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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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11 hours ago, Waldo said:

Richard Branson has a plan to significantly reduce European consumption of oil and gas. Reduce speed limit by 10 mph.


Seems optimistic to me.

Not many people take notice of the speed limits now, but it would be a good idea if implemented.

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4 hours ago, Kidorry said:

Not many people take notice of the speed limits now, but it would be a good idea if implemented.

Follow the science! They tell us we have only a few years left to save the planet.


Why not restrict automobile use to emergency vehicles?


A Carbon Passport?


Think of the manufacturing, emmisions, fossil fuel use, infrastructure, roads petrol stations required for  Auntie's Sunday drive out to Derbyshire just for a meal.


Do we care about the planet dying or not?  :)

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On 20/04/2022 at 11:05, L00b said:

Why are you in such a rush to see Ukraine fold?

Because the MSM 'narrative" doesn't make sense. It's contradictory. The Ukarinians are "winning", and their country is being "destroyed".


On the one hand the MSM is cheering on the brave Ukrainians prepared to to fight to the death to resue their country from the Russian war criminal, genocidal Tyrant, and on the other hand , they are outraged at the death and destruction being visited on the poor civilian population.


But anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that without the West to defend them, they will be forced to face the reality that they can't win a war with Russia.


The West is led by Germany, which virtually runs Europe and the EU. They won't let Ukraine into NATO, and are the major buyers of  the Russian Oil and Gas and that is financing the war against Ukraine.


How did THAT happen after they lost two World Wars already?  That was a question in people's mind when they voted for BREXIT. The older folks, who remember history made the difference. The Germans are smart, they know there are other ways to dominate Europe, without the messy business of blitzkriegs.


As I have been saying, to the armchair warmongering mob and the gun runners and the opportunistic politicians shouting empty, and impotent rhetoric:


End the obscene death and destruction in an unwinnable war, by diplomatic means, even if it means a forced settlement on Zelensky. The West has the power to do that. NOW!


Every futile Ukrainian death since the first days of the invasion adds their shame, and culpability.

Edited by trastrick
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7 hours ago, trastrick said:

Because the MSM 'narrative" doesn't make sense. It's contradictory. The Ukarinians are "winning", and their country is being "destroyed".


On the one hand the MSM is cheering on the brave Ukrainians prepared to to fight to the death to resue their country from the Russian war criminal, genocidal Tyrant, and on the other hand , they are outraged at the death and destruction being visited on the poor civilian population.


But anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that without the West to defend them, they will be forced to face the reality that they can't win a war with Russia.


The West is led by Germany, which virtually runs Europe and the EU. They won't let Ukraine into NATO, and are the major buyers of  the Russian Oil and Gas and that is financing the war against Ukraine.


How did THAT happen after they lost two World Wars already?  That was a question in people's mind when they voted for BREXIT. The older folks, who remember history made the difference. The Germans are smart, they know there are other ways to dominate Europe, without the messy business of blitzkriegs.


As I have been saying, to the armchair warmongering mob and the gun runners and the opportunistic politicians shouting empty, and impotent rhetoric:


End the obscene death and destruction in an unwinnable war, by diplomatic means, even if it means a forced settlement on Zelensky. The West has the power to do that. NOW!


Every futile Ukrainian death since the first days of the invasion adds their shame, and culpability.

Would have said most of the shame is on Putin 

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Well I did a thing today. Given the title of this thread has become somewhat redundant I went back to the beginning to see what people were saying at the time. I didn’t post on here till after the war had started and had only dipped in and out prior to that. There is the odd bit of comedy gold like Trastricks assertion in post 9 that, “At this rate, Putin will not have to fire a shot. Intimidation and nowhere to turn will see the Ukes fold and make the best deal they can with Putin.” Frivolity aside though I did notice something else. It’s funny how when you look at stuff spread over a long period of time you might not notice a clear pattern readily visible when reading something all at once. I only got up to page 28 but there is clearly a poster on here spreading propaganda and disinformation helpful to a state which is hostile to the UK and its allies. Any guesses who?

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13 minutes ago, Jim117 said:

but there is clearly a poster on here spreading propaganda and disinformation helpful to a state which is hostile to the UK and its allies. Any guesses who?

I'm honestly shocked!


Only one?

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