22 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I was sincere. It's an abomination, a tragedy of war.


Which is why we should do everything to stop the carnage, NOW!


I'd rather see Zelensky lose power, than see civilians, women and children used as cannon fodder by politicians.


War is just diplomacy by other means!

An army who thought they would be welcomed with open arms by cheering crowds have become a  murderous, raping army of occupation who use violence as a weapon. 

An army that thought they had an easy touch against a rag tag army and a divided civilian population have found that they have united a country against them, where, as long as they stay they will be shot at, bombed, stabbed in the dark and would rise against them at any opportunity. 

These terrified conscripts and their mercenary Chechens and Syrians pals are never going to be a police force or ever rule by law.


You really have made your obsession about all things Biden and Obama cloud your thinking.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

An army who thought they would be welcomed with open arms by cheering crowds have become a  murderous, raping army of occupation who use violence as a weapon. 

An army that thought they had an easy touch against a rag tag army and a divided civilian population have found that they have united a country against them, where, as long as they stay they will be shot at, bombed, stabbed in the dark and would rise against them at any opportunity. 

These terrified conscripts and their mercenary Chechens and Syrians pals are never going to be a police force or ever rule by law.


You really have made your obsession about all things Biden and Obama cloud your thinking.

I am confused when there is talk that the Russian army is made up of conscripts in Ukraine.

Where are the regular soldiers ?

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10 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I am confused when there is talk that the Russian army is made up of conscripts in Ukraine.

Where are the regular soldiers ?

The Russian/Soviet/Russian Army has always been a predominantly conscript army.

The modernization that Putin started around ten years ago included building a professional army.

Many of the professional battle groups were knocked out in the first days and the gaps filled by the conscripts who saw the better fed, clothed, armed, trained, paid, housed, respected elite being taken out of the front line and having to pass through the wreckage of their attack.

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18 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I am confused when there is talk that the Russian army is made up of conscripts in Ukraine.

Where are the regular soldiers ?

The regulars will be there too, the conscripts are just to boost the numbers. Putin has said today that he has 130000 more conscripts to send in. So that’ll be another load of untrained badly equipped kids for the grinder then. God knows how they’ll get there given the losses in vehicles. Also today conscripts from Donbas were complaining that they had no water and had been given “Mosin “ guns. I presume that they mean the Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle that was designed around 1850 if memory serves and last saw service in WW2.

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