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Ukraine: Invasion Imminent?

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Update 2


As the "narrative" of Ukraine's "winning" its war with Russia meets reality, the Ukraine has to realize that the empty West rhetoric, "We stand with the Ukraine People", was just that. They shouild have added, "that is, of course, until we start to feel the effect on our standard of living".


They will be sold down the river, just like VietNam, Korea, Iraq, Lybia and afghanistan. History repeats!


And what cost!


New York Times


NYT repudiates drive for ‘decisive military victory’ in Ukraine





Massive Turns in Opinion on D.C.'s Response to Russia



Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory



And of course there's Zelensky himself:




Negotiation is only way out of war, Ukraine's Zelensky says

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday renewed his plea for talks with his Russian counterpart, taking to US television to say negotiations were the only way to "end this war."



I should sue 'em for plagiarism :)









Edited by trastrick
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19 minutes ago, trastrick said:



Wich begs the old question. Just who is running things at the White House?

Does it, anymore than at any other time?


Your link highlights similar 'gaffes' occurring under Trump and Bush... and a google of "politicians going off script" suggests it happens a lot, to some more than others :?


I don't see how an article that gives numerous reasons why Biden might have deliberately chosen to make his statement could possibly make anyone wonder "just who is running things at the White House?"...


...and certainly you'd have to have a bad case of amnesia to think that now, given the previous incumbent! :roll:

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18 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Does it, anymore than at any other time?


Your link highlights similar 'gaffes' occurring under Trump and Bush... and a google of "politicians going off script" suggests it happens a lot, to some more than others :?


I don't see how an article that gives numerous reasons why Biden might have deliberately chosen to make his statement could possibly make anyone wonder "just who is running things at the White House?"...


...and certainly you'd have to have a bad case of amnesia to think that now, given the previous incumbent! :roll:



Speaking of amnesia, even Joe doesn't know who's running the White House. He's just happy to be there.


He just reads what they put in front of him. Trouble is, he blurts out stuff they haven't written  :)


On serious World affairs.


Not his old CornPop killer stories, or how he was arrested 3 times. We give him a pass on that Uncle Fart stuff!


But aside from you, most folks are aware of his diminished capacity.


He's got the lowest Job Approval rating in modern history. :)






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2 hours ago, L00b said:

Away from the phone to check Vlad’s pulse every now and then, Macron has the French army train and equip Ukrainians with these-




Germany is supplying its 2000 series SP guns as well. Serious weapon system with a reported 40km range. Also serial numbers spotted on US supplied 155 mm rounds for the M777 indicate rocket assisted shells. Looks like the days of Russian dependance on its artillery might be in for a challenge.

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