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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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1 hour ago, crookesey said:

Has anyone heard any more of Putin’s recent verbal garbage relative to his reason for the invasion being to denazify the Ukraine?

With Oleg gone and Trastrick waffling on about Biden, Obama and "Russian Collusion" at every opportunity as usual, all we have left is Daddy and his assessment of this Russian Foreign Ministry statement that it is a "Good post. Nicely put 👏👏👏".


"In Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe, the Germans appointed Jewish industrialists as heads of ghettos and Jewish councils (“Judenrats”), some of whom are remembered for absolutely monstrous deeds. Jakub Leikin in Warsaw conducted surveillance of the Jews and reported everything to the German occupation administration, dooming his compatriots to certain, and sometimes painful death, and Chaim Rumkowski offered the Jews of Lodz to give their children to the Nazis in exchange for saving the lives of adult residents of the ghetto.


So the Jewish origin of Zelenski  is not a guarantee of protection from rampant neo-Nazism in the country. Ukraine, by the way, is not the only one like this now. The President of Latvia also has Jewish roots. And he also “successfully” covers up the rehabilitation of the Waffen SS in his country. "


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22 hours ago, makapaka said:

Been watching too much Netflix?

You googled why nato was set up yet?

You can drop the passive-aggressive act, or join Oleg on my ignore list.


At this stage, I really don't give a **** which, tbh.

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4 hours ago, crookesey said:

Has anyone heard any more of Putin’s recent verbal garbage relative to his reason for the invasion being to denazify the Ukraine?

He's recently sort of apologised to the Israeli's about certain comments a member of his team made about Hitler being Jewish.....muppets

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If there’s anything that beats the hell out of starting WW3 it’s not starting WW3. Also if assassination of leaders such a Putin was that easy Hitler and Stalin would have been prime contenders, it’s the likes of the Kennedy brothers that make themselves targets.

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On 18/02/2022 at 15:51, trastrick said:

New York Sun


"What Putin Has Already Gained From Biden"

By CLAUDIA ROSETT, Special to the Sun | February 17, 2022

"While President Biden warns President Putin that invading Ukraine would bring drastic sanctions in some misty tomorrow, the Russian dictator is leveraging the current crisis to humiliate and shake down the West today. Whatever Putin’s next move, it’s worth tallying what he’s already gained.........



I've only just started reading this Thread, and have hindsight on hundreds of 'They will' They Won't' comments.

'Lefties' have been mostly correct by quite a huge margin, but 'Republicans' 🤣 have been found wanting. Do you ever read, watch, support or slightly believe, ANYTHING  that doesn't come from a Right Wing, ultra biased source?

In my experience, if it's a Right Wing Media view, it's highly probable that it's wrong.

Most British newspapers are Right Wing (Murdoch's) and spread evermore increasing bile.

Stop watching Fox News and reading 'The Sun' and you may become more reasonable.

Every post is about as wrong as it can get, from a Lefty {and Moderate and Centrist} point of view.

I do left and I do moderate.

Republicans just do Right. and extreme Right.

I'm not a Republican, so I must be a Commie.

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

With Oleg gone and Trastrick waffling on about Biden, Obama and "Russian Collusion" at every opportunity as usual, all we have left is Daddy and his assessment of this Russian Foreign Ministry statement that it is a "Good post. Nicely put 👏👏👏".


"In Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe, the Germans appointed Jewish industrialists as heads of ghettos and Jewish councils (“Judenrats”), some of whom are remembered for absolutely monstrous deeds. Jakub Leikin in Warsaw conducted surveillance of the Jews and reported everything to the German occupation administration, dooming his compatriots to certain, and sometimes painful death, and Chaim Rumkowski offered the Jews of Lodz to give their children to the Nazis in exchange for saving the lives of adult residents of the ghetto.


So the Jewish origin of Zelenski  is not a guarantee of protection from rampant neo-Nazism in the country. Ukraine, by the way, is not the only one like this now. The President of Latvia also has Jewish roots. And he also “successfully” covers up the rehabilitation of the Waffen SS in his country. "


The World comprises many ideologies. philosophies and religions. Christian, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jewish. And secularists Communists, Atheists, Agnostics.


They all believe their particular way to live, and their view of the World, is the correct one. They have their bibles, korans, torahs, and manifestos.


At any given time, they are at war with each other. They describe their enemies, as  Godless, Infidels, heretics, blasphemers, unenlightened, materialists and cults.


Like many other animals we share the planet with, "humans are social animals, and not very well equipped to live a life of solitude. We bond socially with like-minded people forming groups. Even if we have a falling out with another member, the powerful, instinctive desire to belong to the tribe means we're unlikely to leave or join another group" - (Medium)


At the extremes you have lockstep lemmings, ants and bees on the one hand and solo bears, rhinos, leopards on the other. They all survive, one way or the other.


If we are to understand amd deal with the world, as it is, we cannot ignore the fact that vast majority disagree with our own particular tribal viewpoint, especially if it is always expressed as "morally superior".


Understanding each viewpoint and examining the motivations of others, even our enemies, is not tantamount to supporting them. It is actually a way to formulate your defense against them. Calling them names is unhelpful, and counter productive.


An Einstein 'thought experiment'.


If Scotland, Wales, and Ireland were to seek independence from Her Majesty's United Kingdom, a la Ukraine, what would be your reaction?


And, if they sought the military support of say, Russia, China, Cuba, or North Korea to ensure their independence? Russian and Chinese ships unloading missiles in Glasgow, Dublin and Cardiff?


Just food for thought!





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