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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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For Russian speakers, link to the original article, with a link to the recording:



Untranslated and not mentioned in the Tweet: at the end of the call, the soldier tells him mother that, when he gets back home, they’ll do that same “21 rose thing” to his Dad. All that is wrong in Russian society, right there.


In other news, Vlad spoke with the Israeli PM today. And apologised for Lavrov’s recent outburst. Well. 

Edited by L00b
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1 hour ago, OlegAney said:

Very much so!


Russia has already largely achieved its objective of neutralising the Ukrainian mil in the East of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, also in  Mariupol populated with ethnic Russians.


Also of note, She (Russia) has achieved it with the limited mil contingent  (without mobilisation, or anything like this in the Motherland!).


Mil commanders have given strict orders from the outset to avoid civilian casualties  of the people they fight for. This has slowed the Russians’ advance to the point where it has given false hope to the Ukrainians … but seized on by people in the West, to try and convince the world that a defeat of the Russian Federation is in progress, - when in fact the opposite is the case.


Western people mistakenly believe the deliberate progress designed to avoid civilian casualties and mil personnel reflects weakness and are funnelling NATO weapons to prolong the fighting - what will unavoidably result in more deaths from both sides of the conflict.



Why did you copy and paste a Russian Foreign Ministry propaganda and pretend you were the author?

You made an excuse that as English (after Russian and French) was you third language you needed to copy the Russian Government statement word for word. That does not fit in with you job as an English teacher.


Last time you did that was in support of the murderous Syrian dictator Assad- you also promised to go away.


British people distrust their media and rely on multiple sources from a range of political viewpoints to assemble a picture.

For all your English teaching experience you seem clueless on the role of the media and state in  how UK citizens process information.


Whether deliberate or not you sound exactly like a Putin mouthpiece.

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Just now, OlegAney said:

I pray the peace will come soon.

Stop praying and do something about it.

Your country  is invading another country 

Your country is bombing, shelling and shooting civilians right now.

It is not prayers that  are needed it is orders for your soldiers to stop killing.

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3 minutes ago, OlegAney said:

The collective West  contributed to the eruption of the war in Ukraine. Russians did not want this war. For Russians, it is a defensive move, their last stand before NATO bombs would fall on the Russian territory. When the war in Ukraine will be over, Russia will take necessary steps to ensure that the new government of Ukraine will swear neutrality, just as it was before Euromaidan. And I hope that this time people who will come to power in Ukraine will realize how important it is to be inclusive, tolerant, and democratic and peaceful.

It is important though to recognize that the West and Russia are two different realities.


In Russia however what to British people looks brutal and paranoid is really a result of a different vision - of the need for example of an immediacy in going from point a to b. Of a singleness of vision in regards to what is detrimental. I have spoken with many people about this difference between the two cultures - what to you seems a high value of tolerance to Russians seems hypocritical in reality and self-deluded in result; i.e. if a culture believes in something shouldn't it be an inherent cultural imperative to defend these beliefs? or similarly: how can you say you believe in something if you are not willing to act against whatever threatens this?


Half a century ago England was a Christian country (albeit of the Anglican variety, mostly). It was at one time taken for granted that people were Christians here. Not only that, but it was understood - because it did not have to be stated - that this was a country whose culture, morals and outlook had been formed by the Christian faith. This country bent over backwards to be welcoming and tolerant towards those who came here from the 1960s onwards who were not Christian, and, indeed, for the most part, Moslem. At the same time, we saw a growth in secularism, materialism, modernism, and the dilution of the Christian foundations of the British society. Only recently has it become apparent that the Christian faith here needs defending, but such has been the progress of those elements in society which oppose it that views which were the norm only thirty or forty years ago are now condemned as rabidly reactionary. 


In Russia, however, Christianity always was an integral part of the very fabric of life  in a way which defined what Russia was and what it meant to be Russian in a much deeper way than could be said of the Church in England, for instance.



This was so to such an extent that the catastrophe of the Revolution and the 70 years 'Babylonian captivity' could not erase that reality. Russians feel that the Faith defines who they are as a people and defines Russia as a country as they understand themselves to be, as they know it. 


Perhaps you could say then that these are two different visions of reality: the 'tolerant' Western one and the 'actively protective' Russian one... 

Go **** yourself you Kremlin sponsored sicko. **** you and your beloved Pootin and your rubbish propaganda. 

****ing Russian trolls ( equivalent of ISIS supporters) have no problems to spread their vile propaganda on this forum. It unreal. 

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Chill, croat77 ☺️

We already know the Russian propaganda line, it’s trotted out daily by their Foreign Secretary and embassies. Whole load of “the West made us do it” nonsense, that any 5 year old would scoff at.


Don’t be getting a ban over that waste of bandwidth that are Oleg’s posts, just put that poster on your ignore list. The more of us do, the faster s/he’ll go find a new platform.

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5 minutes ago, L00b said:

Chill, croat77 ☺️

We already know the Russian propaganda line, it’s trotted out daily by their Foreign Secretary and embassies. Whole load of “the West made us do it” nonsense, that any 5 year old would scoff at.


Don’t be getting a ban over that waste of bandwidth that are Oleg’s posts, just put that poster on your ignore list. The more of us do, the faster s/he’ll go find a new platform.

You’re probably right though to be fair I do understand croats sentiment.

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