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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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4 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Glad to hear the slaughter, rape and torture has finally ended!


Well done, y'all! :)

The will to resist Russia comes from the Ukrainian people .

They have been at war in the Donbas region since 2014 and now seek to hold their borders.

Why not advocate that no support is given to them at all so that Russia can create another Soviet Union.

Who are you “congratulating “ ?

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3 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Another post that describes your world of:

Trump and Putin  v. Clinton, Obama, Biden and Sanders.

We get it, you really don't need to repeat yourself.


This thread is about the invasion of Ukraine. 

Your, and the American far-right position of appeasing Putin by demanding that Ukraine surrender has been totally discredited by the tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy.

Against superior odds, strategic withdrawal is an 'art of war'.  Socialists may not be familiar with that stuff. Conserve resources, and live to fight another day, when conditions are more favorable. (say when NATO stops buying the Russian Fossil fuel Oil and gas, that finances the "tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy".


Ever hear of Dunkirk? :)


But warmongers (from the imagined safety and security of their couches in front of their tellys) insist on others (not them) fighting to the death!


It's the old "I know whats best for others". rules for thee, but not for me.


Human nature, and history repeats!


Ah well!



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17 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Against superior odds, strategic withdrawal is an 'art of war'.  Socialists may not be familiar with that stuff. Conserve resources, and live to fight another day, when conditions are more favorable. (say when NATO stops buying the Russian Fossil fuel Oil and gas, that finances the "tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy".


Ever hear of Dunkirk? :)


But warmongers (from the imagined safety and security of their couches in front of their tellys) insist on others (not them) fighting to the death!


It's the old "I know whats best for others". rules for thee, but not for me.


Human nature, and history repeats!


Ah well!



I don’t see any warmongers on couches here. I see people who are sympathetic to others who are fighting for survival. Have you read any of the Final Solution style crap being touted by Russian media? As for strategic withdrawal, supplies are usually delivered to armies, they don’t normally have to pop home because their logistics are laughably poor. I do agree on the point of fossil fuels, the much vaunted Merkel and her peers made a catastrophic blunder by allowing the current situation to arise. All according to Putins plan I surmise.

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51 minutes ago, Jim117 said:

I don’t see any warmongers on couches here. I see people who are sympathetic to others who are fighting for survival. Have you read any of the Final Solution style crap being touted by Russian media? As for strategic withdrawal, supplies are usually delivered to armies, they don’t normally have to pop home because their logistics are laughably poor. I do agree on the point of fossil fuels, the much vaunted Merkel and her peers made a catastrophic blunder by allowing the current situation to arise. All according to Putins plan I surmise.

I don't read "Russian media",  I would imagine it follows the same line as Mein Kampf, or Mao's little Red Book, but your point about Merkel and her peers, is correct.


We know that politicians will lie and to stay in power, and failing governments need an external threat to the country to build domestic support. That's how all wars, Hot and Cold start.


My deep concern is those  politicians who will do literally anything to stay in power, and neutralize their political enemies, have now shown their faces in the U.S.


Biden's numbers have stopped falling through the floor since Russia attacked (again) the Ukraine, and I just hate to think that prolonging a failing war, keeps the Russian boogeyman front and center in the MSM, to their advantage now that elections are coming up.


I would hope and wish I was wrong, but having seen the lengths that they will go to in their failed attempts to publicly and politically lynch a duly elected (and innocent) President, and the political fake "narratives" that are falling apart every day, all bets are off.


We are living in dangerous times. And since I live in this world, along with my children, I will not be dissuaded by insults, petty name calling, and those who believe "foreigners" should have no opinions on the geopolitics that affect all of us!


In my humble opinion, with the world so divided between democracies and totalitarian dictators, the only choices we have is outright war, or stable co-existence.


The kind of co-existence that has kept the world relatively safe for humanity, since WW2, and for the 4 years of the Trump Presidency.

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26 minutes ago, trastrick said:

My deep concern is those  politicians who will do literally anything to stay in power, and neutralize their political enemies, have now shown their faces in the U.S.

NOW? :loopy:


Where where you during the entirety of the Trump administration? :hihi:


I mean, anyone who supports Trump and comes out with that, simply laughable... a complete detachment from reality!


[snipped] (a load of guff that equates to "we don't like it up us")

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50 minutes ago, Magilla said:

NOW? :loopy:


Where where you during the entirety of the Trump administration? :hihi:


I mean, anyone who supports Trump and comes out with that, simply laughable... a complete detachment from reality!


[snipped] (a load of guff that equates to "we don't like it up us")



Where was I?


Watching a 2 year Special Prosecutors Investigation into the Clinton/Obama/Biden/ fake "Russian Collusion? hoax.


Watching the Pelosi partisan Congress, embarrass themselves with two failed Impeach efforts to remove Trump, and prevent him from running ever again, and endless Congressional Investigations into Trump, his family,  and everyone he had ever known.


And some 22 State State Attorneys General bound and determined to find financial crimes, even if they didn't know what they were looking for.


And coming up empty! :)


The obscene cost to the country and the world will be felt for years to come!


In just the year since he been gone, the economies are a shambles, energy is scarce and reliant on Russian Fossil Fuels, and we are on the brink of  World War 3.







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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Where was I?

Clearly, you missed the bit where Trump already tried "literally anything" to stay in power after losing the election :thumbsup: :hihi:


2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Watching a 2 year Special Prosecutors Investigation into the Clinton/Obama/Biden/ fake "Russian Collusion? hoax.

Only 2... compared to the investigations Republicans set up against Hillary, all of which went nowhere... Trump had it easy! :hihi:


You're so full of it it's laughable :hihi:

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I'm wondering it we're not giving vastly larger sums (100's of billions of $) to Russia for their gas and oil, vs, what we are giving to support Ukraine.


So, serious question...


Why aren't Ukraine accidentally destroying any Russian oil and gas pipelines that run through their country and supply Europe?



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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Against superior odds, strategic withdrawal is an 'art of war'.  Socialists may not be familiar with that stuff. Conserve resources, and live to fight another day, when conditions are more favorable. (say when NATO stops buying the Russian Fossil fuel Oil and gas, that finances the "tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy".


Ever hear of Dunkirk? :)




Now you have totally lost me.

Are you suggesting a strategic withdrawal by the Ukrainian forces or commenting on the current strategic withdrawal of the Russian army from North and Central Ukraine as it strengthens its position in the East and South.

I like your reference to the ‘art of war’ and Socialists not being familiar with ‘that stuff’.

The Vietcong seemed pretty familiar with that stuff against successive US regimes until a strategic withdrawal was required.

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