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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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4 hours ago, crookesey said:

Radio 4 news this morning, apparently U.K. serial sex offenders are attempting to give shelter to Ukrainian women, after what they have gone through this is all they need.

If true, it's more of, "never let a crisis go to waste!"  :)


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Another glimmer of hope as reality sets in.


My views, encapsulated well by this article from today:


Why sanctions against Russia may not work



Last paragraph of the article:


"Biden’s belief that “this war could continue for a long time” is backed by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, who testified that he expects it to last years. But as the conflict drags on and the boomerang effects of the sanctions deepen the cost-of-living crisis, the divides in the Western camp will widen and “Ukraine fatigue” will set in"


Stop the political fiddling while the Ukraine burns.


We need some real leadership from those who are getting paid to deliver it.

And NOW!

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Guest makapaka
20 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

WW3 my ass. Russia can't even overcome Ukraine.

They could overcome Ukraine in the next 10mins if they really wanted to.

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2 hours ago, makapaka said:

They could overcome Ukraine in the next 10mins if they really wanted to.

Not conventionally, lest they conscript nationally (and even then, no guarantee). The Russian human losses would go from very substantial, to staggering.

Which would also finish tearing the @ss out of their economy. And leave over half of their landmass to the east wide open to China, with a great big “come help yourselves” sign.


Going non-conventional (i.e. bio/nuke) would bring in the UN mandating NATO and others to intervene militarily, similarly to Iraq (but actual WMDs this time, y’see).


I mean, you know…




Edited by L00b
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Guest makapaka
7 minutes ago, L00b said:

Not conventionally, lest they conscript nationally (and even then, no guarantee). The Russian human losses would go from very substantial, to staggering.

Which would also finish tearing the @ss out of their economy. And leave over half of their landmass to the east wide open to China, with a great big “come help yourselves” sign.


Going non-conventional (i.e. bio/nuke) would bring in the UN mandating NATO and others to intervene militarily, similarly to Iraq (but actual WMDs this time, y’see).

Yep don’t disagree with that.

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