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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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1 minute ago, L00b said:

For exactly what is happening now: as a counterpoint to a belligerent, expansionist Russia.


Hence Finland, Sweden and Moldova all now looking to join NATO post-haste.


Looking increasingly like not a second too late, either:




That's nothing, according to Lavrov, even Israel is pro nazi

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4 minutes ago, croat77 said:

That's nothing, according to Lavrov, even Israel is pro nazi

Aye, I saw Lavrov accusing the Jews of Holocaust’ing themselves yesterday.

That’s some diplomatic effort, there 🙄😏

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, L00b said:

For exactly what is happening now: as a counterpoint to a belligerent, expansionist Russia.

You sure?

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Guest makapaka
1 minute ago, L00b said:

Let’s have your version, it might convince me yet.

Google it if you’re not sure. 

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3 hours ago, L00b said:

No prizes for guessing why Vlad has done nowt whatsoever in respect of Poland, Czechia and all the other ex-USSR, since-NATO’d east European countries that have been sending, and continue to send, mountains of hardware to Ukraine.

It's obvious.


The doctrine of "mutually assured destruction".


The Ukraine, for a multitude of reasons, was left out in the cold.


The 50 years of reletive peace for the world was mainained by the clearly stated deterence, of MAD, as JFK, confirmed to the Russians, that any missile launched agains U.S. Allies, from them or their allies, would automatically be considered an attack on the U.S. Mainland, and they would respond with all their full force might.


A lot as happened since then.


Notably the U.S. lack of reaction, when Putin annexed Ukrainian Crimea, and again when Biden declared he would not attack Russia. over what he called "minor incursions" into the rest of the Ukraine.


But the  "narrative" that Putin is some kind of genocidal maniac war criminal, shows no understanding of the man at all. (So much for Western Intelligence gathering. See Saddam, Libya, Afghanistan, and even "Russian Cullusion".


He could easily obliterate the Ukraine in 1 hour.


He choses not to do that, he will accomplish his aims by exploiting the opportunites that the West will give him.


NATO dependence on his Fossil Fuels, and the West's new found lack of interest in going to war over a "minor incursion of 'some foreign country over there in the other half of the world'.


As the poster above opined. He is playing global chess.


I might add, while others, are playing checkers.



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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

It's obvious.


The doctrine of "mutually assured destruction".


The Ukraine, for a multitude of reasons, was left out in the cold.


The 50 years of reletive peace for the world was mainained by the clearly stated deterence, of MAD, as JFK, confirmed to the Russians, that any missile launched agains U.S. Allies, from them or their allies, would automatically be considered an attack on the U.S. Mainland, and they would respond with all their full force might.


A lot as happened since then.


Notably the U.S. lack of reaction, when Putin annexed Ukrainian Crimea, and again when Biden declared he would not attack Russia. over what he called "minor incursions" into the rest of the Ukraine.


But the  "narrative" that Putin is some kind of genocidal maniac war criminal, shows no understanding of the man at all. (So much for Western Intelligence gathering. See Saddam, Libya, Afghanistan, and even "Russian Cullusion".


He could easily obliterate the Ukraine in 1 hour.


He choses not to do that, he will accomplish his aims by exploiting the opportunites that the West will give him.


NATO dependence on his Fossil Fuels, and the West's new found lack of interest in going to war over a "minor incursion of 'some foreign country over there in the other half of the world'.


As the poster above opined. He is playing global chess.


I might add, while others, are playing checkers.



MAD until very early March 2022 at best, I’ll give you that.


Since then, very clearly and of much bigger relevance, the utter and abject failure of his 15 year-long Army’s professionalisation project. NATO says mucho thanks for the hard real-time/real life intel on Russian warfaring capacities, and Vlad now knows, beyond any doubt, that his military is completely outclassed by NATO. Technically, logistically and militarily.


Ukraine wasn’t “left in the cold”. It agreed to let Russia have its nukes, against security guarantees from Russia and the US, reiterated in 2009 no less.


Putin has no wish to obliterate Ukraine, because the goal was, and still is, to seize the whole country for sustaining his kleptocracy. He needs new assets and resources to keep his system going.


As for the “dependence” on Russian fossil fuels, you really should look up how European energy mix numbers have changed since end February 2022…and keep your ear closer to the ground about the EU’s next (6th) batch of sanctions, which will be strongly correlated with how that mix has evolved. How would an oil embargo grab you?


Putin is playing alright…with himself. I’m hearing ex-generals and ex-FSB types are finally getting fed up of it, too. Enough for that signalling to surface, at any rate.



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38 minutes ago, L00b said:

A whole page to explain why it’s “obvious” 😏


MAD until very early March 2022. Since then, very clearly and of much bigger relevance, the utter and abject failure of his 15 year-long Army’s professionalisation project. NATO says mucho thanks for the hard real-time/real life intel on Russian warfaring capacities.


Ukraine wasn’t “left in the cold”. It agreed to let Russia have its nukes, against security guarantees from Russia and the US, reiterated in 2009 no less.


Putin has no wish to obliterate Ukraine, because the goal was, and still is, to seize the whole country for sustaining his kleptocracy. He needs new assets and resources to keep his system going.


As for the “dependence” on Russian fossil fuels, you really should look up how European energy mix numbers have changed since end February 2022…and keep your ear closer to the ground about the EU’s next (6th) batch of sanctions, which will be strongly correlated with how that mix has evolved. How would an oil embargo grab you?


Putin is playing alright…with himself. I’m hearing ex-generals and ex-FSB types are finally getting fed up of it, too. Enough for that signalling to surface, at any rate.





It's a proxy war being fought by Ukraine. For NATO and the U.S.


But NATO and the U.S. can't get their act together. First it's a "minor incursion", and no "no oil and gas sanctions", then it's "we stand with you", "but we have no intention of getting involved",.


 Now, it's "maybe", after some "meetings", and we'll decide if we'll sanction all Russian oil or just some of it. We'll wait and see what the members say.  Typical socialist stuff, sounding like they're organizing a workingmens club trip to the seaside for the illuminations. Wonder if they've figured out their grand meeting dinner menu yet? Who sits with who? Masks or no maks for the photo ops,  and will they need a negative COVID test? Gotta show the folks at home they are serious about this COVID stuff.  :)


So it's a war run by a commmitte who haven't got their act together, against a determined Russia, who told them what they wanted months ago.


Meanwhiule Ukrainans are dying and being raped, and seeing their country destroyed.


The Leader of the Free World? He's just announced the formation of a Ministry of Truth!


Yep, that will help solve all the crises he's allowed to happen on his watch.





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54 minutes ago, OlegAney said:

This is not funny.


In Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe, the Germans appointed Jewish industrialists as heads of ghettos and Jewish councils (“Judenrats”), some of whom are remembered for absolutely monstrous deeds. Jakub Leikin in Warsaw conducted surveillance of the Jews and reported everything to the German occupation administration, dooming his compatriots to certain, and sometimes painful death, and Chaim Rumkowski offered the Jews of Lodz to give their children to the Nazis in exchange for saving the lives of adult residents of the ghetto.


So the Jewish origin of Zelenski  is not a guarantee of protection from rampant neo-Nazism in the country. Ukraine, by the way, is not the only one like this now. The President of Latvia also has Jewish roots. And he also “successfully” covers up the rehabilitation of the Waffen SS in his country. 


You may type into the search box on the Google website something like '(neo)-nazis march in Lvov / Kiev  in honour of Ukrainian SS' to get the idea...


Good post.

Nicely put 👏👏👏

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